Can I do raw TCP/IP over port 80 or 8080? - firewall

I have an application in mind which needs to communicate with an external (internet facing) "server".
The protocol itself is going to be really simple, and I was planning on doing everything over TCP/IP via Port 80 (or 8080) in order to hopefully pass seamlessly through firewalls. My "server" will be listening on port 80 (or 8080) for requests from my application. It will not actually be a web server (i.e. not expecting any HTTP traffic).
I have control over the network setup of the "server", but not the client environment. I will be coding both the client and server applications, so have control over those.
I have not really attempted any TCP/IP communication out of a LAN environment before, am I missing something obvious? I suppose my question is more like this: my client app is going to be run on all sorts of customer networks, of which I have no access to. Is this a sensible approach?
I would be most grateful for any hints/tips/gotchas.

For your use case, I think a better idea is to use http tunnel, because some firewalls will block non-HTTP traffic even if you are using port 80/8080.


How to create a secure internal route in the CloudFoundry environment (Swisscom AppCloud)

I would like to create a secure internal route between two applications within the same space/organization. It should never be possible to reach the Node.js application from the outside. My Java application connects via HTTP to the Node application (running on express).
I have now tried to setup the desired configuration by creating a route called example-route.apps.internal and assigned it to the Node application. As a next step, I've opened the port (I've tried 443, 80, 8080) in the network configuration of the Java application (with the destination being the Node app). I restaged both applications.
Then, I opened a Java connection to the link http://example-route.apps.internal/test123. I've also tried to use https. The result was the same. Java refused to conncet to this URL.
Now, the following questions:
How can I properly set up this communication? Should I resolve this internal DNS somehow? Which port is the correct one if I just use the port of the env variable? How should I read this port from the other application?
How secure is the communication, if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS? (I assume HTTPS is not possible internally). Is it as safe as an HTTPS connection from the outside? Which devices are between, how far out does the connection go?
Thank you!
I think you're almost there.
Then, I opened a Java connection to the link http://example-route.apps.internal/test123. I've also tried to use https. The result was the same. Java refused to conncet to this URL.
You should use http://example-route.apps.internal:8080/test123. Your app is set to listen on $PORT, which is always 8080 in current versions of CF.
Normally you don't need to worry about this because your traffic goes in through Gorouter which translates for you (maps external port 80 -> internal 8080). With internal routes, traffic is direct so there is no transformation. That's why you need to use port 8080 in your URL.
Alternatively, you could use a service discovery mechanism like Eureka or Consul, but it's not a requirement. In this case, the service would know it's listening on 8080 and register that in the registry.
As far as HTTPS, that's tricky. Your app is only listening on 80/HTTP. You would have to change it to listen on 443/HTTPS, but then you need certs and different server configuration. It's technically possible, but it's a whole can of worms.
In some newer versions, Envoy is present and accepts HTTPS traffic into a container, can make HTTPS easier but it's still not a slam dunk (at the time of writing, at least). I expect this will get better in the future.
Should I resolve this internal DNS somehow?
Internal DNS helps with locating your other apps, not the port. Otherwise you'd need to manage IP addresses, which change often, and that would require something like Eureka or Consul.
Which port is the correct one if I just use the port of the env variable?
See above.
How should I read this port from the other application?
It's always 8080 at the moment, and has been for multiple years. It's unlikely to change, so you could probably hard code or set it in a config file safely.
How secure is the communication, if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS? (I assume HTTPS is not possible internally).
Is it as safe as an HTTPS connection from the outside? Which devices are between, how far out does the connection go?
Traffic would not be accessible externally as it wouldn't leave the Cell in some cases or worst case it goes between two Cells, but traffic would be visible internally since it's not encrypted. That means you need to have more trust on your CF provider, who would have access to internal traffic.
If it were HTTPS, only someone with the key would be able to decrypt it. You would still have to trust your provider though as they could likely get the key & use it to decrypt traffic. It would just be more work for them than if traffic is unencrypted.
Hope that helps!

Multiple tcp services on the same port

I'm working on a project where some clients (embedded linux systems) needs to connect to a main server using so far at least two protocols: HTTPS and SSH. One of the requirement is that only one flow is allowed from every client to the server, so I've to found a way to make the two services works on the same port.
One solution that I was thinking about is to use the iptables markers: on the client side mark the packets for SSH with 0x1, the packets for HTTPS with 0x2 and then on the server side, based on the marker, redirect the packets to the right service listening on the local interface. Is it an acceptable solution? Are the markers kept by the network routers or is only something working locally on the same machine for iptables?
And anyway, if you can advice about a different solution, of course it's welcome!
More for other users finding this question in the future: has what you might need. I haven't used it (yet) but planning on it.
From the Github site:
sslh -- A ssl/ssh multiplexer
sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client.
Probes for HTTP, SSL, SSH, OpenVPN, tinc, XMPP are implemented, and any other protocol that can be tested using a regular expression, can be recognised. A typical use case is to allow serving several services on port 443 (e.g. to connect to SSH from inside a corporate firewall, which almost never block port 443) while still serving HTTPS on that port.
Hence sslh acts as a protocol demultiplexer, or a switchboard. Its name comes from its original function to serve SSH and HTTPS on the same port.

