URL displays the source code - jsf

in my application particular URL displays the JavaScript source used in our project.For >https://example/faces/scripts/NameofJavaScript.js. It displays the java script mentioned in the URL as save or open option.please let me know about this issue.Is it Web server side issue or Application side issue.how to resolve this issue.I am using Java with Jsf. Thanks in advance.

You can't stop people from viewing your JavaScript code sadly; as it's a client side language, however if you were to use PHP or ASP.Net for example, the code would be hidden as it's server side.
Client Side - View able
Server Side - Hidden
Basic rules I go by anyway


Access a local IBM Notes application with default system browser

I am developping web applications using the Xpages framework from the IBM Lotus Notes technology.
My users don't use the embedded Notes Client browser, but use a regular modern browser (Firefox, Chrome) to browse Notes applications.
Everything is ok when the user has an internet connexion, he can access the application on the online server through his favorite browser.
However some of my applications need to be used Offline, in local. When a user works in local, he opens the IBM Notes Client, go to his workspace and click to open an application locally. Then, the Notes Client runs a http server on a random port and open the application with the embedded Notes Client browser.
What I want to achieve is to be able to open the application on a regular browser (Firefox, Chrome), by just using the default system browser and not the embedded Notes Client browser.
Here is what I tried without success :
With window.location.href I get the port where the local http server runs and the path to the page that is opened in the embedded Notes Client browser. I get this kind of result :
So I just keep the interesting part :
Now I need to pass the session id has a parameter of this http request so the browser will have the right to access the application. I get the session ID with the following :
From this I get an ID and I build my complete http request :
But when I try this into a regular browser, instead of getting the page I get an error 500. If I look at the log of the server, I see the following error message :
Exception Thrown
javax.servlet.ServletException: The request is not coming from a trusted Rich Client part
But I am sure my ID is correct. I tried to investigate this on the internet but no success for now, I would be happy if someone has an idea about what do I miss? Or maybe another way to open a local application in the default system browser?
Thank you!
In short, you can't. This is disabled by security restrictions.
But maybe you should think again about a XPiNC application: With 9.0.1, the underlying XULRunner component was upgraded and supports now HTML5 and a lot of the "newer" features.
It matches Firefox 10.0.6, here are the HTML5 test results:
The only reasonable action you have at you disposal is to install Domino designer on the clients. Then you get the nhttp task that serves to a standard browser (you might get away analysing what nhttp needs and only install that part).
The caveat there: the local nhttp does not support authentication. So you need to hack around it (e.g. copy data back and forth between the local NSF and the properly secured one).
Alternative you could try the approach I took with vert.x (should work with any Java container, but then you won't have any XPages, just raw Domino data.
Danielle pushed that forward with the Crossworlds Project - which might be what you need.
Stephan says it as it is: the way you are considering is just going to cause you huge headaches.
If offline capacity is a must, have you thought about creating a pure Notes-Client application? That would certainly be far easier.

node.js web application with client side rendering

I'm building a web application using node.js, this is my first time working with node. I'm using express framework and I have a question about client side rendering.
All the tutorials that I have found online talk about express and server side rendering. They talk about how you can use jade the express templating engine, to serve rendered templates as reponse to your web application.
My application is going to be client heavy and most of the rendering will be done client side. I want to call server to just get plain JSON response and then render it client side, so server side rendering is not of much use.
In this case, is express a right choice? I really like the way I can write APIS in express but I'm concerned about how to serve my application. If I don't want to use the server side rendering it would mean that I would have to serve static HTML at the first call which seems weird to me.
You might want to try Emberjs if you want most of the work done on the client side. But still, you need to send the data to the client so one way is to build your app totally on the client side just by sending a plain html and working your way up there. You can also precompile jade
What you are describing sounds like you are searching for an javascript MVC(or other) solution.
There are a lot of possibilities. Take the right tools for the right job.
Try the following link to get an nice overview of what is possible.
Helping you select an MV* framework

Scraping adf faces oracle rich client

I am trying to scrape a oracle adf faces rich client webpage but I am not getting the best of luck, I login automatically using node.js request module but after that I can't get to any other page with request. I get stuck on redirects, the loop script or simply don't get information I expect to.
I am using Wireshark to view every page and the way it handles, I recreate the page to match headers and even size but everytime the framework denies me access.
Before you ask, it's legal and I am not breaking any terms of service. Just trying to make a web api to speed up a process. I have used phantomjs with casperjs but get stuck on ajax calls that don't show on page and php curl but it's much easier with java.
Any suggestions are really really appreciated.
My bad on this one, wireshark was displaying fields as truncated, if you want to see the full field you need to right click the packet and click follow TCP stream, rich clients have very long posts generated by the framework behind the rich client and it appears I was missing about half of them when I did the calls.

Accessing HttpConnection in Java ME application

i want to access the URL in Java ME Application ,i am getting the Code for HttpConnection(html code) but i want the output as we see in browser, is it ok if my app get redirected in native browser or it will be better if can I see the output in my application ?
It is better to redirected in native browser,if you want to permently out of application because when you redirect then your midlet going to be paused state. if you want show your result same like web browser then you have do remove html tags from it and you have to design your canvas for your result.

Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); will open web page on server or client side?

I have a JSF application and when user click on button I want to open a web page.
Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); probably opens a web page on server side,
how to do it on client side?
when i try Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri); it works, but maybe its because I open the JSF application on localhost so I dont know if the opened uri is on server side or client side.
In the specification for getDesktop() its written:
Returns the Desktop instance of the current browser context.
You can do this by a simple link (and perhaps style it as a button):
<h:outputLink href="otherpage.jsf" target="_blank" />
If you insist on a button, there is a way to do this with javascript, but I'd recommend against it.
When developing web applications, forget about java.awt.* and javax.swing.* - they are not to be used in web application development (unless you create applets)
