Retain count -1: can somebody explain to me? - release

The image explain the problem (it isn't absurd??!)

First of all, the -retainCount method returns an unsigned integer, so it, by definition, cannot be negative. You are printing it in the wrong form, because you wrongly assumed it was a signed integer. It is actually NSUIntegerMax.
Second, -retainCount is not useful in general. Even the documentation says:
Do not use this method. (required)
This method is of no value in debugging memory management issues.
Because any number of framework objects may have retained an object in
order to hold references to it, while at the same time autorelease
pools may be holding any number of deferred releases on an object, it
is very unlikely that you can get useful information from this method.
Third, classes can override -retainCount and return something custom. This is usually done in classes with custom memory management characteristics, which cannot be described well with a retain count. This is the case here because string objects from string literals are statically allocated, and exist for the whole lifetime of the program. They are not memory-managed. Therefore, they return a bogus retain count of NSUIntegerMax.


Is there a way in rust to mark a type as non-droppable?

I would like to make it a compiler error to allow a type to be dropped, instead it must be forgotten. My use case is for a type the represents a handle of sorts that must be returned to its source for cleanup. This way a user of the API cannot accidentally leak the handle. They would be required to either return the handle to its source or explicitly forget it. In the source, the associated resources would be cleaned up and the handle explicitly forgotten.
The article The Pain Of Real Linear Types in Rust mentions this. Relevant quote:
One extreme option that I've seen is to implement drop() as
abort("this value must be used"). All "proper" consumers then
mem::forget the value, preventing this "destructor bomb" from going
off. This provides a dynamic version of strict must-use values.
Although it's still vulnerable to the few ways destructors can leak,
this isn't a significant concern in practice. Mostly it just stinks
because it's dynamic and Rust users Want Static Verification.
Ultimately, Rust lacks "proper" support for this kind of type.
So, assuming you want static checks, the answer is no.
You could require the user to pass a function object that returns the handle (FnOnce(Handle) -> Handle), as long as there aren't any other ways to create a handle.

How to convert Haxe Array/Vector to another type

Let's say I've got an array or vector of some parent type. To pass it to a function, I need it to be some child type (which I know beforehand that all elements are guaranteed to be all that child type). Is there a convenient way to do that? Right now I can only think to make a whole new array.
Also, it looks like it won't let me do it the other way around: it won't accept an array of child type in the place of the parent type. Is there a good way to solve this situation as well?
It looks like cast v works, but is this the preferred way?
To pass it to a function, I need it to be some child type (which I know beforehand that all elements are guaranteed to be all that child type).
If you really are confident that that's the case, it is safe to use a cast. I don't think there's any prettier way of doing this, nor should there be, as it inherently isn't pretty. Having to do this often indicates a design flaw in your code or the API that is being used.
For the reverse case, it's helpful to understand why it's not safe. The reason is not necessarily as intuitive because of this thought process:
I can assign Child to Base, so why can't I assign Array<Child> to Array<Base>?
This exact example is used to explain Variance in the Haxe Manual. You should definitely read it in full, but I'll give a quick summary here:
var children = [new Child()];
var bases:Array<Base> = cast children;
bases.push(new OtherChild());
children[1].childMethod(); // runtime crash
If you could assign the Array<Child> to an Array<Base>, you could then push() types that are incompatible with Child into it. But again, as you mentioned, you can just cast it to silence the compiler as in the code snippet above.
However, this is not always safe - there might still be code holding a reference to that original Array<Child>, which now suddenly contains things that it doesn't expect! This means we could do something like calling childMethod() on an object that doesn't have that method, and cause a runtime crash.
The opposite is also true, if there's no code holding onto such a reference (or if the references are read-only, for instance via haxe.ds.ReadOnlyArray), it is safe to use a cast.
At the end of the day it's a trade-off between the performance cost of making a copy (which might be negligible depending on the size) and how confident you are that you're smarter than the compiler / know about all references that exist.

Creating strings in D without allocating memory?

