iWidgets: Authenticate Proxy Calls to 3rd Party Application - ibm-connections

I created an iWidget for IBM Connections, which has to retrieve data from our external web application through the provided proxy. However, said application requires the user to be authenticated before providing an answer.
Is there any general recommendation on how to solve this? I'm aware that I can get the current user from the iScope of the widget, but just forwarding this information to our application is not secure - since everyone could just create such a request, pretending to be any user. I also know that the proxy can be configured to forward ltpa credentials, but I dont know how to validate such a token - maybe IBM provides a library for this task, that I'm just not aware of?


Secure way to transmit data from one web app to another in user context

Our application is a Single Page App built with Angular and ASP.NET Core.
We have to integrate another web app which we will integrate in an iframe in our app. This app has to send data back to our application after the user finished his work.
I need to make sure, i can relate the data coming from this application to an authenticated user starting the operation in our app in a secure way.
Those were the options i thought in realizing the interface:
Generate a unique token in our application which knows about the related user and gets passed to the other application. The other application transmits this token along with it's other data back to our application and we can check this token on our backend to find out if it's a legitimate request and also relate it to a user.
Store cookies after authenticating the user in our app, so the other app could just post the data to our endpoint and the cookies make sure, the call takes place in the authenticated user's context. Also we would probably have to allow CORS from this site to make this work.
Use a non-http-based middleware (message broker) to connect the systems in a way, which keeps data transfer out of the browser.
Transmit the Bearer token from our application to the other application, so the other application can make an authenticated call to our application backend.
CORS would have to be activated as well for the other app's origin.
However i'm a bit concerned about the security implications this could have.
Which way would you suggest? Or would you suggest a completely other way of achieving the goal?
Thank you very much for any advise!
Number 2 and 4 will both have potential security issues. Passing authentication contexts between different applications should be avoided, instead each application should be authenticated independently.
Number 3 would add complexity to your architecture while bringing little to no benefit for your use case - message brokers are not trivial to configure and operate. I would also question why two apps need to be integrated in the client via and iFrame but then are somehow able to share a message broker.
Number 1 for me is the cleanest option from your ideas. Consider however, you will need to pass this token somehow in the client which may open security holes. Think about the negative implications of what could happen, should a nefarious 3rd party get access to this token.
In your place I would question why an iFrame. Would it be possible for your app to provide the UI and instead communicate with this other application over an API?

Azure AD Login/logout implementation for Spring cloud microservices

I want to implement login and logout functionality and retrive user details like username and user role using Azure Active Directory.
We are using Docker to deploy Spring cloud microservices project on Azure cloud. Could you please suggest me steps to get user details?
Do we need to secure all microservices edge points using Spring cloud OAuth2 security using JWT or just we can secure one web microservice ? Do I need any permission ,specific user roles to implement this?
You can find Azure's documentation about OAuth 2.0 support for AAD here
I've got an application that's using OAuth 2.0 with a different Authentication Server, and I'm about to see if I can use AAD as the Authentication Server. But, whatever ends up being your Auth Server, the rest of the application should be the same...
The Auth Server handles the log in (typically as a Single-Sign On pattern)
The Auth Server will return a Json Web Token (at some point, depending on the Grant Type being used to retrieve it)
The JWT should be included in each subsequent request to ensure the caller has authorization
From a Spring perspective, you'll need at least a SSO Client (denoted by the #EnableOAuthSSO annotation). If everything in hosted by that process, you'll need that JWT to call subsequent methods. If you have processes hosted in other processes, it's likely you'll want them secured as well. Using the #EnableResourceServer annotation will configure Spring Security to look for the JWT, just not attempt to retrieve one if the request does not have it.
Unless the endpoint is meant to be publicly accessible, you will want to secure it. Of course, I really don't know the context of your application, so this statement is purely an uninformed opinion based on zero knowledge of what you're trying to do with your application. Take it for what it's worth.
This has become a little more complex than I originally thought. I have been able to write some code to dynamically retrieve the public key from Microsoft in order to validate the returned JWT.
But, the main issue is the fact the Azure AD supports Open Id Connect when acting as an Identity/Authentication Server. And, at the moment, spring-security-oauth2 doesn't support Open Id Connect.
I was able to make some small changes to the spring code, but I did ask the question to the Spring group and they are actively working on adding support for Open Id Connect. They hope to have a release two months (ish?).
For the short term, the oauth2 support doesn't support Open Id Connect. Given this is the protocol used by AAD, the current version of oauth2 won't work with AAD. That said, I will be happy to wait for the official support which shouldn't be too long.

Can ASP.NET Web API treat security differently when request comes from inside the firewall?

