Split stacks unneccesary on amd64 - multithreading

There seems to be an opinion out there that using a "split stack" runtime model is unnecessary on 64-bit architectures. I say seems to be, because I haven't seen anyone actually say that, only dance around it:
The memory usage of a typical multi-threaded program can decrease
significantly, as each thread does not require a worst-case stack
size. It becomes possible to run millions of threads (either full NPTL
threads or co-routines) in a 32-bit address space.
-- Ian Lance Taylor
...implying that a 64-bit address space can already handle it.
... the constant overhead of split stacks and the narrow use case
(spawning enormous numbers of I/O-bound tasks on 32-bit architectures)
isn't acceptable...
-- bstrie
Two questions: Is this what they are saying? Second, if so, why are they unneccesary on 64-bit architectures?

Yes, that's what they are saying.
Split stacks are (currently) unnecessary on 64bit architectures because the 64bit virtual address space is so large it can contain millions of stack address ranges, each as large as an entire 32bit address space, if needed.
In the Flat memory model in use nowadays, the translation from virtual addresses to phisical memory locations is done with the support of the hardware MMU. On amd64 it turns out it's better (meaning, overall faster) to reserve big chunks of the 64bit virtual address space to each new stack you are creating, while only mapping the first page (4kB) to actual RAM. This way, the stack will be able to grow and shrink as needed, over contiguous virtual addresses (meaning less code in each function prologue, a big optimization) while the OS re-configures the MMU to map each page of virtual addresses to an actual free page of RAM, whenever the stack grows or shrinks above/below some configurable thresholds.
By choosing the thresholds smartly (see for example the theory of dynamic arrays) you can achieve O(1) complexity on the average stack operation, while retaining the benefits of millions of stacks that can grow as much as you need and only consume the memory they use.
PS: the current Go implementation is far behind any of this :-)

The Go core team is currently discussing the possibility of using contiguous stacks in a future Go version.
The split stack approach is useful because stacks can grow more flexibly but it also requires that the runtime allocates a relatively big chunk of memory to distribute these stacks across. There has been a lot of confusion about Go's memory usage, in part because of this.
Making contiguous but growable (relocatable) stacks is an option that would provide the same flexibility and maybe reduce the confusion about Go's memory usage. As well as remedying some ill corner-cases on low-memory machines (see linked thread).
As to advantages/disadvantages on 32-bit vs. 64-bit architectures, I don't think there are any directly associated solely with the use of segmented stacks.

Update Go 1.4 (Q4 2014)
Change to the runtime:
Up to Go 1.4, the runtime (garbage collector, concurrency support, interface management, maps, slices, strings, ...) was mostly written in C, with some assembler support.
In 1.4, much of the code has been translated to Go so that the garbage collector can scan the stacks of programs in the runtime and get accurate information about what variables are active.
This rewrite allows the garbage collector in 1.4 to be fully precise, meaning that it is aware of the location of all active pointers in the program. This means the heap will be smaller as there will be no false positives keeping non-pointers alive. Other related changes also reduce the heap size, which is smaller by 10%-30% overall relative to the previous release.
A consequence is that stacks are no longer segmented, eliminating the "hot split" problem. When a stack limit is reached, a new, larger stack is allocated, all active frames for the goroutine are copied there, and any pointers into the stack are updated.
Initial answer (March 2014)
The article "Contiguous stacks in Go" by Agis Anastasopoulo also addresses this issue
In such cases where the stack boundary happens to fall in a tight loop, the overhead of creating and destroying segments repeatedly becomes significant.
This is called the “hot split” problem inside the Go community.
The “hot split” will be addressed in Go 1.3 by implementing contiguous stacks.
Now when a stack needs to grow, instead of allocating a new segment the following happens:
Create a new, somewhat larger stack
Copy the contents of the old stack to the new stack
Re-adjust every copied pointer to point to the new addresses
Destroy the old stack
The following mention one problem seen mainly in 32-bit arhcitectures:
There is a certain challenge though.
The 1.2 runtime doesn’t know if a pointer-sized word in the stack is an actual pointer or not. There may be floats and most rarely integers that if interpreted as pointers, would actually point to data.
Due to the lack of such knowledge the garbage collector has to conservatively consider all the locations in the stack frames to be roots. This leaves the possibility for memory leaks especially on 32-bit architectures since their address pool is much smaller.
When copying stacks however, such cases have to be avoided and only real pointers should be taken into account when re-adjusting.
Work was done though and information about live stack pointers is now embedded in the binaries and is available to the runtime.
This means not only that the collector in 1.3 can precisely stack data but re-adjusting stack pointers is now possible.


Does using the program stack involves syscalls?