Is there any typesafe way to create a string in D, using information only available at runtime, without allocating memory?
A simple example of what I might want to do:
void renderText(string text) { ... }
void renderScore(int score)
char[16] text;
int n = sprintf(text.ptr, "Score: %d", score);
renderText(text[0..n]); // ERROR
Using this, you'd get an error because the slice of text is not immutable, and is therefore not a string (i.e. immutable(char)[])
I can only think of three ways around this:
Cast the slice to a string. It works, but is ugly.
Allocate a new string using the slice. This works, but I'd rather not have to allocate memory.
Change renderText to take a const(char)[]. This works here, but (a) it's ugly, and (b) many functions in Phobos require string, so if I want to use those in the same manner then this doesn't work.
None of these are particularly nice. Am I missing something? How does everyone else get around this problem?
You have static array of char. You want to pass it to a function that takes immutable(char)[]. The only way to do that without any allocation is to cast. Think about it. What you want is one type to act like it's another. That's what casting does. You could choose to use assumeUnique to do it, since that does exactly the cast that you're looking for, but whether that really gains you anything is debatable. Its main purpose is to document that what you're doing by the cast is to make the value being cast be treated as immutable and that there are no other references to it. Looking at your example, that's essentially true, since it's the last thing in the function, but whether you want to do that in general is up to you. Given that it's a static array which risks memory problems if you screw up and you pass it to a function that allows a reference to it to leak, I'm not sure that assumeUnique is the best choice. But again, it's up to you.
Regardless, if you're doing a cast (be it explicitly or with assumeUnique), you need to be certain that the function that you're passing it to is not going to leak references to the data that you're passing to it. If it does, then you're asking for trouble.
The other solution, of course, is to change the function so that it takes const(char)[], but that still runs the risk of leaking references to the data that you're passing in. So, you still need to be certain of what the function is actually going to do. If it's pure, doesn't return const(char)[] (or anything that could contain a const(char)[]), and there's no way that it could leak through any of the function's other arguments, then you're safe, but if any of those aren't true, then you're going to have to be careful. So, ultimately, I believe that all that using const(char)[] instead of casting to string really buys you is that you don't have to cast. That's still better, since it avoids the risk of screwing up the cast (and it's just better in general to avoid casting when you can), but you still have all of the same things to worry about with regards to escaping references.
Of course, that also requires that you be able to change the function to have the signature that you want. If you can't do that, then you're going to have to cast. I believe that at this point, most of Phobos' string-based functions have been changed so that they're templated on the string type. So, this should be less of a problem now with Phobos than it used to be. Some functions (in particular, those in std.file), still need to be templatized, but ultimately, functions in Phobos that require string specifically should be fairly rare and will have a good reason for requiring it.
Ultimately however, the problem is that you're trying to treat a static array as if it were a dynamic array, and while D definitely lets you do that, you're taking a definite risk in doing so, and you need to be certain that the functions that you're using don't leak any references to the local data that you're passing to them.
Check out assumeUnique from std.exception Jonathan's answer.
No, you cannot create a string without allocation. Did you mean access? To avoid allocation, you have to either use slice or pointer to access a previously created string. Not sure about cast though, it may or may not allocate new memory space for the new string.
One way to get around this would be to copy the mutable chars into a new immutable version then slice that:
void renderScore(int score)
char[16] text;
int n = sprintf(text.ptr, "Score: %d", score);
immutable(char)[16] itext = text;
DMD currently doesn't allow this due to a bug.
You're creating an unnecessary copy (better than a GC allocation, but still not great).

Misuse of a variables value?

I came across an instance where a solution to a particular problem was to use a variable whose value when zero or above meant the system would use that value in a calculation but when less than zero would indicate that the value should not be used at all.
My initial thought was that I didn't like the multipurpose use of the value of the variable: a.) as a range to be using in a formula; b.) as a form of control logic.
What is this kind of misuse of a variable called? Meta-'something' or is there a classic antipattern that this fits?
Sort of feels like when a database field is set to null to represent not using a value and if it's not null then use the value in that field.
An example would be that if a variable's value is > 0 I would use the value if it's <= 0 then I would not use the value and decided to perform some other logic.
Values such as these are often called "distinguished values". By far the most common distinguished value is null for reference types. A close second is the use of distinguished values to indicate unusual conditions (e.g. error return codes or search failures).
The problem with distinguished values is that all client code must be aware of the existence of such values and their associated semantics. In practical terms, this usually means that some kind of conditional logic must be wrapped around each call site that obtains such a value. It is far too easy to forget to add that logic, obtaining incorrect results. It also promotes copy-and-paste code as the boilerplate code required to deal with the distinguished values is often very similar throughout the application but difficult to encapsulate.
Common alternatives to the use of distinguished values are exceptions, or distinctly typed values that cannot be accidentally confused with one another (e.g. Maybe or Option types).
Having said all that, distinguished values may still play a valuable role in environments with extremely tight memory availability or other stringent performance constraints.
I don't think what your describing is a pure magic number, but it's kind of close. It's similar to the situation in pre-.NET 2.0 where you'd use Int32.MinValue to indicate a null value. .NET 2.0 introduced Nullable and kind of alleviated this issue.
So you're describing the use of a variable who's value really means something other than it's value -- -1 means essentially the same as the use of Int32.MinValue as I described above.
I'd call it a magic number.
Hope this helps.
Using different ranges of the possible values of a variable to invoke different functionality was very common when RAM and disk space for data and program code were scarce. Nowadays, you would use a function or an additional, accompanying value (boolean, or enumeration) to determine the action to take.
Current OS's suggest 1GiB of RAM to operate correctly, when 256KiB was high very few years ago. Cheap disk space has gone from hundreds of MiB to multiples of TiB in a matter of months. Not too long ago I wrote programs for 640KiB of RAM and 10MiB of disk, and you would probably hate them.
I think it would be good to cope with code like that if it's just a few years old (refactor it!), and denounce it as bad practice if it's recent.

