How can I get Unit Tests to run against the appropriate DLL when the DLL cannot be referenced in the project? - visual-studio-2012

I've got the following "Pre Build Event" working for my powershell builds (including our Continuous Integration). It simply moves a DLL into the output directory based on the Processor Architecture.
if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)'=='AMD64' (copy /y "$(ProjectDir)x64\sqlite3.dll" "$(OutDir)")
if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)'=='x86' (copy /y "$(ProjectDir)x86\sqlite3.dll" "$(OutDir)")
if '$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)'=='AMD64' (copy /y "$(ProjectDir)x64\sqlite3.dll" "$(OutDir)")
The problem I'm running into is when I run the Resharper Unit Tests within the IDE. When I do this, the Pre Build event doesn't run, and therefore all of the tests that depend on the sqlite3.dll fail.
What I need to do is either be able to move the appropriate file into the output directory before the Test Runner runs, OR make sure the Test Runner runs against ONLY the x86 Architecture, whereby I can just drop the appropriate file in the bin\debug folder and be done with it.
Things I've tried:
I've tried setting the "Build Settings" to "Always Build" but this has no affect on the outcome. It appears as though the build in the IDE doesn't run the Pre Build Event
I've also tried to set the default platform architecture in [Resharper -> Options -> Tools -> Unit Testing] - as per the docs, but unfortunately my version of R# doesn't have that option (7.1.3)

You can force the C# project to be 32 bit only, and the ReSharper runner will only run it as 32 bit. That way, you can drop the x86 dll in the bin\debug folder and it should all just work.


Jenkins build Visual Studio Solution with Different Configuration

Hi I have a visual studio solution which has been configured in Jenkins. And it's building successfully in debug configuration. How ever I need to change the build configuration to Release or another different one.
So How can I configure Jenkins to select the configuration to build?
If you are using the MSBuild plugin, try adding the configuration flag on the "Command Line Arguments" section:
If you are simply building from command line script (batch, powershell, etc), add the above flag there..
What I do, is create a generic job for build process which receives a parameter called "BUILD_CONFIGURATION" from the parent job which triggers it.
And I then reference it in the flag as a variable:

How do I fix MSB3073 error in my post-build event?

I'm working on a project that requires that DLLs generated by building my solution to be copied from the bin folder to another folder, both of which are on my machine, in my C drive. I've written a batch file that uses xcopy to accomplish this, which you can see here:
xcopy /s /y /q "C:\Users\scogan\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Organizr\Server\bin\Debug\Organizr.Services.dll" "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer\bin\"
xcopy /s /y /q "C:\Users\scogan\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Organizr\Server\bin\Debug\Organizr.Services.pdb" "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppServer\bin\"
Now, I've tried numerous iterations of this file, which is located at:
so my post-build event command line looks like this:
call C:\Users\scogan\Desktop\CopyFiles.bat
I've run this batch file on its own with two text files in folders on my desktop, and it works fine. I've also run it as it is with the files I need to copy on its own, and that works fine, too. However, when I try to run this as a post-build event, I get this output:
1> Organizr -> C:\Users\scogan\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Organizr\Client\bin\Debug\Organizr.exe
1> File not found - Organizr.Services.dll
1> 0 File(s) copied
1> 0 File(s) copied
1> File not found - Organizr.Services.pdb
1>c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(4291,5): error MSB3073: The command "call C:\Users\scogan\Desktop\CopyFiles.bat" exited with code 4.
I've done some research, and found that error code 4 means that "Initialization error occurred. There is not enough memory or disk space, or you entered an invalid drive name or invalid syntax on the command line."
I've also looked up what MSB3073 is, and haven't really found much that can help me there. So, my question is what am I doing wrong? Are the absolute paths messing it up? Any help here is appreciated.
Playing around with different project properties, I found that the project build order was the problem. The project that generated the files I wanted to copy was built second, but the project that was running the batch file as a post-build event was built first, so I simply attached the build event to the second project instead, and it works just fine. Thanks for your help, everyone, though.
Prefer the MsBuild "Copy" task in an AfterBuild target over a post-build event.
Append this Target into your project file and remove the PostBuildEvent.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="C:\Users\scogan\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Organizr\Server\bin\Debug\Organizr.Services.*"
SkipUnchangedFiles="false" />
For what it's worth, the problem in my case was caused by using '/' as the directory separator in a copy command. Must use backslashes.
In my case, the dll I was creating by building the project was still in use in the background. I killed the application and then xcopy worked fine as expected.
The specified error is related to the post built event. Somehow VS tool is not able to copy the files to the destination folder. There can be many reasons for it. To check the exact error cause go to Tools > Option> Project and Solution > Built and run, and change "MsBuild project build output verbosity" to "Diagnostic". It will give you enough information to detect the actual problem.
This is too late but posting my experience for people looking at it later:-
In MS VS 2010 I had the same issue. It got resolved by putting quotes to post build copy command args which contained spaces!
In Project Properties --> Configuration Properties --> Build Events --> Post-Build Event --> Command Line change:
copy $(ProjectDir)a\b\c $(OutputPath)
copy "$(ProjectDir)a\b\c" "$(OutputPath)"
If the problem still persists even after putting the after build in the correct project try using "copy" instead of xcopy. This worked for me.
The Post-Build Event (under Build Events, in the properties dialog) of an imported project, had an environment variable which was not defined.
Navigated to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System\Advanced system settings to add the appropriate environment variable, and doing no more than restarting VS2017 resolved the error.
Also, following on from #Seans and other answers regarding multiple project races/contentions, create a temp folder in the output folder like so,
and select the project producing the preferred output:
and build (no rebuild/clean) is a speedy solution.
Following thing you should do before to run copy command if you facing some issue with copy command
open solution as a administrator and build the solution.
if you have problem like "0 File(s) copied" check you source and destination path. might you are using wrong path. it would be better if you run the same command in "command prompt" to check whether it is working fine or not.
I solved it by doing the following:
In Visual studio I went in Project -> Project Dependencies
I selected the XXX.Test solution and told it that it also depends on the XXX solution to make the post-build events in the XXX.Test solution not generate this error (exit with code 4).
I've found the issue happens when you have multiple projects building in parallel and one or more of the projects are attempting to copy the same files, creating race conditions that will result in occasional errors. So how to solve it?
There's a lot of options, as above just changing things around could solve the issue for some people. More robust solutions would be...
Restrict the files being copied i.e. instead of xcopy $(TargetDir)*.*"... instead do xcopy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).*"...
Catch the error and retry i.e:
xcopy /Y /R /S /J /Q "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).*" "somewhere"
if ErrorLevel 1 goto loop
Use robocopy instead of xcopy
You probably won't want to do this as it will increase your build times, but you could reduce the maximum number of parallel project builds to 1 ...
I had the same problem for my Test project. I found out why my post build event wasn't working and that's because I was copying files before running the $(ProjectName).exe command and some of these files were required for Test project itself. Hence, by just moving $(ProjectName).exe as the first command fix the issue.
I faced this issue recently and surprisingly only i was having this problem and none of my team members were facing this issue when building the project code.
On debugging i found that my code directory had spacing issue , It was D:\GIT Workspace\abc\xyz.
As a quick fix i changed it to D:\GITWS\abc\xyz and it solved the problem.
I was getting this error after downloading some source code from Github. Specifically the rust oxide development framework. My problem is that the Steam.ps1 script file, that's used to update some of the dlls from Steam was blocked by the OS. I had to open the files properties an UNBLOCK it. I had not realized this was done to ps1 files as well as exes.
In my case a setting mismatch between Project's Configuration Properties->General->Output Directory setting and Linker->General->Output Directory.
There was a warning about it during linking.
I was facing a similar issue where it said it cannot copy a DLL from my build location to destination. The issue was my project path contained spaces, removing them the error was gone.

