Function giving slightly different answer than expected - haskell

I'm doing some monad stuff in Haskell and I wrote a function that calculates the probability of winning a gambling game given the game's decision tree. It works like a charm, except for the fact that it sometimes returns SLIGHTLY different answers than expected. For example, I'm uploading my code to DOMjudge and it returns an error, saying that the correct answer should be 1 % 6 instead of 6004799503160661 % 36028797018963968, which is what my function is returning. If you actually do the division they're both nearly the same, but I don't understand why my answer is still slightly different. I've been messing around with different types (using Real instead of Int for example), but so far no luck. I'm kind of new to this stuff and I can't seem to figure this out. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
-code deleted-

You're losing precision due to the division in probabilityOfWinning. You have the right solution to avoiding it---using type Rational = Ratio Integer---but you're applying it too late in the game. By converting toRational after division you've already lost your precision before you converted to Rational.
Try something like this
import Data.Ratio
probabilityOfWinning tree = countWins tree % countGames tree
And then remove the Real type restrictions from countWins and countGames so that they return whole integers instead of floating point numbers. These together will make sure you always use infinite precision math instead of floating point.


Unclear why functions from Data.Ratio are not exposed and how to work around

I am implementing an algorithm using Data.Ratio (convergents of continued fractions).
However, I encounter two obstacles:
The algorithm starts with the fraction 1%0 - but this throws a zero denominator exception.
I would like to pattern match the constructor a :% b
I was exploring on hackage. An in particular the source seems to be using exactly these features (e.g. defining infinity = 1 :% 0, or pattern matching for numerator).
As beginner, I am also confused where it is determined that (%), numerator and such are exposed to me, but not infinity and (:%).
I have already made a dirty workaround using a tuple of integers, but it seems silly to reinvent the wheel about something so trivial.
Also would be nice to learn how read the source which functions are exposed.
They aren't exported precisely to prevent people from doing stuff like this. See, the type
data Ratio a = a:%a
contains too many values. In particular, e.g. 2/6 and 3/9 are actually the same number in ℚ and both represented by 1:%3. Thus, 2:%6 is in fact an illegal value, and so is, sure enough, 1:%0. Or it might be legal but all functions know how to treat them so 2:%6 is for all observable means equal to 1:%3 – I don't in fact know which of these options GHC chooses, but at any rate it's an implementation detail and could change in future releases without notice.
If the library authors themselves use such values for e.g. optimisation tricks that's one thing – they have after all full control over any algorithmic details and any undefined behaviour that could arise. But if users got to construct such values, it would result in brittle code.
So – if you find yourself starting an algorithm with 1/0, then you should indeed not use Ratio at all there but simply store numerator and denominator in a plain tuple, which has no such issues, and only make the final result a Ratio with %.

Python recursive function to convert binary to decimal is working. I just don't understand how

