Jquery add class if have parent with certain class - parent

I'm looking to do the following.
If there is a parent div with a class of 'open' then add the class 'on' to an element (the h3)

I think you can get it by going through simple jquery examples. the following snippet will be helpful.
The same output can be achieved by the following single line code
$(".open h3").attr('class',"on");


Additional GS1 codes support in Acumatica

We need to add support for GS1 Barcode Customer Part Number in the Purchases - Receive and Put Away screen, it is not supported by default and I can't a find a way to add it.
From looking at the source code, it seems like I need to override GS1Support property or the GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway class but I can't find a way to to this. I tried to override using PXGraphExtension method:
public class ReceivePutAway_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway>
but then I get the following error:
CS0311 The type 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' cannot be used as type parameter 'Graph' in the generic type or method 'PXGraphExtension'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway' to 'PX.Data.PXGraph' class.
After updating the extension class declaration as suggested, now the error is gone but I'm still unable to find a way to override GetGS1ApplicationSteps() method on the BLC extension class PX.Objects.PO.WMS.ReceivePutAway, .
Does anybody know how to make the override work for a class like this or maybe has good suggestion on how to add support for additional GS1 barcodes?
ReceivePutAway is not a Graph, therefore you cannot do a simple Graph Extension directly on it. ReceivePutAway inherits from WMSBase which is actually defined as a Graph Extension. This means that you need to end up with a second level graph extension.
If you need to customize ReceivePutAway, I would suggest to try the approach mentioned here:
Refer to section 'Second-Level BLC Extension' in the above link. In your case, it might be something like this:
public class ExtensioReceivePutAway_Extension :
PXGraphExtension<ReceivePutAway, ReceivePutAwayHost>

Can a GDScript class not extend anything?/Is there a class that every class must extend?

I'm making a GDScript class that shouldn't need to extend Node2D. It doesn't have an associated scene, and exists so that other classes in my project can interface with it, but will never be displayed directly by the engine. Can I simply not have the extends keyword at the top of the file?
You can extend Object or any of its descendants, not just Node.
I believe you can omit the extends statement and it will default to inheriting Reference, but you should be explicit and write extends Reference.
Read the docs on Object then Reference then Resource and see which one will work best for you.
You can then instance your new script like:
const MyScript = preload(‘path/to/my_script.gd’)
var my_script := MyScript.new()
Or if you have given your script a class_name you can omit the preload into constant step.

Jest - how to test if a component does not exist?

How do I check if a component is not present, i.e. that a specific component has not been rendered?
.contains receives a React Node or array of Nodes as an argument. Instead, use .find:
You can use enzymes contains to check if the component was rendered:
expect(component.contains(<ComponentName />)).toBe(false)
If you're using react-testing-library (I know the OP wasn't but I found this question via web search) then this will work:
expect(component.queryByText("Text I care about")).not.toBeInTheDocument();
You can query by Text, Role, and several others. See docs for more info.
Note: queryBy* will return null if it is not found. If you use getBy* then it will error out for elements not found.
Providing a slightly updated answer based on the documentation for enzyme-matchers's toExist. This will require you to install the enzyme-matchers package.
function Fixture() {
return (
<span className="foo" />
<span className="bar baz" />
const wrapper = mount(<Fixture />); // mount/render/shallow when applicable
.contains does not expect a selector, unlike find. You can look at the length attribute of the ShallowWrapper
I found I needed to use this syntax with Enzyme and Jest to test if a Connected Component existed in the rendered output.
We use Jest and Enzyme, and I've found the only good test is to import the sub-component and test this way:
expect(component.find(SubComponent).length).toEqual(0); // or (1) for exists, obvs
I tried all the other answers and none worked reliably.
If you are using react-testing-library, then this also will work:
expect(component.queryByText("Text I care about").toBeNull());
expect(within(component).queryByText("Text I care about")).toBeNull();
Note: In my case, I needed to use queryBy* because it doesn´t error out when the text element (that contains the text: Text I care about) does not exist. Therefore, I could evaluate whether there is an existence of a text component or not.

Iterating over ExtendedDataModel in Java code

I have an ExtendedDataModel (RichFaces implementation of JSF DataModel) that I need some data from in the Java code of my controller. If It want to iterator over it and get each record could I do something like this (basically treating it like a Java collection)...
ExtendedDataModel <WorkerStatistics> data;
// call some backend code to intialize it here
for (WorkerStatistics workerStats : data)
Or do I need to do something more fancy? Like the walk method?
org.ajax4jsf.model.ExtendedDataModel from Richfaces class extends javax.faces.model.DataModel, which means you can iterate over it as you would do with the latter.
The method walk() is valid.
See documentation : http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/4.5.X/4.5.0.Final/javadoc/org/ajax4jsf/model/ExtendedDataModel.html

Cannot bind a click event to all instances of a class with YUI

I am trying to simply bind a click event to all instances of a class using the .all method in YUI. For some reason it simply doesn't work. Here is the code:
YUI().use('io', 'json-parse', 'handlebars', 'node', 'event', function(Y) {
Y.all(".edit-user-button").on("click", function() {
alert("Click worked");
As you can see, I've imported the event and node modules but nothing happens when I click the buttons with that class edit-user-button.
EDIT: I am generating the elements with the class edit-user-button dynamically using Handlebars. This would otherwise work if the class already existed in the DOM but it is failing because it is dynamically loading.
Give it a try letting the container delegate the event to your buttons.
Y.one(".container").delegate('click', function(){
alert("Click worked");
}, ".edit-user-button")
More about this: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/event/delegation.html
Hope this helps!
The reason may be that the elements with class 'edit-user-button' are created dynamically (o the class itself is added dynamically) and are not in the DOM yet when your code that sets the event handler runs.
This can be solved using a technique called Event Delegation
Using the YUI library you can apply that technique using the delegate method:
Y.one(".someContainer").delegate('click', function(){
alert("Click worked");
}, ".edit-user-button")
Info specific to YUI event delegation here.