How to set the working directory for MS Test projects

how can I set the working directory for MS Tests projects, like I can do it for normal application projects? My Component that is tested need to access some config files that are also used by other applications. So far I have to copy these files the bin/debug folder of my test project, as these files are expected to be in the working directory.
Is it possible to set a working directory for test projects?
For those who use Visual Studio 2012, if you set the output directory of the test project under Properties|Build|OutputPath then that will become the working directory when you run the tests from Visual Studio (since it is using Vstest.console.exe). If you don't want to have your test dlls, etc output to the same directory as your other files and you don't want to have the other files as content in your test project (as suggested by Schaliasos) then you can set the path on startup in a method that has the [AssemblyInitialize] attribute. You do this by assigning System.Environment.CurrentDirectory as usual. You will probably want to have the working directory as a setting or read from a configuration file.
As pointed out by Rohit.Net, when you choose Run All Tests the default path would be under TestResults. The same applies when using a runsettings file. The output folder will be the default working directory when you are not using DeploymentItems and: -
You right click the test(s) in Visual Studio and choose to run / debug, or
You run from the command line using vstest.console.exe.
The working directory for test projects is created at the time you start running your tests.
If you run them locally this is created in a folder TestResults inside your project folder. If you run them in remote machines a different folder is created in each test agent in the following path:
In order your files to be deployed in these folder and have access to them you have to:
Set the Copy to Output Directory = Copy Always
In the test that needs these files set them as DeploymentItems.
Acarlon's suggestion does not work when you select Run All tests from Test Explorer in Visual Studio 2012.
The default path you would get is something like ...\TestResults\Deploy_<YourName>2014-01-13 14_48_20\Out folder.
Because of this there may be possibility that your DB would not be accessible when entity would try to open connection for running entity related Test.
In my case I am using SQL CE which is set as resource file and always compiled and gets itself dropped into the Bin/Debug/Resource folder.

CruiseControl.NET MSTest not overwriting trx file

I'm trying to show the results of visual studio unit tests within CruiseControl. Here is the relevant part of my config:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\mstest.exe
/testcontainer:H4Test\bin\debug\H4Test.dll /runconfig:localtestrun.Testrunconfig /resultsfile:H4Test\H4Results.trx
The issue is that the H4Results.trx can only be created once, so every subsequent run just shows the results of the first run of the test cases. I need to specify the name so that I can do the merge command. How do I get this working?
Here's the answer, creating a bat file to delete the .trx each run: nant results different from

I've a nant script that builds a VS2008 solution. When I run it myself by typing 'nant' in the command line all the correct DLLs are copied to the respective bin directories. But when Cruisecontrol performs the CI build no DLLs are copied to the bin directories.
Any ideas what's causing this?
Your problem, dear Mr. Flibble, is that you have specified "test" as the target in the config which is overrigind the default target (build) that gets executed when executing nant from the commandline.
Very probably there is something in your environment not in the Cruise Control environment. Add something in the CruiseControl build (like setting verbose on nant) and confirm you have the same paths set up.
