Perforce - Client Unknown error (in webstorm) - perforce

I am getting a "client unknown" error when trying to commit any files from webstorm to perforce. My p4v is configured correctly and works outside of Webstorm and my p4 command line is also correctly configured yet when I use the exact same setup in webstorm I get the client unknown error. My client is setup and correctly copied into perforce. Any idea what might be going on here? Are there logs that will show me a more complete error?

For those who are facing this issue :
Check the "p4 info" output and see if "User name", "Client name" and Client are having correct data.
If they are 'none' / 'unknown', then check or set below environment variables
P4CLIENT : Should match with your "workspace" name
P4USER : Username to login to perforce
P4PORT : Should have proper URL "HOSTNAME:PORT" of perforce server : Ex:

I figured this out finally, though I ran into a new issue.
Resolution: The perforce client P4 (not P4v) has to be installed, and it was but it was not in the correct directory. P4 needs to be installed in your Applications on a Mac and that file needs to be made editable. You will also likely need to change your permissions for that file to allow system read/write access.
To make the file executable once it is in the Applications directory from the command prompt navigate to your applications directory and type: chmod +x p4 (
Then you can find the file in finder and right click it, the click get info from the context menu. From there at the very bottom will be file permissions. I set them all to read/write. You could also do this from the command line by typing chmod 755 p4 I think but I am not great on the command line so use at your own risk.
As far as your workspace is concerned that should be whatever your workspace is set to in P4V.
At that point if you hit test connection inside Webstorm->preferences->perforce it should work or at least give you a new error with some more information.
Mine was able to connect successfully but now when I try to update a file I get an error saying "path '/users/my-path.....' is not under the client's root '/users/my-path' even though the first path specified is clearly a child of the second path. Still working on this error.

Mine was able to connect successfully but now when I try to update a file I get an error saying "path '/users/my-path.....' is not under the client's root '/users/my-path' even though the first path specified is clearly a child of the second path. Still working on this error.
In my case i resolve this problem -> i had physical way to my files /Users/.... but in perforce i had a root like /users/.... (in lowercase), i change root and its help for me in mac


PsExec - The file cannot be accessed by the system

I'm trying to execute a .bat File on a Server in a local network with psexec
I'm currently trying with this command:
.\PsExec.exe -i -u Administrator \\ -s -d cmd.exe -c "Z:\NX_SystemSetup\test.bat"
The server has no password (it has no internet connection and is running a clean install of Windows Server 2016), so I'm currently not entering one, and when a password is asked I simply press enter, which seems to work. Also, the .bat File currently only opens notepad on execution.
When I enter this command, I get the message "The file cannot be acessed by the system"
I've tried executing it with powershell with administrator privileges (and also without, since I saw another user on Stackoverflow mention that it only worked for them that way) but to no success.
I'm guessing this is a privilege problem, since it "can't be accessed", which would indicate to me that the file was indeed found.
I used net share in a cmd and it says that C:\ on my server is shared.
The file I'm trying to copy is also not in any kind of restricted folder.
Any ideas what else I could try?
I have done a lot more troubleshooting.
On the Server, I went into the firewall settings and opened TCP Port 135 and 445 explicitly, since according to google, PsExec uses these.
Also on the Server, I opened Properties of the "windows" Folder in C: and added an admin$ share, where I gave everyone all rights to the folder (stupid ik but I'm desperate for this to work)
Also played around a bunch more with different commands. Not even .\PsExec.exe \\ ipconfig seems to work. I still get the same error. "The file cannot be accessed by the system"
This is honestly maddening. There is no known documentation of this error on the internet. Searching explicitly for "File cannot be accessed" still only brings up results for "File cannot be found" and similar.
I'm surely just missing something obvious. Right?
I also tried adding the domain name in front of the username. I checked the domain by using set user in cmd on the server.
.\PsExec.exe \\ -u DomainName\Administrator -p ~ -c "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Mellanox Update.bat"
-p ~
seems to work for the password, so I added that.
I also tried creating a shortcut of the .bat File, and executing it as Administrator, using it instead of the original .bat File. The error stays the same "The File cannot be accessed by the system"
As additional info, the PC I'm trying to send the command from has Windows 10, the Server is running Windows Server 2016
So, the reason for this specific error is as simple and as stupid as it gets.
Turns out I was using the wrong IP. The IP I was using is an IPMI Address, which does not allow for any traffic (other than IPMI related stuff)
I have not yet gotten it to work yet, since I've run into some different errors, but the original question/problem has been resolved.

