Websockets with Streaming Archives - node.js

So this is the setup I'm working with:
I am on an express server which must stream an archived binary payload to a browser (does not matter if it is zip, tar or tar.gz - although zip would be nice).
On this server, I have a websocket open that connects to another server which is sending me binary payloads of individual files in a directory. I get these payloads streamed, piece-by-piece, as buffers, and I'm doing this serially (that is - file-by-file - there aren't multiple websockets open at one time, and there is one websocket per file). This is the websocket library I'm using: https://github.com/einaros/ws
I would like to go through each file, open a websocket, and then append the buffers to an archiver as they come through the websockets. When data is appended to the archiver, it would be nice if I could stream the ouput of the archiver to the browser (via the response object with response.write). So, basically, as I'm getting the payload from the websocket, I would like that payload streamed through an archiver and then to the response. :-)
Some things I have looked into:
node-zipstream - This is nice because it gives me an output stream I can pipe directly to response.write. However, it doesn't appear to support nested files/folders, and, more importantly, it only accepts an input stream. I have looked at the source code (which is quite terse and readable), and it seems as though, if I were able to have access to the update function within ZipStream.prototype.addFile, I could just call that each time on the message event when I get a binary buffer from the websocket. This is quite messy/hacky though, and, given that this library already doesn't seem to support nested files/folders, I'm not sure I will be going with it.
node-archiver - This suffers from the same issue as node-zipstream (probably because it was inspired by it) where it allows me to pipe the output, but I cannot append multiple buffers for the same file within the archive (and then manually signal when the last buffer has been appended for a given file). However, it does allow me to have nested folders, which is a clear win over node-zipstream.
Is there something I'm not aware of, or is this just a really crazy thing that I want to do?
The only alternative I see at this point is to wait for the entire payload to be streamed through a websocket and then append with node-archiver, but I really would like to reap the benefit of true streaming/archiving on-the-fly.
I've also thought about the possibility of creating a read stream of sorts just to serve as a proxy object that I can pass into node-archiver and then just append the buffers I get from the websocket to this read stream. Looking at various read streams, I'm not sure how to do this though. The only way I could think of was creating a writestream, piping buffers to it, and having a readstream read from that writestream. Am I on the correct thought process here?
As always, thanks for any help/direction you can offer SO community.
Since I just opened this question, and I'm new to node, there may be a better answer than the one I provided. I will keep this question open and accept a better answer if one presents itself within a few days. As always, I will upvote any other answers, even if they're ridiculous, as long as they're correct and allow me to stream on-the-fly as mine does.

I figured out a way to get this working with node-archiver. :-)
It was based off my hunch of creating a temporary "proxy stream" of sorts, inspired by this SO question: How to create streams from string in Node.Js?
The basic gist is (coffeescript syntax):
archive = archiver 'zip'
archive.pipe response // where response is the http response
// and then for each file...
fileName = ... // known file name
fileSize = ... // known file size
ws = .... // create websocket
proxyStream = new Stream()
numBytesStreamed = 0
archive.append proxyStream, name: fileName
ws.on 'message', (dataBuffer) ->
numBytesStreamed += dataBuffer.length
proxyStream.emit 'data', dataBuffer
if numBytesStreamed is fileSize
proxyStream.emit 'end'
// function/indicator to do this for the next file in the folder
// and then when you're completely done...
archive.finalize (err, bytesOfArchive) ->
if err?
// do whatever
// unless you somehow knew this ahead of time
'Content-Length': bytesOfArchive
Note that this is not the complete solution I implemented. There is still a lot of logic dealing with getting the files, their paths, etc. Not to mention error-handling.
Since I just opened this question, and I'm new to node, there may be a better answer. I will keep this question open and accept a better answer if one presents itself within a few days. As always, I will upvote any other answers, even if they're ridiculous, as long as they're correct and allow me to stream on-the-fly as mine does.