I will start this off by saying that I have not done any schooling. All of my programming knowledge has come from 12 years of doing various projects in which I had to write a program of some sort in some language.
That said. I am helping my friend who is just getting into programming and who is taking a introductory python class. Her class is currently learning about recursive functions. Due to my lack of schooling this is the first time I have heard about them. So when she asked me to explain why the function she had worked I couldn't do it. I had to learn them myself.
I have been looking around at various posts about solving this same problem. I found one here at geeksforgeeks that is a function that does exactly what we need. With my elementary understanding of recursion this is the function that I would have thought would have been the right choice.
def bintodec(n):
if len(n) == 1:
bin_digit= int(n)
return bin_digit * 2**(len(n) - 1)
bin_digit = int(n[0])
return bintodec(n[1:]) + bin_digit * 2**(len(n) - 1)
This is the function she came up with
def convertToDecimal(binNum):
if len(binNum) == 0:
return 0
return convertToDecimal(binNum[:-1]) * 2 + int(binNum[-1])
When I print the function call it works.
# results in 255
# results in 7
I understand that sometimes there is a shorthand way to things. I can't see any shorthand methods mentions in the documentation that I have read.
The thing that really confuses me is how it takes that string and does math with it. I see the typecast for int, but the other side doesn't have it.
This is where everything falls apart and my brain starts melting. I am thinking there is a core mechanic of recursion that I am missing. Normally that is the case.
So along to figuring out why that works, I would love to know how this method would compare to say the method we found over at geeksforgeeks
What your friend has implemented is the typical implementation of Horner's method for polynomial evaluation. Here is the formula.
Now think of the binary number as a polynomial with a's equal to one or zero, and x equals to 2.
The thing that really confuses me is how it takes that string and does math with it. I see the typecast for int, but the other side doesn't have it.
The "other side" will take the value as int number which is result of latest recursive function call. in this case it will be 0.
Ok, so in words, what this program is doing is, on each invocation, taking the string and splitting it into 2 parts, lets call them a and b. a contains the entire string, apart from the final character, while b only contains the final digit.
Next, it takes a and calls the same function again, but this time with the shorter string, and then takes the result of this and doubles it. The doubling is done, as if you were to add an additional 0 to the end of a binary number, you would be doubling it.
Finally, it converts the value of b into an integer, either 1, or 0, and adds this to the previous result, which will be the decimal version of your binary string.
In other words, this function is only computing the result one character at a time, then it calls back to itself as a way of 'looping' to the next character.
It's important that there is an exit condition in a recursive function, to prevent infinite looping, in this case, when the string is empty, the program just returns 0, ending the loop.
Now on to the syntax. The only potentially confusing thing here I can see is python's array/slice syntax. Firstly, by trying to access the -1 index in an array, you are actually accessing the final element.
Also in that snippet is slice notation, which is the colon : in the array index. This is essentially used to select a subset of an array, in this case, all elements but the final one.
I honestly couldn’t make her function run as written. I got the below error
if len(binNum) == 0:
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
I'm guessing however that under testing even working this would fail at some point, I’d like to see if you have it returning say, 221 (11011101) where the 1s and 0s are not consecutive and see if that works or fails.
Lastly, back to my error, I’m assuming the intention is to go out of the loop if it’s a zero. Even if zero wasn’t a null character, len(binNum) == 1 would still exit the loop as written. A try/catch block would be better

floor() behave strangely VC++

I was doing some coding and suddenly wondered with a strange behavior of floor(). The piece of line that caused error is mentioned below:
and the output was 31095.0000.
Why is this happening?
This is a typical floating point issue. The constant value 310.96 is not equally representable as a float number. Instead the closest float value representation is 310.9599914550781.
You can try out your self here. Multipled that by 100 and truncated with floor() results in your 31095.0000
Floating point numbers are not 100% exact 310.96*100 might result in 31095.99999999... hence your result, see also this

Haskell - how can I check if number is Double/Float?

I would like to do smth like:
x `mod` 1.0 == 0 // => int
but it seems mod works only for int... help!
I am trying to check if given number is triangle, so my idea was to check if n1 is Int...
(n*(n+1))/2 = s => n1 = (-1 +sqrt(1 +
To determine whether a certain Float or Double is indistinguishable from an Integer in Haskell, use floor and ceiling together. Something like:
if floor n == ceiling n
then "It was some integer."
else "It's between integers."
There might also be some fancy stuff you can do with the float's representation in binary, exposed by the RealFloat typeclass:
A better way to check if a number is triangular is to generate a list of triangular numbers and then see if your candidate is in it. Since this is a learning problem I'm going to give hints rather than the answer.
Use a list comprehension to generate the triangular numbers.
Since they will be in order you can find out if you have gone past them.
An alternative approach if you are working with big numbers would be to use a binary search to narrow down the number of rows that might give rise to your candidate.
Total edit:
Okay, I'm still not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.
First, anything modulo 1 is going to be zero, because the modulo function only makes sense on integers. If you want to take the modulo of a fractional type you can convert to an integer first. Edit: Although for what it's worth, Data.Fixed does have a mod' function for non-integral values.
I also don't know what you mean by "check if n1 is Int". Either it is or it isn't; you don't need to check at run time. Edit: Okay, I see now that you're just checking to see if a value has a fractional component. Paul Johnson correctly points out above that it's wise to be careful doing such things with floating point values.
If you want to mix mod and sqrt operations in the same calculation, you'll have to manually convert between appropriate types. fromIntegral will convert any integer type into any number type, floor, ceiling, and round will convert fractional types to integral types.

