No such file or directory; But the file does exist - linux

I am trying to run a Binoinformatics program, DistMap on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (x86_64). I am getting the error No such file or directory. But the file do exist in the required location.
I have used this program before and it ran perfectly fine. Yesterday I installed virtualenv-burrito for some other program, Seal. Since then I haven't been able to run DistMap.
I know there have been many posts regarding this error all over the internet. But the solution seems to be the same for all the posts.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
This solution is for running 32-bit application on 64-bit machines. But since Distmap worked before without any problem I dont think that is the problem. Still, I installed ia32-libs; just for the sake of it but no use.
I am sure the problem is virtualenv-burrito. So I uninstalled it from my machine (Deleted .virtualenv and .virtualburrito folders. Since that's the only way i found for uninstalling virtualenv-burrito on the internet). Still my application is not running.
How can I bring my system to default as in to the previous state of virtualenv-burrito installation?
I hope I will get some good suggestions. I have been struggling for sometime now.


Any success installing VMware Workstation on virgin Rocky Linux 8.5?

Using a virgin (but updated) version of Rocky Linux 8.5, I am trying to install VMware Workstation 16.2.1 (and others), but get compile errors during the first attempt to run, when vmmon and vmnet are being built.
All the proper, current headers from kernel-devel and kernel-headers are installed.
I tried upgrading to the 5.16.4 kernal at, with all associated headers, and basically get the same errors.
"Unable to install all modules." i.e., vmmon and vmnet
Posts i have found with searching the net seem to indicate that there was a "back-port" of an upstream fix to Rocky that has affected the ability to build the loadable kernel modules necessary to run vmware - but i cannot confirm this is actually the problem that I am experiencing.
So i simply ask these questions: Can anyone (today) install VMware Workstation 16.2.1 (or any version), on a fresh install of Rocky Linux 8.5?
If so, would you please point me at your installation instructions, because I am unable to build "vmmon" and "vmnet" modules today (2022-01-04), that allow me to actually run virtual machines with vmware? (The kernel modules fail to compile and build.)
(and after 15 years of using stackoverflow i do not have the reputation to create a "rocky-linux" question tag...)
mbubecek's instructions work for a variety of releases and should compile perfectly and run without issue, if you follow his instructions.
I have successfully used these methods at least a half dozen times with Rocky 8.5 and 8.6 with vmware workstation 16.1 up to version 16.2.1
NOTE: This error is NOT Rocky Linux specific. Also happens on some versions of RHEL 8 and CentOS 8.x I would also expect this "fix" to work on all of the other linux versions that are RHEL 8-derived.
I've been having difficulty with the same issue, and a colleague pointed me to check my kernel. This is our "official" resolution. See if the below works for you.
This is due to differences between the kernel and the source code for the VMWare modules, see here for more information. You can get the correct kernel modules, and build them by executing the following commands
tar -xf workstation-16.1.0.tar.gz
cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-16.1.0/
sudo make install
If you get the error,
crosspage.c:53:16: fatal error: linux/frame.h: No such file or directory
The error is described here. The solution is to remove (i.e. comment out) the offending include file in crosspage.c After doing the sudo make install, it is a very good idea to restart you host.
You may need to manually insert the modules into the kernel the first time after running make install'. The kernel modules (vmmon.ko and vmnet.ko) will be found at /lib/modules//misc. The following set of command will do this:
cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc
sudo insmod vmmon.ko
sudo insmod vmnet.ko
The modules should be load automatically after a restart/reboot.
If you update vmware to a different version (say 16.2.1) you may need to this again. Just change the versions in the above commands. If you hit the update button on the splash-screen and failed to notice the version you are updating to, you can run `vmware -v' at a command prompt to get the version you updated to.

