Apportable wrong orientation - apportable

It looks like everything is going to work..
My game compiles and successfully creates a running android version.
It is just in the wrong orientation. It show up in landscape when it should be portrait.
The Apportable Beta splash screen also shows up in landscape when it should be in portrait.
I correctly chose 1 and p when I first started.
Is there any way to get my game turned to portrait and the splash screen as well.

Make sure your info.plist indicates that you only support portrait orientations.
Additionally, make sure that info.plist is present in <you project>.approj/targets/<your target>/ under the infoplists key.


Android Virtual Keyboard affect screen rotation ( Using Cocos Creator to build )

I using Cocos Creator 3.5.2 for this project.
When I start testing input text field in android phone either in app or web browser, after the virtual keyboard appear and I try rotate screen from landscape to portrait, the keyboard got change but the screen layout dint resize still is landscape but only smaller n at top.
It need to close the keyboard then the screen layout will start resize and this is in app.
Any idea that can cause this happen?
And any solution for it.

iOS8--After changing Orientation Keyboard Disappeared

I'm running iOS8, iPhone-6 simulator, Xcode-6.0.1, ViewDeck version-2.2.11.
I have a textField on "RightViewController", It works great in portrait mode,
but as I change the orientation to Landscape and go back to portrait mode after
clicking in textfield the Keyboard is disappeared and also its layout is disturbed.
This problem is also explained in more detail on GitHub,
It seems that you try to build old project in new xCode6.
So the problem can be in the incorrect migration of old projects to new xCode.
Check if you have Launch screen interface file base name key in Info.plist file.
If it is the case please find the full answer here.

Upside-down splash screen with Cocos2d

I'm using cocos2d v1.0.1 for the iPhone. My app needs to support landscape left and right only. I'm adding the splash image in a rotated portrait mode so when the splash image is removed I can load a background image that is identical to it and do some animations so it appears seamless.
The problem is the splash screen is ALWAYS upside-down in relation to the background image I add. This is regardless of if my rotated portrait image is rotated left or right.
I'm using the default rotation code and setup for cocos. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I will suggest to duplicate the image and name it differently. And use it as per your need instead of using the default.png. It caused problem with me also. Instead of wasting my time I just used this way. Hope this helps. :)

How do I lock the screen orientation to landscape during a scene in cocos2d?

I am using box2d for ios app development.I would like to fix device orientation to landscape left which comes default in cocos2d.
How would I go about locking the screen orientation so that it cannot be changed while the user is playing?
Here's the answer to your question:
System ignore iPhone rotation
You tell the OS to ignore system rotations.
In Cocos2D open the GameConfig.h and change the Autorotation macro according to its documentation to disable autorotate support.

Is it possible to hide the RootViewController of a SplitView iPad app in landscape mode?

I have an iPad app that uses the RootViewController/DetailViewController pattern like most iPad apps. As usual, in landscape mode my RootViewController is "docked" to the left side of the screen, and the DetailViewController fills up the remainder of the screen.
What I would like to do is hide the RootViewController and allow the detail view to fill up the entire screen even in landscape mode. Is this possible?
I tried calling dismissPopoverAnimated, but this doesn't seem to have any effect in landscape mode.
since u have tagged ios4, I would like to say that that option has been disabled in ios 4.. it was possible in ios 3 but I am not able to find out how...