Perforce: p4 set versus p4 info

I have recently started using perforce on Windows 7. I have the perforce synced on my local machine using P4V. I was trying to run some other tool that uses the path where my perforce local directory is mapped on my machine. It appears that it is picking up the wrong one. While trying to debug, I noticed that the 'p4 info' command returns the 'Client root' which is set to the wrong value. The 'p4 set' shows the P4ROOT which is the correct value. What exactly is the difference between 'p4 set' and 'p4 info'? Can I update the 'Client root'?
P4ROOT is a server-side setting and is (confusingly) not related to your client root. The client root is set in the client spec that is specified via P4CLIENT and edited via the "p4 client" command.
To find the right value for P4CLIENT, look for the "Workspace" name in P4V ("workspace" is a synonym for "client"). Then tell the command line to use the same value like this:
p4 set P4CLIENT=(client name)
Once you do this, you should already have the right client root, but if you needed to update the client root, you'd do it by running:
p4 client

partner exited unexpectedly error when running perforce client

EDIT: RESOLVED! solution: all I did was to restart PC (not sure if this helped too), but then i logged id via console again, typed p4 client, it opened the cfg file, i closed it and then I also had to type: p4 set P4CONFIG="C:\workspace_directory\p4config.txt", now it's working.
original issue:
I'm trying to set up my first assembla project with perforce. "p4 info" is Ok, but I cannot run client without the error message. I already set up my connection settings into config file, if I type "p4info". Results:
Client name: my_name
Client host: my_host
Client unknown.
...the others seem to be fine
--name and host are fine, but I seem to need set up my client root workspace directory, but I was unable to find the way how to do it.
For me the reason was blank P4PORT. I added P4PORT manually and the error goes away.
export P4PORT="p4-host:port"
It is surprising that the P4PORT in p4v and p4 are not in sync. I had added p4port info in p4v and it works fine but for p4 i had to add manually.

NagiosXI- Configuration verification failed

I am using check_ping command to check connection statistics of remote host. When I run the above command on command line, it gives me proper output, shown below:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping -H <HOSTNAME> -w <wrta>,<wpl>% -c <crta>,<cpl>% [-p packets]
But, when I click "Apply Configuration" button on the NagiosXI interface, it gives me an error saying that "Configuration verification failed".
Need help!
I think the below link provides the solution at it's best. Let me know if the solution helps.
The Apply Configuration process is as follows:
Nagios XI - Configuration Verification failed
New config files are temporarily written to disk.
Nagios verifies the config files are valid
Temporary config files are made permanent
Nagios service is restarted
When the verification step fails, the temporary files are discarded. Hence when you go to look at the file to look at the line number it references it is not valid as the temporary files now longer exist.

Perforce CLI hangs indefinitely

Surprizing little documentation on setting this up, so I'm sure this is a setup problem.
Steps to reproduce:
Open terminal (p4.exe in PATH)
type p4 [RET]
Hangs indefinitely. When I issue commands from emacs (ie p4 edit [file] it eventually comes back with
Perforce client error:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to perforce failed.
perforce: host unknown.
The error message that is displayed when called from emacs points in the right direction, p4 can't find your perforce server (the default is perforce, that's where the perforce: host unknown comes from.
Make sure to either specify -p for your call to p4 or set the environment variable P4PORT. Beware, despite the name, P4PORT includes the hostname of the perforce server.
p4 -p serverhost:1666
I'm not sure why p4 would hang indefinitely on the CLI and return after some time when called from emacs.
In my case I set these variables in order to get it to work (very annoying it just hangs instead of complaining of the missing configuration).
Please check if a p4 process running in background in the same shell. you need to stop already running process.