What's the advantage of a String being Immutable?

Once I studied about the advantage of a string being immutable because of something to improve performace in memory.
Can anybody explain this to me? I can't find it on the Internet.
Immutability (for strings or other types) can have numerous advantages:
It makes it easier to reason about the code, since you can make assumptions about variables and arguments that you can't otherwise make.
It simplifies multithreaded programming since reading from a type that cannot change is always safe to do concurrently.
It allows for a reduction of memory usage by allowing identical values to be combined together and referenced from multiple locations. Both Java and C# perform string interning to reduce the memory cost of literal strings embedded in code.
It simplifies the design and implementation of certain algorithms (such as those employing backtracking or value-space partitioning) because previously computed state can be reused later.
Immutability is a foundational principle in many functional programming languages - it allows code to be viewed as a series of transformations from one representation to another, rather than a sequence of mutations.
Immutable strings also help avoid the temptation of using strings as buffers. Many defects in C/C++ programs relate to buffer overrun problems resulting from using naked character arrays to compose or modify string values. Treating strings as a mutable types encourages using types better suited for buffer manipulation (see StringBuilder in .NET or Java).
Consider the alternative. Java has no const qualifier. If String objects were mutable, then any method to which you pass a reference to a string could have the side-effect of modifying the string. Immutable strings eliminate the need for defensive copies, and reduce the risk of program error.
Immutable strings are cheap to copy, because you don't need to copy all the data - just copy a reference or pointer to the data.
Immutable classes of any kind are easier to work with in multiple threads, the only synchronization needed is for destruction.
Perhaps, my answer is outdated, but probably someone will found here a new information.
Why Java String is immutable and why it is good:
you can share a string between threads and be sure no one of them will change the string and confuse another thread
you don’t need a lock. Several threads can work with immutable string without conflicts
if you just received a string, you can be sure no one will change its value after that
you can have many string duplicates – they will be pointed to a single instance, to just one copy. This saves computer memory (RAM)
you can do substring without copying, – by creating a pointer to an existing string’s element. This is why Java substring operation implementation is so fast
immutable strings (objects) are much better suited to use them as key in hash-tables
a) Imagine StringPool facility without making string immutable , its not possible at all because in case of string pool one string object/literal e.g. "Test" has referenced by many reference variables , so if any one of them change the value others will be automatically gets affected i.e. lets say
String A = "Test" and String B = "Test"
Now String B called "Test".toUpperCase() which change the same object into "TEST" , so A will also be "TEST" which is not desirable.
b) Another reason of Why String is immutable in Java is to allow String to cache its hashcode , being immutable String in Java caches its hash code and do not calculate every time we call hashcode method of String, which makes it very fast as hashmap key.
Think of various strings sitting on a common pool. String variables then point to locations in the pool. If u copy a string variable, both the original and the copy shares the same characters. These efficiency of sharing outweighs the inefficiency of string editing by extracting substrings and concatenating.
Fundamentally, if one object or method wishes to pass information to another, there are a few ways it can do it:
It may give a reference to a mutable object which contains the information, and which the recipient promises never to modify.
It may give a reference to an object which contains the data, but whose content it doesn't care about.
It may store the information into a mutable object the intended data recipient knows about (generally one supplied by that data recipient).
It may return a reference to an immutable object containing the information.
Of these methods, #4 is by far the easiest. In many cases, mutable objects are easier to work with than immutable ones, but there's no easy way to share with "untrusted" code the information that's in a mutable object without having to first copy the information to something else. By contrast, information held in an immutable object to which one holds a reference may easily be shared by simply sharing a copy of that reference.
