Chef chef-validator.pem security - linux

Hi I am setting up a cluster of machines using chef at offsite locations. If one of these machines was stolen, what damage can the attacker do to my chef-server or other nodes by having possession of chef-validator.pem ? What other things can they access through chef? Thanks!

This was one of the items discussed at a recent Foodfight episode on managing "secrets" in chef. Highly recommended watching:
The knife bootstrap operation uploads this key when initializing new chef clients. Possession of this key enables the client to register itself against your chef server. That is actually its only function, once the client is up and running the validation key is no longer needed.
But it can be abused.... As #cbl has pointed out, if an unauthorized 3rd party gets access to this key they can create new clients that can see everything on your chef server that normal clients can see. It can theoretically be used to create a Denial of Service attack on your chef server, by flooding it with registration requests.
The foodfight panel recommend a simple solution. Enable the chef-client cookbook on all nodes. It contains a "delete_validation" recipe that will remove the validation key and reduce your risk exposure.

The validator key is used to create new clients on the Chef Server.
Once the attacker gets hold of it, he can pretend he's a node in your infrastructure and have access to the same information any node has.
If you have sensitive information in an unencrypted data bag, for example, he'll have access to that.
Basically he'll be able to run any recipe from any cookbook, do searches (and have access to all your other nodes' attributes), read data bags, etc.
Keep that in mind when writing cookbooks and populating the other objects in the server. You could also somehow monitor the chef server for any suspicious client creation activity, and if you have any reason believe that the validator key has been stolen, revoke it and issue a new one.
It's probably a good idea to rotate the key periodically as well.

As of Chef 12.2.0 the validation key is no longer required:
You can delete your validation key on your workstation and then knife will use your user credentials to create the node and client.
There's also some other nice features of this since whatever you supply for the run_list and environment is also applied to the node when it is created. No more relying on the first-boot.json file to be read by the chef-client and the run having to complete before the creates the node at the end of the bootstrapping process.

Basically, chef-client uses 2 mode authentication for to the server :-
1) organization validator.pem and
2) user.pem
Unless and until there is the correct combination of these 2 keys. chef-client wont be able to authenticate with the chef server.

They can even connect any node to the chef server with the stolen key via the following steps.
Copying and pasting the validator key into /etc/chef folder on any machine
Creating client.rb file with the following details
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url ""
validation_client_name 'ORGNAME-validator'
validation_key '/etc/chef/validater.pem'
3: Run chef-client to connect to the chef server


FreeRadius in combination with a vulnerability scan / software status check

What i have:
I am running a freeradius server fully configured of how i need it to be. Everything works just fine right now.
What i need:
I need the radius to put the devices in a seperate vlan before authentication and to run a vulnerability scan (nessus / openvas etc) on the devices in this vlan to check for software status ( antivirus etc. )
if the device passes the test the authentication should be done normaly.
if it fails it should be put into a third ( fourth if you count the unauth-vid ) vlan.
can someone tell me if this is doable in freeradius ?
thanks in advance for your answers
Yes. But this is a very broad question and is dependent on the networking equipment being used. I'll give you an overview of how I'd design such a system.
In general, you'll have an easier time if you can use the same DHCP server/IP range for your NAC and full access VLAN. That means you don't have to signal the higher networking layers in the client that there's been a state change, you can swap out VLANs behind the scenes to change what they can access.
You'd set up a database with an entry for each client. This doesn't have to be pre-populated, it could be populated during the first auth attempt. Part of each client entry would be a status field detailing when they last completed NAC.
You'd also need an accounting database, to store information about where each client is connected to the network.
If the client had never completed NAC checks before, you'd assign the client to the NAC VLAN, and signal your NAC processes to start interrogating it.
FreeRADIUS can act as both a RADIUS and DHCPv4 server, so you'd probably do signal the NAC process from the DHCPv4 side because then you'd know what IP the client received.
Binding the RADIUS and DHCPv4 sides can be done in a couple of ways. The most obvious is MAC, another common way is NAS/Port ID using the accounting table.
Once the NAC checks had completed, you'd have the NAC process write out a receipt in detail file format, and have that read back in by a detail file listener (there are examples of this in sites-available/ in the 'decoupled-accounting' virtual server files). When reading those entries back in, you'd change the state in the database, and send a CoA packet to the switch using information from the accounting database to identify the client. This would flip the VLAN and allow them to the standard set of networking resources.
I know this is very high level, documenting it properly would probably exceed StackOverflow's character limit. If you need more help with this, I suggest you research what I've described above and then start asking the RADIUS related questions on the FreeRADIUS user's mailing list

