How to set the Identity that website runs under - iis-7.5

I have a wordpress site that connects to Sql Server using the Sql Server PHP driver on IIS 7. I now want to set up Windows Authentication to connect with.
I know how to do this on the Sql Server side, but I don't know how to configure the account that the website will connect with.
Right now, when I try to connect to Sql Server, this is the message it gives: [SQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR' So it is obviously trying to connect using IUSR.
So how do I set the User Account that it will connect with?


Oracle SQL-Developer doesn't connect to SQL Server in Azure

I want to connect an SQL Server Database hosted in Azure configured with MFS from Oracle SQL-Developer.
Currently I am able to connect to this db server using SSMS just by putting the Server Name, user name & password, Default Network Protocol and choosing the Authentication type as 'Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA.
But when using SQL-Developer it asks for Http/Https, Hostname, Port, Server Path & Service Name where I don't know what should be entered.
I tried by only entering the URL (the server Name I use is SSMS), but it failed to connect.
Do anyone know how I can make the connection successful?
To access the Azure SQL database in the Oracle SQL developer tool, you must download the JTDC driver which will be useful to connect to third party database.
I am able to make the successful connection from SQL developer tool to Azure SQL database by following below procedure:
Download the latest JTDC jar file from the URL below:
Upload the jar file in the below path: Tools>>preferences>>Database>>Third Party JDBC driver
After that, trigger the new connection from the developer tool and then you can get option to select SQL server
Give the connection name, credentials and host name to access the database.
From SSMS:
From SQL Developer tool:

Cannot connect to SQL Server from logic app

I'm having trouble connecting to my SQL Server in an Azure Logic App.
I've just created a fresh SQL Server and database and am now attempting to connect to it in my logic app. However, it doesn't appear to be showing when I enter my credentials. I've been following this tutorial.
Does anyone know why this might be the case? Is it perhaps a permission thing that I may have missed?
I've also found that if i do an AD connection, I get this:
Try this for connecting to your DB:
first of all, try to connect with Azure AD Integrated here, and if you don't see your SQL Server and DB in the list try the next step
go to Resource Group where you created LogicApp and find the connection name that you used when trying to connect with Azure AD Integrated. You need to open it and click on Edit API Connection. In Authentication Type use SQL Server Authentication and other data to connect to your DB here.
Make sure you are allowing azure services to access your database server at
SQL Server > Firewalls and virtual networks > Allow Azure services and resources to access this server = Yes

SSPI Provider: Server not found in Kerberos database SQL 2017 Linux

Ok, I have followed the steps from to try and fix this issue as well as the SUSE/Redhat documentation for connecting to an AD server.
The servers are on the domain, I can log into the servers with my domain credentials but when I attempt to login to SQL as a domain user ( that is a Sysadmin on the SQL Server ) I get a the Login failed, the login is from an Untrusted domain and cannot be used with integrated authentication ( Error 18452) when attempting to use SSMS from a Windows box that works if I log in with a local account from it. When I log in as the domain user on the linux box I get the SSPI Provider: Server not found in Kerberos database and Cannot Generate SSPI context. Iif I use sqlcmd for a local user connecting to the FQDN of either server it connects fine. I haven't touched Linux from an Admin standpoint in over 15 years.
This is on both a SUSE 12 SP2 and a Redhat 7.5 server in our test environment. Not a big deal for me but our users are complaining because they now need a local account to log in for testing purposes instead of just using their domain accounts like the Windows side of things. Any help is greatly appreciated, most of what I am finding online just points me back to the Microsoft document and I have basically rebuilt the servers a couple times trying to add it to the domain before installing SQL and also after installing SQL to see if that made any difference, get the same error both ways.

IIS 8.5 connecting to remote report services

Here is the scenario:
A web server is running on IIS 8.5 using AppPoolIdendtity to pass through the credential to connect to Reporting Service which is remotely installed in a MSSQL Server.
The reporting service has added the machine account DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$ to the system role assignment from http://MSSSQLRS/ReportServer as System Administrator like this:
The permissions granted to user ' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"}
Testing local MSSQL server is smooth with local access. However, whenever the connection is established from the IIS web server. The "rsAccessDenied" error came up as DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$ user.
Not sure what else is wrong either on the WEB IIS or MSSQL server....
Sounds like RS Windows NTLM is not configured correctly. See this article.

Ingres connection on an IIS deployed site

I have a .net 2.0 app being hosted on IIS, that connects to a Ingres DB. The connection uses iBatis with an ODBC driver to connect to an ingres database being protected behind an installation password.
For some reason, when I'm debugging my code, everything runs fine. It establishes the connection without any problems. However, when I try to host the site on my local IIS, ingres comes back with this error
ERROR [5000H] [CA][Ingres ODBC Driver][Ingres]User authorization check failed.
Your user identifier was not known to this installation.
Contact your system manager for further assistance.
ERROR [08S01] [CA][Ingres ODBC Driver][Ingres]The connection to the server has been aborted.
I'm wondering why the installation password would work fine against my debug session, and refuse to connect behind IIS? Does IIS use a different 'name' that isn't my computer name to establish a connection with the installation password?
The connection is being rejected because the target server is not aware of the user trying to connect or that user has not been added. Check to see if the process owner of your local IIS instance is a valid ingres user. IIRC the account name is normally something like IUSR_MACHINENAME, where MACHINENAME is the hostname of your IIS box. Add the user account using the following SQL on the server:
echo "create user IUSR_MACHINENAME\g" | sql iidbdb
