Unable to start titan server with embedded cassandra and rexter - cassandra

I am trying to run Titan with embedded cassandra and rexster. Downloaded Titan distribution titan-all-0.3.2 and unpacked on a linux box. After unpacking this is what i ran the command
$ ./bin/titan.sh config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/titan-server-cassandra.properties
This is what i see in the logs
After starting RexPro services its unable to deploy and start grizzly. Has anyone had this issue?
Exception stack trace:
13/10/18 14:51:31 INFO server.RexProRexsterServer: RexPro serving on port: [8184]
Oct 18, 2013 2:51:31 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext deploy
INFO: Starting application [jersey] ...
Oct 18, 2013 2:51:31 PM org.glassfish.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext deploy
SEVERE: [jersey] Exception deploying application. See stack trace for details.
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: No WebApplication provider is present
at org.glassfish.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext.initServlets(WebappContext.java:1479)
at org.glassfish.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext.deploy(WebappContext.java:265)

There were some packaging problems in some of the 0.3.2 zip files. You basically need to replace a jar file or two around Jersey to get it to work (or I think use the titan-cassandra distribution instead of titan-all).
You can read more about the issue here and its solution (also reported here), but the answer is:
You should be able to patch 0.3.2 by replacing this jar file in the
Titan lib directory:


OPC Publisher module does not start on my Ubuntu VM as an edge module

The OPC Publisher marketplace image runs successfully as a standalone container (albeit with server connection problems). But I am not able to deploy it as an edge module, especially after changing container create options.
Background: In my host laptop I was never able to get the module up so I created a Ubuntu VM. When I tried to deploy the edge module in the VM with default container create options the module did show up in the iotedge module list as "running". I wanted to set the "--op" option to set publishing rate so I changed it in the create options using the portal "Set modules" tab. Since there is no update button I used create button to "recreate" the modules. After this the module did not show up.
After that the OPC publisher module is not showing up on the edge VM. I am following the Microsoft tutorial.
Following is the command:
sudo docker run -v /iiotedge:/appdata mcr.microsoft.com/iotedge/opc-publisher:latest --aa --pf=/appdata/publishednodes.json --c="HostName=<iot hub name>.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=<hub primary key>" --dc="HostName=<edge device id/name>.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=<edge device id/name>;SharedAccessKey=<edge primary key>" --op=10000
Container create options:
"Hostname": "opcpublisher",
"Cmd": [
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": [
I have not specified the connection strings explicitly since the documentation from Microsoft assures that the runtime will pass them automatically.
The relevant iotedge journalctl logs are here.
Oct 06 19:36:05 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:05Z [INFO] - Pulling image mcr.microsoft.com/iotedge/opc-publisher:latest...
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Successfully pulled image mcr.microsoft.com/iotedge/opc-publisher:latest
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Creating module OPCPublisher...
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [INFO] - Starting new listener for module OPCPublisher
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: 2021-10-06T14:06:08Z [ERR!] - Internal server error: Could not create module OPCPublisher
Oct 06 19:36:08 shreesha-VirtualBox iotedged[9622]: caused by: Could not get module OPCPublisher
The logs from iotedge itself is not much useful. Find below anyway.
~$ iotedge logs OPCPublisher
A module runtime error occurred
I have also tried docker container prune just to be sure but it did not help.
Also strangely in the Azure portal when I try to restart the module from the troubleshoot page it throws an error "module not found in the current environment"
Can someone please help me out in troubleshooting this problem? I will be glad to share more details if required.
I raised a support query in Azure portal. After sending support bundles and trying various suggestions like removing DNS configuration, changing bind path to a non-sudo location etc. the team zeroed in on the edge version mismatch.
After re-reading the documentation I uninstalled the earlier iotedge package and installed aziot-edge instead and problem solved!
The team has raised a github issue for public tracking here:
#asergaz also pointed to the right direction but did not notice since it came a bit later

(bdutil) Unable to get hadoop/spark cluster working with a fresh install

I'm setting up a tiny cluster in GCE to play around with it but although instances are created some failures prevent to get it working. I'm following the steps in https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/downloads
So far I'm using (as of now) lastest versions of gcloud (143.0.0) and bdutil (1.3.5), freshly installed.
./bdutil deploy -e extensions/spark/spark_env.sh
using debian-8 as image (as bdutil still uses debian-7-backports).
At some point I got
Fri Feb 10 16:19:34 CET 2017: Command failed: wait ${SUBPROC} on line 326.
Fri Feb 10 16:19:34 CET 2017: Exit code of failed command: 1
full debug output is in https://gist.github.com/jlorper/4299a816fc0b140575ed70fe0da1f272
(project id and bucket names changed)
Instances are created, but spark not even installed. Digging a bit I've managed to run spark installation and start hadoop commands in the master after after ssh. But it fails badly when starting the spark-shell:
17/02/10 15:53:20 INFO gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystemBase: GHFS version: 1.4.5-hadoop1
17/02/10 15:53:20 INFO gcsio.FileSystemBackedDirectoryListCache: Creating '/hadoop_gcs_connector_metadata_cache' with createDirectories()...
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /hadoop_gcs_connector_metadata_cache
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState.start(SessionState.java:522)
and not able to import sparkSQL. For what I've read everything should be started automatically.
Up to this point I'm a bit lost and don't know what else to do.
Am I missing any step? Is any of the commands faulty? Thanks in advance.
Update: solved
As pointed out in accepted solution I cloned the repo and cluster was created without issues. When trying to start the spark-shell though it gave
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: GoogleHadoopFileSystem has been closed or not initialized.`
That sounded to me like connectors were not initialized properly, so after running
./bdutil --env_var_files extensions/spark/spark_env.sh,bigquery_env.sh run_command_group install_connectors
it worked as expected.
The last version of bdutil on https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/downloads is a bit stale and I'd instead recommend using the version of bdutil at head on github: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/bdutil.

