I am trying to use User Exit EXIT_SAPLBARM_003 however I cannot seem to get it activated.
In CMOD I created a project and added XMRM0001 as the Enhancement Assignment, by default the only components that I see is EXIT_SAPLBARM_001 and EXIT_SAPLBARM_003, but EXIT_SAPLBARM_002 and EXIT_SAPLBARM_004 are missing.
link to image broken
I realize in the picture the User Exit is not active, but that's because I am trying to add EXIT_SAPLBARM_003.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated as always.
You can modify the User Exit on SMOD and add the Function Module.
This is my code that I use. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I just really want to learn as freshman student
My project is using barcode I need to use scanner to read the code at the same time automatically open the application set on that code
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As keyPressEventArgs)
Handle textbox1.keypress
If e.keypress=ChrW(15)Then
end if
End sub
Also I use
It works, but my target is automatically open without clicking any button
I'm still searching for next code. Any idea is very much appreciated 🙏
Thank you
Documentation: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/685e9790-2f16-4141-9c01-9d8030035414/using-vbnet-to-run-external-applications?forum=vbgeneral
But generally it's the following command
proc = Process.Start("d:\windows\notepad.exe", "")
Quick Background:
I have almost no experience with VBA. I started learning this two weeks ago and have made fast progress, but I am lacking a lot of knowledge. I do not know enough to know what I do not know, for lack of a better word. My apologies up front if this is a question that has a very simple solution. I have been scouring Microsoft's VBA documentation with no luck for several days now.
The Problem:
I have a single connection in a main spreadsheet to a spreadsheet on SharePoint that pulls data from inputs by operators on their cell phones. The current way my code is set up, it will refresh that connection before running calculations to ensure that any new data is accounted for.
However, since the connected document's location (or even name) may change in the future due to it being a shared document, I wanted to find a way to test that the connection was valid; i.e. that the correctly named file existed where it was supposed to be.
Currently, if the file name or location do not match, Excel throws an error and my code will stop running. Ideally I would like to have something similar to this:
If connectionIsValid Then
Refresh the connection
MsgBox "Could not refresh connection", vbInformation
*Continue with code instead of throwing an error*
End If
I have tried things like:
If ActiveWorkbook.Connections(1).OLEDBConnection.IsConnected Then
Run Code
End If
But after reading the documentation I realized the above is related to the MaintainConnection Property being true.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
*Refresh the sheet*
*Continue code*
Error Handler:
*Don't refresh the sheet*
*Continue code*
Any help or even a pointer in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I'm not sure what is wrong with your second suggestion - using an error handler.
Function checkConnection()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Exit Function
MsgBox "Could not refresh connection. " & Err.Description
End Function
I've just added the Exit command there, otherwise it will run the code in the errorHandler label every time, even if there isn't an error.
In the settings_overload.ini we have defined onBackBtn=minimize but this doesn't seem to work.
We still get the question 'Do you want to exit Sygic GPS Navigation?'. We would like to keep the navigation running into background.
We are using Sygic app v 20.0.3 and the file is in the correct folder
can you help please
Starting from version 20.0.0 the location of the files are not more on sdcard\sygicnavigation\android, but you need to set the files in sdcard\Android\data\com.sygic.fleet\files\sygicnavigation\android
we are interested in blocking isrddn for some of the users. We are trying to do it without creating a shell of our own, is there something inside isrddn that will help? What is the easiest way to do it? Thank you!
You can utilize Exit 3/4 (SELECT start and end exits). Exit 3 could be used to check for SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) and then do some sort of authorization check to see if the user is allowed to run the pgm. If not set rc=8 (or 16) to terminate the SELECT service with an authorization failure.. This would be how to do it using ISPF. There might be ways via your security software as well. A SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) will generate a LINK SVC for ISRDDN, so a hook in the LINK macro could do security checks.
ISRDDN does a lot more than just the LISTALC function as can be seen by checking the tutorial. Keep in mind that ISPF is not authorized code and a "smart" programmer could write their own routines to do the same thing.
I've been writing a script to connect to SharePoint online, create a document library and add some AD accounts to the permission. I've written all the code using snippets I have found through many searches but am having an issue with the permissions part.
I keep getting an error when adding the user and permission type to roledefinitionbinding.
The error is:
Collection has not been initialized at line 0 char 0.
Here is my code
$collRdb = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.RoleDefinitionBindingCollection($ctx)
$collRoleAssign = $web.RoleAssignments;
$collRoleAssign.Add($principal, $collRdb)
The issue is when it runs $collRoleAssign.Add($principal, $collRdb) part and stop with the error above.
I would really appreciate a hand with this before my PC get launched out of the window.
All of the code is taken from this page:
The only change is i'm using the get principal fun instead of the get group, but not sure if that's what has done it. I'm very new to powershell.
I don't think you can add something into $collRoleAssign if it's not loaded before.
You get an error because it has null value.
I would have wrote it like this:
$collRoleAssign = $web.RoleAssignments
Comment: I suppose you already set $principal before
Comment: here I suppose $collRdb is set and loaded
$collRoleAssign.Add($principal, $collRdb)
By the way there is a ";" in your code which should not be there
I didn't try it but that should help!