Sending large amounts of data from an ESP8266 server

I am building a web server from an ESP8266 that will send environmental data to any web client as a web page. I'm using the Arduino IDE.
The problem is that the data can get rather large at times, and all of the examples I can find show assembling a web page in memory and sending it all at once to the client via ESP8266WebServer.send(). This is ok for small web pages, but won't work with the amount of data I need to send.
What I want to do is send the first part of the web page, then send the data out directly as I gather it, then send the closing parts of the web page. Is this even possible? I've looked unsuccessfully for documentation and there doesn't seem to be any examples anywhere.
For future reference, I think I figured out how to do it, with help from this page: https://gist.github.com/spacehuhn/6c89594ad0edbdb0aad60541b72b2388
The gist of it is that you still use ESP8266WebServer.send(), but you first send an empty string with the Content-Length header set to the size of your data, like this:
server.sendHeader("Content-Length", (String)fileSize);
server.send(200, "text/html", "");
Then you send buffers of data using ESP8266WebServer.sendContent() repeatedly until all of the data is sent.
Hope this helps someone else.
I was having a big issue and a headache in serving big strings concatenating together with other strings variables to the ESP32 Ardunio webserver with
server.send(200, "text/html", BIG_WEBPAGE);
and often resulted in a blank page as I reported in my initial error.
What was happening was this error
E (369637) uart: uart_write_bytes(1159): buffer null
I don't reccommend to use the above server.send() function
After quite a lot of reaserch I found this piece of code that simply works like a charm. I just chunked my webpage in 5 pieces like you see below.
server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
server.sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
server.sendHeader("Expires", "-1");
// here begin chunked transfer
server.send(200, "text/html", "");
I really own much to this post. Hope the answer hepls someone else.
After some more experiments I realized it is faster and more efficient the code if you do not feed the string variable into the server.sendContent function. Instead you just paste there the actual string value.
server.sendContent("<html><head>my great page</head><body>");
server.sendContent("my long body</body></html>");
It is very important the when you chunk the webpage you don't chunk html tags and you don't chunk an expression of a javascript code (like cutting in half a while or an if), while chunking scripts just chunk after the semicolon or better between two function declarations.
Chunked transfer encoding is probably what you want, and it's helpful in the situation where the web page you are sending is being dynamically created on-the-fly and is also too large to fit into memory. In this situation, you have two problems. One, you can't send it all at once, and two, you don't know ahead of time how big the result is going to be. Both problems can be fixed like this:
String webPageChunk = "some html";
server.send ( 200, "text/html", webPageChunk);
while (<page is being generated>) {
webPageChunk = "some more html";
Sending a blank line will tell the client to terminate the session. Be careful not to send one in your loop before you're done generating the whole page.

how to save an image from discord using discord bot node js

So far I've only been able to get text and links from what other people on my discord channel type, but I want to be able to save posted images/gifs. is there any way I can do this through the bot or is it impossible? I'm using discord.js.
Images in Discord.js come in the form of MessageAttachments via Message#attachments. By looping through the amount of attachments, we can retrieve the raw file via MessageAttachment#attachment and the file type using MessageAttachment#name. Then, we use node's FileSystem to write the file onto the system. Here's a quick example. This example assumes you already have the message event and the message variable.
const fs = require('fs');
msg.attachments.forEach(a => {
fs.writeFileSync(`./${a.name}`, a.file); // Write the file to the system synchronously.
Please note that in a real world scenario you should surround the synchronous function with a try/catch statement, for errors.
Also note that, according to the docs, the attachment can be a stream. I have yet to have this happen in the real world, but if it does it might be worth checking if a is typeof Stream, and then using fs.createWriteStream and piping the file into it.

Node Pipes Handle Input

I am piping data from a textfile to another pipe which is downloading images from some urls. Now as expected this sends a large number of requests in quick succession and remote server shuts me down. I would like to handle next chunk only after the first is processed.
My code is:
.pipe(es.map(function (d, cb) {
.then(function(r) ...)
.fail(function(r) ...)
.fin(function(f) cb())
Since I have just started looking into streams, I might have missed a very simple point, or in my zeal to use streams I could have ignored a better approach
Extremely Large json file
Download images with a delay
You can call read.pause() right before calling download_images() and then call read.resume() right before you call cb().