Installing Node.js on Windows 10 always results in an error

Hey I changed my System from Linux to Windows and I would like to install Node.js via .exe. The problem I have is, that I get an Error Pop-up. How could I fix it?
What I tried:
I checked already the permissions and I got also the confirm-box for the admin and everything seems to be normal.
Install Windows 10 ISO via bootable stick and Rufus in MBR and GPT and also by creating an usb via MediaCreationTool.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yeah, I got in this issue too. There is already an approved bug on the maintainers GitHub: So assume that a fix will be available in the next days.
Short term solution: Install the version before the latest (e.g. 14.17.1): This worked for me

Angular 6 & Vagrant issues

So, I've been trying to build a MEAN (MongoDB Express Angular NodeJS) stack server to use for academic teaching purposes, as a student sandbox/training environment. I can install all packages fine, the problems appear when trying to generate a new project inside my Linux box. It always halts towards the end, with an error about "Busy File" or something along those lines, and thus the project is missing crucial files to run with the command 'ng serve'.
Another problem is the sync between host and guest, I am running Windows 10 as host, and using Debian 9 as the guest, and when editing and saving files on the host, NodeJS compiler is not triggering nor synchronizing my changes to the server.
I've tried some Vagrant plugins, such as FS-Notify and WinNFSD, but to no luck. I remember reading something about Nodewatch being the culprit, but I am not sure and I don't have much experience around Angular, Node and Vagrant together.
I've browsed the Github repository Vagrant Plugins,, but can't seem to find an appropriate solution to run an isolated MEAN stack Debian with only Vagrant and VirtualBox on a Windows host.
I am using Windows 10 as host, Debian 9 as the guest. Windows host is using Vagrant 2.1.4, and VirtualBox version 5.2.18. (I've tried using Docker, but it requires and consumes too many resources, unfortunately.)
I've noticed that there seem to be quite a few people with similar issues.
I would greatly appreciate any help or input on what to do. Thank you in advance.
Following this article worked just fine for me.
Don’t forget to start a second PowerShell and run
vagrant fsnotify
The only issue I’m currently trying to resolve is tslint going crazy in VS. Code and WebStorm due to the host system not containing node_modules.
I’ll get back here when I find a solution.

Install Scratch 2 under Linux Ubuntu 14.04

I tried to install Scratch 2 under Linux for Education at school. I followed these good instructions to install Adobe Air - everything works fine. But if I execute the Air-Installfile for Scratch I will be asked for the root password. In the little Pop-Up-Window it's not working so I tried to start the Air-File with these:
/opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air
It works fine, but I get an error saying error that my Scratch-Install-File is broken... I re-loaded again but nothing changed. Does someone has an helpful idea?
Look at your file size. The download have maybe been interupted before it was complete. It happened to me so I downloaded it again with a download manager like JDownloader and installed it successfully but only with sudo
sudo /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air
The problem is that you can't launch it directly when you installed it with sudo rights. I'm looking for a solution but this is another problem.

Golang cross-compilation: gccgo - unrecognized command line option `-marm`

I'm trying to compile a Go app for linux/arm and keep running into problems on my Ubuntu machine. When I run GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build in my source directory, I get tons of erorrs that are variations of:
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option `-marm`
Running gccgo --help informs me that options starting with -g, -f -m (and others) will be passed on to any sub-processes started by gccgo, so I don't know which process it's sending -marm to.
Any clues? Ubuntu 14.10 LTS, 64bit
So thanks to a clue by Dean, I've worked out the issue and solved it.
The issue was caused by me installing Go via apt-get, then removing it (via apt-get), then installing Go from the golang website. There were still files left over from the first install, which were probably older versions and therefore didn't have support for the -marm flag.
I was going to wipe my dev machine anyway, so I did, installed Ubuntu again, installed Go from the website (not via apt-get) and everything worked first time. If you don't want to wipe your machine, then just make sure to look around to see if there are version conflicts.
I've been stung by this sort of thing before (when installing node.js via apt-get, realising it was many versions out of date, then removing, and installing node.js via source), so if anyone is reading this, be careful when installing software via apt-get, then upgrading, as you might have similar version issues like I did!