I'm new to Web API, HTTP and security in general, but I just want to know if this is possible: for a controller to relax security requirements when the HTTP request originated from within the local area network.
My particular application has very low security requirements for clients inside the firewall. For instance, I want internal client apps to be able to make requests of controller actions marked with [AllowAnonymous] so that they don't need to deal with OAuth, etc (which just seems like complete overkill for my internal use scenario).
However, if the same controller actions are available to the public Internet, of course strict security requirements should apply.
Can security be handled differently based on origin? Or is the standard practice to expose both a public-facing and an Internal API?
When you use the [AllowAnonymous] attribute on your controller or action, you tell ASP.NET that it should not check the user's identity at all. That is not what you want for users coming from the internet.
You could remove the [Authorize] attribute from your controller and manually check inside the action if the user is authenticated using:
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || IsLocalUser())
// action implementation
You can implement this check in a custom authorization attribute.
This still leaves you with the task to determine whether the user is local or coming from the internet. You could check the client IP-address to determine this of course.
Another option would be to enable both Windows authentication and bearer scheme authentication if your local users are part of an Active Directory domain.
Users from your intranet could use Windows authentication to talk to the service, while internet users need to bring a JWT token. This would only work if the client application for users coming from the internet is different than for local users.
DISCLAIMER: I've never tried this last option.
Identifying a request as one from "inside the firewall" isn't always as simple as just investigating the IP address. Although, this may work for you now, it may make it difficult to move environments or modify the environment without affecting application logic.
I would recommend developing a simple middle layer application that simply has the job of calling your main application with enough authorization data to handle security in the same context as your regular app, but this middle layer would in itself not be authorized. You will then just have to make sure that this app is not accessible to users outside of the firewall.

Web API authentication and authorization (OAuth)

Consider the following (common) scenario. I will first try to specify how I understand a (nice) Web API should look like, using OAuth. Please do correct me if I got any of the flows wrong.
My API: the center of attention, all clients use this.
My Web App: Uses the API just like any other client would.
My Mobile App: Also uses the API, the same exact way as the web app. Users should be able to authenticate without opening a browser.
3rd party Web App: Also uses the API - however, the user/resource owner must grant permission for the app to do something. They do this by redirecting to my site (or opening a popup to it), logging the user in if necessary, and prompting the user for access.
3rd party Mobile App: Same requirements as the 3rd party web app.
The Question(s)
Should the API handle authentication and authorization?
How does the API know who (the resource owner that is using the client application), is using the API?
When a user is using my official clients, they should obviously not have to grant any permissions - my clients should have all permissions. How would I distinguish between my official clients, and 3rd party clients when calling the API?
Here is what I understand, and would do so far. This is where I really need help - getting this done right.
Official Web app
- Client attempts to `GET /api/tasks/".
- API says "who are you? (HTTP 401)
- Official web app redirects to login form.
> Bob enters his credentials.
- .. now what? Get an authentication token? Cookie?
Since the web app is just a consumer of my API, how would I manage the logged-in state? Should the web app do that?
Should the web app have direct access to the users database instead of verifying credentials against the API?
I am using .NET (C#) primarily, but I'd love an approach that is applicable to, say, Node JS based API's as well.
How would you go about this? Especially the client flows are a problem for me. The reason I ask, is that I have read that you should not roll your own security solution unless absolutely necessary, so if there are any standard-ish guidelines for this, do let me know. :)
Take a look at the new web API 2 oAuth stuff.
Basically fire up a new web API project and ensure you select to change the authentication.
Then, it's a simple case of calling the register controller. This then creates a token for you which can then be sent in the header of each request for that user.
Check out the API calls using fiddler and create some mock up accounts.
It's been awhile, but I thought I would document what I ended up doing.
I use DotNetOpenAuth. I have a database with clients, and they have a Trusted field - if this is set, it lets the client use the password grant, which automatically grants all scopes that have been predefined for that client.
The 1st-party web app uses plain cookie auth - exposing the client credentials in JS would be too risky.

How do I ensure authentic silverlight clients are calling my azure services

How can I be confident that only our silverlight applications are calling our azure services?
The silverlight client will need to have a user authenticated and have the correct permissions to perform an action but I did not know how application authenticity is commonly implemented on these azure service calls. I know you can sign the application (required for client updates). Is this combined with ssl connections enough? Should I be using a cert at the client?
What are some common approaches to this problem?
You can put data inside your message headers. You can do it in the SOAP header when using SOAP or in the HTTP header when using REST. Then when you've done this you can use a secure SSL channel to communicate so people can't sniff out your packages.
When you're using RIA service and you want to add data in the HTTP header then see my blog:
Silverlight does not have a way of identifying itself to the service, and even if it does, a little tool called Fiddler will expose all that information for anyone to exploit your services.
You should assume nothing about the client. Your services should perform validation on the incoming requests without trying to determine who/what the client is.
I do hope someone has a solution because I haven't found one yet, and I'd love to secure my services so that only Silverlight can make requests.
You could do this using the Access Control Service, there is a nice example on codeplex written by someone of the ACS team:
although it is a windows phone 7 client (which is also silverligh), i think you can distill what you need from it.
Silverlight is a tricky beast when it comes to integrating with ACS, it seems that writing to the headers from Silverlight to pass authentication information along is very tricky - there isn't an easy way to intercept the calls to wrap them with the auth header in Silverlight, like you could do in an ASP.NET application.
You can use ACS to get your identifying information to Silverlight by using an approach like this example: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/MIX/MIX10/SVC01
What I ended up doing is wrapping some unique identifier claim in a SWT token, signed with a key that's known by both Silverlight and the web service, and having the web service verify that that user has access. By placing the unique identifier in a signed SWT token (with an expiration time of a very short amount - to help reduce attacks where folks copy a valid request and send it again at a later time), I could more comfortably believe that the request was truly coming from my Silverlight app.
To pass the token, I just made a class that contains all the parameters I want to pass (that way I didn't have to keep rewriting the function definitions), including the SWT token.
Hope this helps.