How can I rotate the file I'm writing to in node.js?

I'm writing records to a file in node.js and I need to rotate the file with a new one every so many lines or after a duration but I can't lose any lines in the process. If I try with fs.createWriteStream to create a new stream I end up losing lines by overwriting the old stream. Any advise would be much appreciated.
Don't overwrite the old stream. Create the new stream as a separate resource.
var activestream;
function startup() {
activestream = fs.createWriteStream('path');
function record(line) {
function rotate() {
var newstream = fs.createWriteStream('path2');
activestream = newstream;
... something like that should work. Obviously you'll have to figure out how to manage the paths.
I am going to give an unconventional answer here.
You can consider a ready made library like winston which comes with well tested functionality to do exactly what you want. Given it's meant to write logs, but you can write your csv entries too just as easily.
Another big advantage of using winston is it supports multiple transports, so you can write not only to files and rotate them you can also write to other media MongoDB and few others.
It also does stuff like conditional writing and you can define custom 'log-level' to write different functional records to your file.
I recommend you check it out before cooking your own solution.
I would recommend writing your own stream manager similar to Jason's, but instead of ending the stream when rotate is requested, let the write finish, pause the stream, rotate the file, then resume the stream. Only one stream per file should be required and you shouldn't need to recreate it.

Can you pass meta data along with a stream?

When I pipe something like an image file through a stream is there any way to send an meta object along with it?
My server gets sent an image from a user. The image gets pushed through a set of streams that perform various actions.
The final stream emits a data event, it passes the resulting image buffer into a callback but I lose all context for the user. I need to keep the resulting image tied to the user's id and some other meta data.
stream.on('data', function(img, meta){
Thanks for any possible solutions!
In short, no, there's nothing built into Node.js to support including metadata with streams. You do have some other options, though, including:
You could use a closure to track the meta data separately from the stream. For example:
function handleImage(imageStream) {
var meta = {...};
imageStream.pipe(otherStreams).on('data', function(image) {
// you now have `image` and `meta` variables at your disposal here.
The downside of this is that the metadata is not available to your otherStreams.
This is a good solution if your other streams are third-party code outside of your control, of if they don't need to know about the metadata.
You could do something similar to HTTP headers, where all the data up to a certain point is meta data, and everything after it is the image. (In HTTP, the deliminator is wherever \n\n occurs first.) All of your streams in the chain have to know about this and handle it though.
If you know your metadata will always be in one chunk and none of your streams split or merge chunks, then you could simplify this a bit and just say that the first (or last) chunk is always metadata.
Switch to an object stream like Amoli mentioned in his answer. Here you would pass {image: imgData, meta: {...}}. You would then have to update your other streams to expect this format.
The main downside of this method, though, is that you either have to pass the metadata multiple times, cache it somewhere for each stream that needs it, or pass your entire image as one chunk (which kind of kills the entire point of "streams"). And, from what I've been told, node.js can optimize text/binary streams better than object streams. So, this probably isn't a good approach for your situation.
https://github.com/dominictarr/mux-demux might be helpful here. It combines multiple streams into one, so you could have separate image and meta streams. I'm not sure how well it would work for your situation though. You'd probably need to update all of your streams to be aware of it.
I know I said that all but the first option require modifying the other streams, but there is a way around that: you could create a generic "stream wrapper" that splits up the image and meta data and passes just the image data through the main stream, and has the meta data bypass it and go on to the next one down the chain. This gets ugly fast though, so probably not the best idea.
Basically, whenever you want to read or write any objects which are not strings or buffers, you’ll need to put your stream into objectMode
Example (source):
function S3Lister (s3, options) {
options || (options = {});
stream.Readable.call(this, { objectMode : true });
this.s3 = s3; // a knox-like client.
this.marker = options.start;
this.connecting = false;
this.ended = false;
util.inherits(S3Lister, stream.Readable);
We set the stream to use objectMode as we want to return not just data but also some metadata.
For more information:
Node.js Docs stream object mode
An introduction to nodes streams
I created a module called metastream for this type of thing. (It is in npm).