HDInsight Emulator not running on Windows / connection exception

I'm trying to setup a HDInsight emulator on a Windows 8.1 PC following these instructions: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/hdinsight-hadoop-emulator-get-started/
When trying to run a MapReduce job, I get a connection error.
How can I solve or further investigate this issue?
Details below.
Installed Azure Powershell and Azure SDK for VS 2015
Installed HDInsight Emulator for Azure incl. Hortonworks Data Platform
Started local hdp services (13 services running)
Connected Visual Studio to Emulator (had to follow troubleshooting point 2: replacing IP addresses in core-site.xml with '*' due to dynamic IP)
Created directories and copied text files as suggested
When trying to run the first example, I get the following error:
16/01/11 10:36:39 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1452503376359_0003 failed with state FAILED due to: Application application_1452503376359_0003 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1452503376359_0003_000002 exited with exitCode: -1000 due to: Call From EH3HOST/ to EH3HOST:8020 failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information; For more details see: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ConnectionRefused
.Failing this attempt.. Failing the application.
16/01/11 10:36:39 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 0
The following worked for me:
Search for XML files containing <your own host name>:8020 inside the c:\hdp\hdp-<Version Number>\etc\hadoop\ folder. (e.g. EH3HOST:8020)
You should find at least
Replace all occurrences within these files with

Liferay deployment on weblogic10.3 fails?

I installed weblogic Server 10.3.Created a new domain.Downloaded liferay dependencies and additional war files.i copied the dependencies into lib folder and war into deploy folder and started server.But i am getting an error.
<Mar 7, 2014 2:35:20 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101342> <_appsdir_liferay-por
tal-6.1.1-ce-ga2-20120731132656558_war: Error(s) encountered while pre-compiling
jsp jspURI
configuration.jsp:17:18: Error in "init.jsp" at line 249: The code of method _j
spService(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) is exceeding the 65535 bytes
<%# include file="/html/portlet/asset_publisher/init.jsp" %>
You seem to be running into LPS-27841. AFAIK a fix is available in EE, or you can search for the relevant commit(s) on github and apply them to your environment.
Note that Weblogic 10 is neither in the "certified" nor in the "supported" list of application servers for 6.2 (EE). E.g. it's untested and you might run into other issues. Weblogic 12 is "certified", 11 is "supported"

blackberry sample application executes in simulator but when I try to load in playbook device there is no response or no error

blackberry sample application executes in simulator but when I try to load in device there is no response or no error. I am using a playbook. Also I tried various options in which one of it says to use Desktop manager, I see a different behavior in it too, until I connect playbook to my PC, applications menu is shown in the left of desktop manager, but as soon as the playbook is connected the applications icon disappear. Then I tried to copy paste the .alx / .cod file to downloads folder of playbook, I removed the connection from PC and searched using file manager in device the copied files are not shown, but they are seen when it is connected using device manager. Kindly help me in executing the app within playbook. I am newbie to develop bb application. My target is to develop phone gap app. My playbook OS is 2.0, I am using BBEclipse plugin, webworks too.
Another update regarding phonegap application, I followed the steps from wiki phonegap documentation and finally when I tried to package the application (After getting all keys, registering to server etc). This is the error response seen. Kindly help to fix this.
C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\My Documents\Research In Motion\BlackBerry W
ebWorks SDK for TabletOS\bbwp>bbwp "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\
Desktop\sample\sample.zip" -o "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\Desktop"
[INFO] Parsing command line options
[INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties
[INFO] Validating WebWorks archive
[INFO] Parsing config.xml
[INFO] Populating application source
[INFO] Compiling WebWorks application
[INFO] Packaging the bar file
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(Unknown Source)
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.createSplashscreen(AirPackage
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.run(AirPackager.java:191)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.go(WidgetPackager.java:152)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.main(WidgetPackager.java:77)
[ERROR] Air Packager exception occurred
I tried using another command also
C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\My Documents\Research In Motion\BlackBerry W
ebWorks SDK for TabletOS\bbwp>bbwp "C:\Documents and Settings\SMI 123 U\
Desktop\sample\sample.zip" -g 12345678 -buildId 1 -o "C:\Documents and Settings\
SMI 123 U\Desktop"
[INFO] Parsing command line options
[INFO] Parsing bbwp.properties
[INFO] Validating WebWorks archive
[INFO] Parsing config.xml
[INFO] Populating application source
[INFO] Compiling WebWorks application
[INFO] Packaging the bar file
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't read input file!
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(Unknown Source)
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.createSplashscreen(AirPackage
at net.rim.tumbler.airpackager.AirPackager.run(AirPackager.java:191)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.go(WidgetPackager.java:152)
at net.rim.tumbler.WidgetPackager.main(WidgetPackager.java:77)
[ERROR] Air Packager exception occurred
The developer support forum thread "New Webworks SDK Error While Packaging Application" has an answer for you.