Why do most programming languages only give one answer to square root of 4?

Most programming languages give 2 as the answer to square root of 4. However, there are two answers: 2 and -2. Is there any particular reason, historical or otherwise, why only one answer is usually given?
In mathematics, √x commonly, unless otherwise specified, refers to the principal (i.e. positive) root of x [].
Some languages don't have the ability to return more than one value.
Since you can just apply negation, returning both would be redundant.
If the square root method returned two values, then one of those two would practically always be discarded. In addition to wasting memory and complexity on the extra return value, it would be little used. Everyone knows that you can multiple the answer returned by -1 and get the other root.
I expect that only mathematical languages would return multiple values here, perhaps as an array or matrix. But for most general-purpose programming languages, there is negligible gain and non-negligible cost to doing as you suggest.
Some thoughts:
Historically, functions were defined as procedures which returned a single value.
It would have been fiddly (using primitive programming constructs) to define a clean function which returned multiple values like this.
There are always exceptions to the rule:
0 for example only has a single root (0).
You cannot take the square root of a negative number (unless the language supports complex numbers). This could be treated as an exception (like "divide by 0") in languages which don't support imaginary numbers or the complex number system.
It is usually simple to deduce the 2 square roots (simply negate the value returned by the function). This was probably left as an exercise by the caller of the sqrt() function, if their domain depended on dealing with both the positive (+) and negative (-) roots.
It's easier to return one number than to return two. Most engineering decisions are made in this manner.
There are many functions which only return 1 answer from 2 or more possibilities. Arc tangent for example. The arc tangent of 1 is returned as 45 degrees, but it could also be 225 or even 405. As with many things in life and programming there is a convention we know and can rely on. Square root functions return positive values is one of them. It is up to us, the programmers, to keep in mind there are other solutions and to act on them if needed in code.
By the way this is a common issue in robotics when dealing with kinematics and inverse kinematics equations where there are multiple solutions of links positions corresponding to Cartesian positions.
In mathematics, by convention it's always assumed that you want the positive square root of something unless you explicitly say otherwise. The square root of four really is two. If you want the negative answer, put a negative sign in front. If you want both, put the plus-or-minus sign. Without this convention it would be impossible to write equations; you would never know what the person intended even if they did put a sign in front (because it could be the negative of the negative square root, for example). Also, how exactly would you write any kind of computer code involving mathematics if operators started returning two values? It would break everything.
The unfortunate exception to this convention is when solving for variables. In the following equation:
x^2 = 4
You have no choice but to consider both possible values for X. if you take the square root of both sides, you get x = 2 but now you must put in the plus or minus sign to make sure you aren't missing any possible solutions. Also, remember that in this case it's technically X that can be either plus or minus, not the square root of four.
Because multiple return types are annoying to implement. If you really need the other result, isn't it easy enough to just multiple the result by -1?
Because most programmers only want one answer.
It's easy enough to generate the negative value from the positive value if the caller wants it. For most code the caller only uses the positive value.
However, nowadays it's easy to return two values in many languages. In JavaScript:
var sqrts=function(x) {
var s=Math.sqrt(x);
if (s>0) {
return [s,-s];
} else {
return [0];
As long as the caller knows to iterate through the array that comes back, you're gold.
[1.4142135623730951, -1.4142135623730951]
I think because the function is called "sqrt", and if you wanted multiple roots, you would have to call the function "sqrts", which doesn't exist, so you can't do it.
The more serious answer is that you're suggesting a specific instance of a larger issue. Many equations, and commonly inverse functions (including sqrt) have multiple possible solutions, such as arcsin, etc, and these are, in general, an issue. With arcsin, for example, should one return an infinite number of answers? See, for example, discussions about branch cuts.
Because it was historically defined{{citation needed}} as the function which gives the side length of a square of known surface. And length is positive in that context.
you can always tell what is the other number, so maybe it's not necessary to return both of them.
It's likely because when people use a calculator to figure out a square root, they only want the positive value.
Go one step further and ask why your calculator won't let you take the square root of a negative number. It's possible, using imaginary numbers, but the average user has absolutely zero use for this.
On imaginary numbers.