Beanstalkd / Pheanstalk security issue

I have just started using beanstalkd and pheanstalk and I am curious whether the following situation is a security issue (and if not, why not?):
When designing a queue that will contain jobs for an eventual worker script to pick up and preform SQL database queries, I asked a friend what I could do to prevent an online user from going into port 11300 of my server, and inserting a job into the queue himself and hence causing the job to be executed with malicious code. I was told that I could include a password inside the job being sent.
Though after some time passed, I recognized that someone could preform a few simple commands on a terminal and obtain the job inside the queue, and hence find the password, and then create jobs with the password included:
telnet thewebsitesipaddress 11300 //creating a telnet connection
list-tubes //finding which tubes are currently being used
use a_tube_found //using one of the tubes found
peek-ready //see whats inside one of the jobs and find the password
What could be done to make sure this does not happen and my queue doesn't get hacked / controlled?
Thanks in advance!
You can avoid those situations by placing beanstalkd behind a firewall or in a private network.
DigitalOcean (for example) offers such a service where you have a private network IP address which can be accessed only from servers of the same location.
We've been using beanstalkd in our company for more than a year, and we haven't had any of those issues yet.
I see, but what if the producer was a page called index.php, where when someone entered it, a job would be sent to the queue. In this situation, wouldn't the server have to be an open network?
The browser has no way to get in contact with the job server, it only access the resources /you/ allow them to, that is the view page. Only the back-end is allowed to access the job server. Also, if you build the web application in a certain way that the front-end is separated from the back-end, you're going to have even less potential security issues.

Redis writing to .ssh/authorized_keys

current setup,
2 master servers, 12 worker servers:
workers are connected to master through ssh-copy-id, masters and workers are writing data in redis-queues on masters.
issue i have been facing for past week is that redis is writing data in the authorized_keys file, i cant reproduce this issue or confirm which server is doing this.
I looked into the redis config file and i didn't find any setting that would make redis write in authorized_keys file.
Has anyone else faced this issue or similar, i clear the authorized keys file and it writes into it again.
Your servers are most probably being/have been attacked by a "cracker". While it is possible that attack is over, you should treat your servers as compromised and act accordingly. This is in all likelihood the same approach described by Salvatore Sanfilippo a.k.a antirez, Redis' author and security researcher in his past, in this blog post.
To prevent this type of attacks which use Redis as a vector, please refer to the instructions in the Securing Redis in the Quicktart page as a starting point and the Security page for more information.
More discussion is at /r/redis
Update: more ramblings on the same topic at

Communicate password securely to another program (separate shell/dbus)

I am writing a build script which has some password protected files (keys). I need a way to prompt the user once for the password and then use this key across multiple scripts. These scripts do not live inside the same shell, and may spawn other windows via dbus. I can then send them commands, one of which must have access to the password.
I have this working already, but at a few points the passphrase is either used directly on a command-line (passed via dbus), or is put into a file (the name then passed to the other script). Both of these are less secure than I want*. The command-line ends up in a history which may be stored in a file, as well as appearing in the process list, and the second option stores in a file which can be read by somebody else.
Is there some standard way to create a temporary communications channel between two processes which could communicate the password and not be intercepted by another user on the system (including root)?
*Note: This is primarily an exercise to be fully secure. For my current project the temporary in-file storage of the password is okay.
Setting "root being all-powerful" aside, I would imagine that a Private DBus Connection would do the trick although the documentation I could find seems a little light on what exactly makes a private connection private.
However, the DBus Specification, more specifically, the Message Bus Specification subsection on eavesdropping says in part:
Receiving a unicast message whose DESTINATION indicates a different
recipient is called eavesdropping. On a message bus which acts as a
security boundary (like the standard system bus), the security policy
should usually prevent eavesdropping, since unicast messages are
normally kept private and may contain security-sensitive information.
So you may not even need to use private connections which incur more overhead costs. But on a risk/reward basis with security being paramount, that may be the more secure alternative for you. Hope that helps.

WebSphere MQ Security Authentication Exception on Unix

We have our application running on a Sun Solaris system and have a local WebSphere MQ installation. The applcation uses bindings mode to connect to queue manager. When trying to send message to the local queue, the JNDI binding is successfull but we encounter javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: MQJMS2013: invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager error. When investigated found that the credentials (userid) used for authentication is not case sensitive as the user on which the application is running. The userid matches but it is not a case sensitive match. By default the user on which the application is running will be passed for authentication, but here the case sensitive match is failing. The application server is WebLogic. Appreciate any inputs.
In order to open the local queue, the application must have first connected to the queue manager successfully. The error on the remote queue is a connection error so it is not even getting to the queue manager. This suggests that you are using different connection factories and that the second one has some differences in the connectivity parameters. First step is to reconcile those differences.
Also, a MQJMS2013 Security Error can be many things, most of which are not actually MQ issues. For example some people store their managed objects in LDAP and an authentication problem there will throw this error. For people who use a filesystem-based JNDI, OS file permissions can cause the same thing. However if it is an actual WMQ issue (which this appears to be) then the linked exception will contain the MQ Reason Code (for example, MQRC=2035). If you want to be able to better diagnose MQ (or for that matter any JMS transport) issues, it pays to get in the habit of printing linked exceptions.
If you are not able to resolve this issue based on this input, I would advise updating the question with details of the managed object definitions and the reason code obtained from printing the linked exceptions.
We were using createQueueConnection() in QueueConnectionFactory for creating the connection and the issue got resolved by using the method createQueueConnection("",""). The unix userid (webA) is case sensitive and the application was trying to authenticate on the MQ with the case insensitive userid (weba) and MQ queue manager was rejecting the connection attempt. Can you tell us why the application was sending the case insensitive userid (weba) earlier?