I'm studying operating system theory, and I know that heap allocation involves a specific syscall and I know that compilers usually optimize for this requesting more than needed beforehand.
But I don't find information about stack allocation. What about it? It involves a specific syscall every time you read from it or write to it (for example when you call a function with some parameters)? Or there is some other mechanism that don't involve syscall perhaps?
Typically when the OS starts your program it examines the executable file's headers and arranges various areas for various things (an area for your executable's code, and area for your executable's data, etc). This includes setting up an initial stack (and a lot more - e.g. finding shared libraries and doing dynamic linking).
After the OS has done all this, your executable starts executing. At this point you already have memory for a stack and can just use it without any system calls.
Note 1: If you create threads, then there will probably be a system call involved to create the thread and that system call will probably allocate memory for the new thread's stack.
Note 2: Typically there's "virtual memory" (what your program sees) and "physical memory" (what the hardware sees); and in between typically the OS does lots of tricks to improve performance and avoid wasting physical memory, and to hide resource limits (so you don't have to worry so much about running out of physical memory). One of these tricks is to allocate virtual memory (e.g. for a large stack) without allocating any actual physical memory, and then allocate the physical memory if/when the virtual memory is first modified. Other tricks include various "swap space" schemes, and memory mapped files. These tricks rely on requests generated by the CPU on your program's behalf (e.g. page fault exceptions) which aren't system calls, but have similar ("ask kernel to do something") characteristics.
Note 3: All of the above depends on which OS. Different operating systems do things differently. I've chosen words carefully - e.g. "Typically" means that most modern operating systems work like I've described (but "typically" does not imply that all possible operating systems work like that; and some operating systems do not work like I've described).
No, stack is normal memory. For process point of view, there is no difference (and so the nasty security bug, where you return a pointer to a data in stack, but stack now is changed.
As Brendan wrote, OS will setup stack for the process at program loading. But if you access a non-allocated page of stack (e.g. if your stack if growing), kernel may allocate automatically for you a new stack page. (not much different as when you try to allocate new memory in heap, and there is no more memory available on program space: but in this case you explicitly do a syscall to tell kernel you want more heap memory).
You will notice that usually stack go in one direction and heap (allocated memory) in the other direction (usually toward each others). So if you program need more stack you have space, but if you program do not need much stack, you can use memory for e.g. huge array. Or the contrary: if you do a lot of recursion, you allocate much stack (but you probably need less heap memory).
Two additional consideration: CPU may have special stack instruction. But you can see them as syntactic sugar (you can simulate PUSH and POP with MOV. CALL and RET with JMP (and simulated PUSH and POP).
And kernel may use a special stack for his own purposes (especially important for interrupts).

Linux multiple page bounds and cpu segments

I am puzzled as to how Linux is able to have so many segments and it can still have bounds checking. To my knowledge, modern CPUs have a couple of segment data registers (code, data, etc).
But Linux has multiple segments of its own: Stack, BSS, heap, code, globals, and many more (especially if the heap is large and composed of many segments). Not every CPU has enough registers to track all these segments.
If I am not mistaken, Linux stores each segment in a separate page, so how is it able to prevent one of these pages from reading or writing out of bounds?
My only possible explanations are that Linux:
performs some manual checking on every write
places all the pages close together in a way such that they can be tracked with a few registers
With the advent of 64-bit Intel, the concept of hardware segments has died the death that should have taken place in the 1970's.
But Linux has multiple segments of its own: Stack, BSS, heap, code, globals, and many more (especially if the heap is large and composed of many segments).
These are pedagogical concepts that have little relationship to reality outside the implementation of linkers--but which bad books on operating systems persist in using.
A stack is just memory. Heap is just memory. The operating system has no knowledge if memory is being used for a stack whether it is being used for a heap. The operating system simply allocates memory to a process with different attributes (e.g., read/write, read only, read/execute). What the process does with that memory is its own business.

Why does the Linux kernel require small short-term memory chunks in odd sizes?

I'm reading Operating System: Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings, 7th edition. In section 8.4 Linux Memory Management, when talking about kernel memory management, it goes like:
The foundation of kernel memory allocation for Linux is the page allocation
mechanism used for user virtual memory management. As in the virtual memory
scheme, a buddy algorithm is used so that memory for the kernel can be allocated
and deallocated in units of one or more pages. Because the minimum amount of
memory that can be allocated in this fashion is one page, the page allocator alone
would be inefficient because the kernel requires small short-term memory chunks
in odd sizes.
I could understand the discuss on paging, but why does the author says that the kernel requires small short-term memory chunks
in odd sizes., especially, why in odd sizes?
Because most programs require small allocations, for relatively short periods, in a variety of sizes? That's why malloc and friends exist: To subdivide the larger allocations from the OS into smaller pieces with sub-page-size granularity. Want a linked list (commonly needed in OS kernels)? You need to be able to allocate small nodes that contain the value and a pointer to the next node (and possibly a reverse pointer too).
I suspect by "odd sizes" they just mean "arbitrary sizes"; I don't expect the kernel to be unusually heavy on 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. byte allocations, but the allocation sizes are, in many cases, not likely to be consistent enough that a fixed block allocator is broadly applicable. Writing a special block allocator for each possible linked list node size (let alone every other possible size needed for dynamically allocated memory) isn't worth it unless that linked list is absolutely performance critical after all.

