Fedora 19 x86_64 kernel version is different with kernel source - linux

I installed Fedora 19 x86_64 on My vmware workstation. When I try to install the third party software. it give me a message "can't find kernel source files".
I checked that the kernel version is 3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64 via uname -r.
but I found the kernel source version is higher than the current running kernel version.
there are two symblic links in /lib/modules/3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64 folder. they are
build -> /usr/src/kernels/3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64
source -> build
They are broken, because there is no folder /usr/src/kernels/3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64 in my system.
Can anyone tell me why this situation happens. and how to install correct kernel source in my Fedora.
Big thanks.

Any reason to not run the latest kernel? You might benefit from updating everything first.
# yum update
Doubt you actually need the entire kernel source. Have you installed kernel-devel?
# yum install kernel-devel
If you need more, next install kernel headers.
# yum install kernel-headers
If you do update the running kernel, reboot into that kernel before installing the 3rd party software.

You can check here what is the currently most stable kernel available (and download associated RPMs if you requiere):

The same happened to me on my Fedora 19 box and my kernel version was: 3.14.4-100.fc19.x86_64 so VirtualBox was looking for the source here:
I checked my /usr/src/kernels dir which and found that it was empty. Then I downloaded the kernel src from the net which was named:
and extracted to /usr/src/kernels/ and run:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
Which returned:
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules [ OK ]
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules [ OK ]
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules [ OK ]
Was working great!


Any success installing VMware Workstation on virgin Rocky Linux 8.5?

Using a virgin (but updated) version of Rocky Linux 8.5, I am trying to install VMware Workstation 16.2.1 (and others), but get compile errors during the first attempt to run, when vmmon and vmnet are being built.
All the proper, current headers from kernel-devel and kernel-headers are installed.
I tried upgrading to the 5.16.4 kernal at kernel.org, with all associated headers, and basically get the same errors.
"Unable to install all modules." i.e., vmmon and vmnet
Posts i have found with searching the net seem to indicate that there was a "back-port" of an upstream fix to Rocky that has affected the ability to build the loadable kernel modules necessary to run vmware - but i cannot confirm this is actually the problem that I am experiencing.
So i simply ask these questions: Can anyone (today) install VMware Workstation 16.2.1 (or any version), on a fresh install of Rocky Linux 8.5?
If so, would you please point me at your installation instructions, because I am unable to build "vmmon" and "vmnet" modules today (2022-01-04), that allow me to actually run virtual machines with vmware? (The kernel modules fail to compile and build.)
(and after 15 years of using stackoverflow i do not have the reputation to create a "rocky-linux" question tag...)
See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/689436/the-vmmon-and-vmnet-vmware-workstation-kernel-modules-fail-to-build-on-rocky-lin
mbubecek's instructions work for a variety of releases and should compile perfectly and run without issue, if you follow his instructions.
I have successfully used these methods at least a half dozen times with Rocky 8.5 and 8.6 with vmware workstation 16.1 up to version 16.2.1
NOTE: This error is NOT Rocky Linux specific. Also happens on some versions of RHEL 8 and CentOS 8.x I would also expect this "fix" to work on all of the other linux versions that are RHEL 8-derived.
I've been having difficulty with the same issue, and a colleague pointed me to check my kernel. This is our "official" resolution. See if the below works for you.
This is due to differences between the kernel and the source code for the VMWare modules, see here for more information. You can get the correct kernel modules, and build them by executing the following commands
wget https://github.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/archive/workstation-16.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xf workstation-16.1.0.tar.gz
cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-16.1.0/
sudo make install
If you get the error,
crosspage.c:53:16: fatal error: linux/frame.h: No such file or directory
The error is described here. The solution is to remove (i.e. comment out) the offending include file in crosspage.c After doing the sudo make install, it is a very good idea to restart you host.
You may need to manually insert the modules into the kernel the first time after running make install'. The kernel modules (vmmon.ko and vmnet.ko) will be found at /lib/modules//misc. The following set of command will do this:
cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc
sudo insmod vmmon.ko
sudo insmod vmnet.ko
The modules should be load automatically after a restart/reboot.
If you update vmware to a different version (say 16.2.1) you may need to this again. Just change the versions in the above commands. If you hit the update button on the splash-screen and failed to notice the version you are updating to, you can run `vmware -v' at a command prompt to get the version you updated to.