Connecting to websocket server from external network

I'm not sure whether to ask this question on a programming forum or linux administration forum as it involves both programming with web sockets and server admin. Basically I am trying to follow this guide "". I have a centos basic server that has a static IP and I've port forwarded it to ports 22 and 80 (ssh and http). I can compile and run the server app fine, but i cannot connect the client. I'm currently out of ideas since I've never messed with networking before. I read somewhere that html5 websockets go through ports 80 and 443 when given an external IP. What I want is to start the server app on port say something like 1445 and then lets pretend my external IP is and then have client connection string look like 'ws//'. What am I missing, do I need to install apache or something?
Thanks for reading.

Is it a bad idea to use port 443 for Socket.IO?

According to the following post, some networks only allow a connection to port 80 and 443:
Socket IO fails to connect within corporate networks
Edit: For clarification, the issue is when the end user is using a browser at work behind a corporate firewall. My server firewall setup is under my control.
I've read about Nginx using proxy_pass to listening on another port (which I've read about disadvantages) and also reverse proxy using nodejitsu/node-http-proxy to pass non-node traffic to Nginx (which has other disadvantages). I am interested in considering all possible options.
After much searching, I did not find any discussion about the possibility of listening to port 443, like this:
var io = require('').listen(443);
Where the client would connect like this:
var socket = io.connect('http://url:443/', {secure: false, port: '443'});
Aside from forfeiting the use of https on that server, are there any other drawbacks to this? (For example, do corporate networks block non-SSL communications over port 443?)
Non-encrypted traffic on port 443 can work, but if you want compatibility with networks with paranoid and not-quite-competent security policies you should assume that somebody has "secured" themselves against it.
Regardless of silly firewalls you should use SSL-encrypted WebSockets, because WebSocket protocol is not compatible with HTTP (it's masquerading as such, but that's not enough) and will not work reliably with HTTP proxies.
For example O2 UK (and probably many other mobile ISPs) pipes all non-encrypted connections through their proxy to recompress images and censor websites. Their proxy breaks WebSocket connections and the only workaround for it is to use SSL (unless you're happy with Socket.IO falling back to jsonp polling...)
It really depends on what type of firewall is set up. If the ports are just blocked, then pretty much anything can run on ports 80 and 443. I have used this myself to get an ssh session to my home computer over port 80 when stuck behind a firewall at work.
There are a few firewalls that have more advanced filtering options, however. These can filter out traffic based on protocols in addition to the regular port filtering. I have even run up against one firewall in front of a server that would stop https traffic through an ssh tunnel somehow. These advanced filtering techniques are the rare exception by far, so you should be fine with just listening on 443 for most instances.
I think you should read the whole wiki article about Socket.IO and blocked ports (by antiviruses, firewalls etc):

Should a web server's firewall block outbound HTTP traffic over port 80?

I understand the need for putting a web server in a DMZ and blocking inbound traffic to all ports except 80 and 443. I can also see why you should probably also block most outbound traffic in case the server is compromised.
But is it necessary to block outbound HTTP traffic over port 80? If so, why? A lot of web applications these days rely on sending/retrieving data from external web services and APIs, so blocking outbound traffic over port 80 would prevent this capability. Is there a security concern that's valid enough to justify this?
The only reason I can think of is if your machine is somehow compromomised remotely then it won't be able to DDoS another website on port 80. It's not something I normally do though.
Rather then blocking it, throttle it. Use iptables -m limit.
I have several web apps that invoke external web services, so I would say it's a bad idea to block output HTTP traffic. If you're concerned with security, you could block it and allow for only certain destinations.
Depending on your SQL version, you could have certificate authentication time out issues with SQL server 2005.
First - I agree with #vartec on throttling "Rather then blocking it, throttle it. Use iptables -m limit" as at least part of the solution.
However I can offer another reason to not block port 80 outbound at all times. If you have automatic security updates turned on the server can't reach out to PPAs over port 80 to initiate a security update. Thus if you have automatic security updates set up they won't run. On ubuntu auto-security updates are turned on in 14.04 LTS with:
sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades update-notifier-common && \
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
(then select "YES")
More graceful solutions would be ansible scripts opening the port automatically, possibly also modifying an AWS security group rule via the CLI in addition to iptables if you are at AWS. I prefer modifying my outbound rules temporarily via AWS CLI initiated by a stealth box. This forces logging the update up in my AWS S3 log buckets but never shows up in the logs on the server itself. Further the server that initiates the update doesn't even have to be in the private subnet ACL.
Maybe do both? You have to figure at times an attack is going to relay off an internal IP in your subnet so there is merit to doubling down while preserving the ability to automate backups and security updates.
I hope this helps. If not reply and provide more code examples to be more specific and exact. #staysafe !
If the machine is compromised and outbound traffic on port 80 is allowed, it would make it easier for intruders to send back harvested data to themselves. Allowing outbound traffic means you can initiate a connection from your machine to the outside world. A better approach would be allowing outbound traffic only to certain web sites/addresses that you trust (i.e. Microsoft Windows Update, Google reCAPTCHA) rather than any destination in the world.
what do you mean with blocking outbound traffic over port 80.
You have two possibilities. Gernerate Dynamic Rules which allow communication from client to your webserver for this session. Search for Stateful firewall rules.
Or you generally allow established Connections to communicate in and outgoing with each other.
If you generally block all outbound traffic over Port 80 your Webserver could not reply to any client.
The other way around, if your Webserver needs to get some API, e.g. a jquery library he wont use port 80 as his Port to communicate with the Webserver who holds the API.
Your Webserver would normally choose a port > 1024 and use it for his request to get the API from the remote Server.
So blocking all traffic over port 80 (as your port you connecting from) would not prevent your Server from sending any requests for apis and such things. because he doesnt use port 80 when he acts as a client.