Increase stack size

I'm doing computations with huge arrays and for some of this computations I need an increased stack size! Is there any downside of setting the stack size to unlimited (ulimit -s unlimited) in my ~/.bashrc?
The program is written in fortran(F77 & F90) and parallelized with MPI. Some of my arrays have more than 2E7 entries and when I use a small number of cores with MPI it crashes with segmentation fault.
The array size stays the same through the whole computation therefore I setted them to fixes value:
real :: p(200,200,400)
integer :: ib,ie,jb,je,kb,ke
call SOLVE_POI_EQ(rank,p(ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke),R)
Setting the stacksize to unlimited likely won't help you. You are allocating a chunk of 64MB on the stack, and likely don't fill it from the top, but from the bottom.
This is important, because the OS grows the stack as you go. Whenever it detects a page-fault right below the stack segment, it will assume that you need more space, and silently insert a new page. The size of this trigger-region within your address-space is limited, though, and I doubt that its larger than 64 MB. Since you index variables are likely placed below your array on the stack, accessing them already does the 64 MB jump that kills your process.
Just make your array allocatable, add the corresponding allocate() statement, and you should be fine.
Stack size is never really unlimited, so you would still have some failures. And your code still won't be portable to Linux systems with smaller (or normal-sized) stacks.
BTW, you should explain which kind of programs are you running, show some source code.
If coding in C++, using standard containers should help a lot (regarding actual stack consumption). For example, a local (stack allocated) std::vector<int> v(10000); (instead of int v[10000];) has its data allocated on the heap (and deallocated by the destructor when you exit from the block defining it)
It would be much better to improve your programs to avoid excessive stack consumption. The need of a lot of stack space is really a bug that you should try to correct. A typical rule of thumb is to have call frames smaller than a few kilobytes (so allocate any larger data on the heap).
You might consider also using the Boehm conservative garbage collector: you would use GC_MALLOC instead of malloc (and you would heap allocate large data structure using GC_MALLOC) but you won't have to bother to free your (GC-heap allcoated) data.

How does an OS implement or maintain a stack for each thread?

There have been various questions on SO on whether or not threads get their own stack. However I fail to understand how the OS implements or how do OSs generally implement one stack per thread. In OS books the memory layout of a program is shown as thus:
Note that it can be considered as a contiguous block of memory ( virtual memory). I would imagine some part of the virtual memory space is divided among the stacks for the threads. Which brings me to the second part of this question: a popular technical interview question involves trying to implement 3 stacks using a single array. Is this problem directly related to solving the implementation of thread stacks.
I summarize my questions thus:
How does a modern day OS, say Linux divide the memory space for stacks of different threads?
Is the "3 stacks using 1 array" directly related to or an answer for the above question?
PS: Perhaps images to explain how the memory is divided for different thread stacks would be best to explain.
The picture shown above is totally obsolete on both Windows and Linux. It doesn't really matter at what addresses the individual allocations are located. Virtual address space is big on 32 bit and vast on 64 bit. The OS just needs to carve out some chunk of it somewhere and hand it out.
Each stack is an independent virtual memory allocation that can be placed at arbitrary locations. It is important to note that stacks are generally finite in size. The OS reserves a certain maximum size (such a 1MB or 8MB). The stack cannot exceed that size. This is suggested differently in the (obsolete) picture above. The stack indeed grows down, but when the fixed space is exhausted a stack overflow is triggered. This is not a concern in practice. In fact, exceeding a reasonable stack size is considered to be a bug.
Binary images (above: text, initialized data and bss) are also just placed anywhere. They are fixed in size as well.
The heap consists of multiple segments. It can grow arbitrarily by just adding more segments. The heap is managed by user-mode libraries. The kernel doesn't know about it. All the kernel does is provide slabs of virtual memory at locations chosen at will.
1)Thread's stack is just a contiguous block in virtual memory. It's maximal size is fixed. It may look like that:
2)I don't think it is directly related to this problem because thread's stack size limit is known when a thread is created, but nothing is known about each of 3 stack's sizes in a problem about "3 stacks using 1 array".