/lib/modules/*/build point to non existing files

I have a CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core).
I want to build some kernel code for currently running kernel.
My uname -r says 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64, but ls -l /usr/src/kernels/
shows only 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64. Why do I have sources of not current kernel on my filesystem(vanilla fresh provisioned Digitalocean box)?
Why does yum install kernel-devel does not install headers for currently running kernel?
uname is a system call to the kernel to get information. It's telling you what's running on that machine. What's physically present on the hard drive can be anything that anyone has installed. Someone may have downloaded the wrong package or you may have multiple kernels installed etc. But, the one that's running is what uname is telling you.

How to install VirtualBox Guest Addition on TinyCore

When I run "sudo sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run" just like on Ubuntu or CentOS, TinyCore throws errors and failed, and the /var/log/vboxadd-install.log shows that:
/tmp/vbox.0/Makefile.include.header:97: *** Error:
unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel.
Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop.
I have used tce tools installed some packets such as gcc, make, linux-kernel-sources-env.tcz, linux-3.16.2_api_headers.tcz, and then the VBoxLinuxAdditions.run can get the KERN_DIR, but no KERN_INC at this time.
If anybody has done this before could you please give me some points? I really don't know which packages should be installed in TinyCore to make VBoxAdditions work. My VBox and TinyCore is up to date. Thanks.
Found a repo for this issue, but have yet to verify:
Prior to that, I attempted to follow this tutorial, but it is incomplete:
Prior to that, attempted to build the kernel headers (/lib/modules/5.15.10-tinycore) with no luck.
Copying the Guest Additions to home folder and running sudo VBoxLinuxAdditions.run returns "Kernel headers not found for target kernel 5.15.10-tinycore. Please install them and execute /sbin/rcvboxadd setup"
Basically you have to install the package linux-headers-${kernel_version}
# apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-4-amd64
This solved my problem on Debian linux.
To check the version of your kernel, you should run the command:
# uname -a
# Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 # SMP Debian

Install 2.4.33 kernel in Debian Wheezy

I need to install old kernel into Kali (Debian like) distro. I need to run program which requires older kernel.
I downloaded kernel but the installation gives me too many errors. I was reading similar topics and watch the videos, but so far I am not successful.
I do not have experience with kernels. Is there .deb package for kernels or any other easier way to do it?
Can I use such old kernel for this distribution?
Thank you
The 2.4.33 kernel is pretty old. According to Debian's packaging files installing that old a kernel doesn't seem to be doable in wheezy. Attempting to install and run an old kernel outside the packaging system is not going to to work. All the "modern" libraries and applications will be broken when running the 2.4 kernel, as will the program (you need more than just a kernel for your program). If it were me, I'd set up a virtualization environment like VirtualBox or something similar and pick an old distro like CentOS 3.9 or an older Debian release (sarge or later). If that's not an option, you could always try and port the program to a more recent kernel.

make-kpkg not working in Fedora 20

I have been working with Linux kernel, compiling and inserting modules, in my custom kernels. Previously I had Ubuntu where I had been working with my custom kernel and all the commands for compiling and installing kernel worked like a charm once I had installed all the required libraries.
Now I have switched over to Fedora 20, here I want to install my custom kernel and for that I downloaded all possible kernel tools, namely, Kernel Development Kernel Tools these are group installs and other libraries that I downloaded were ia32 libraries (as I am working on 64-bit OS), kernel-devel package. Still I am not able to work with make-kpkg command. It says bash: make-kpkg: command not found....
I googled out and did everything I could.
Can anyone get me out of this trouble?
make-kpkg is a Debian kernel packaging tool. It does not exist on RHEL family distributions, such as Fedora.
Please refer to the Fedora documentation page "Building a custom kernel" for the correct procedure. (I have not reproduced it here as it is rather long, and I'm not sure how far you may have gotten.)
The make-kpkg tool is part of the 'kernel-package' package on Debian systems. It is a Debian tool to produce debian package files. Ubuntu is based on Debian and has this tool. However, Fedora uses a different system to manage packages. So, make-kpkg would not be available on Fedora.
