Launch a process during start up that uses dbus in Linux - linux

I have to start a process during the start up in Linux(Ubuntu Linux). This process uses dbus session bus. I tried by adding this process in the bashrc and etc/rc.local file. I even tried the start up programs/applications in Ubuntu. But that does not seems to work.Can you please help me in fixing this issue

Finally the start up applications in ubunutu worked for me, Initially I was using the script with some arguments. That is why it was not working before.


Make chosen version of Elasticsearch run as a service in Linux

I have an issue with later versions of ES, so have to use 7.10.2 currently.
This means that the previous method I used to install ES as a service, i.e. apt-get, doesn't work You can't choose an older version this way: it currently installs 7.16.3.
So I followed the procedure on this page for 7.10: everything worked: I was able to run ES as an app and also as a "daemon". Clearly I could simply put the "daemon" startup line in a script which runs on boot.
But what's the optimum way of turning this "daemon arrangement" into a service which you can control with systemctl, and which starts automatically when the machine boots?
PS I don't want to get involved with Docker. I'm sure that's a useful thing but I'm convinced there is a simpler way of doing it, using available Linux sys tools.
I found a workaround... this doesn't in fact create a service of the "systemd" type which can be controlled by systemctl. There seem to be one or two problems which make this non-trivial.
1) You can't start ES as root! I assume (not sure) that most services are being run by root. Anyway this was something I couldn't find a solution to.
2) I am not sure whether a shell script file called by a service is allowed to end... or should continue endlessly: initially I thought this would be sufficient. This is a shell script ( which does indeed start up ES (as a daemon process) when run by manually in a terminal. There is no issue to do with the fact that the script ends and you then close the terminal: the daemon process continues to run:
# start ES as a daemon...
cd /home/mike/Elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.10.2
./bin/elasticsearch -d -p pid
... but it never worked using a xxx.service file in /etc/systemd/system/ (maybe because of 1) above). So I also tried adding these lines under the above ones:
while true
echo "bubbles"
sleep 60
... didn't work either.
In the end I found a simple workaround solution was to start up the daemon process by using crontab:
#reboot /home/mike/sysadmin/
... but I'd still like to know how to set it up as a true service, which starts at boot...

Raspberry Pi boot script duplicating

I am trying to run a few scripts at each boot of the raspberry pi. I have been able to verify that when they are not configured to start automatically, I can run them, and they all work exactly as intended (and in only one instance). I have tried quite a few methods of autostarting these scripts, and I have found that using a desktop entry in .config/autostart directory to be my preferred way of doing it. I have also tried editing rc.local, crontab, systemd, and entries in .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart with no more success.
The issue is that when I have the scripts running at boot, there is a duplicate of the script running (I have it set to open a new instance of LXterminal, though there are not duplicates of the terminal). The script runs at boot just fine, but I am cannot figure out why there seems to be a "ghost" version of the script too. I have the autostart commands set to write to log files that show that the scripts are running more than once. I have also tried this on a fresh raspbian install. Could someone help me figure this out? I'm at a loss on what my issue is. This is for use of Amazon Alexa.
This is what I have in /home/pi/.config/autostart/AlexaBoot.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal -e "/bin/bash /home/pi/Desktop/"
I can post what I have in the autostarted script if necessary. Thanks.
Found a fix for this. My solution is outlined on a similar Github issue, hopefully this is able to help someone with the same issue.

Start script on linux startup

I try to execute a java application at startup in a yocto based linux device. I added a script at /etc/init.d/etic and made it executable. If I call at the shell /etc/init.d/etic start or /etc/init.d/etic stop the application is started an stopped as expected. Then I called on the shell update-rc.d etic defaults and the symlinks were created. According to what I found on the web, this should be enough, but somehow the application is not started. What did I miss? How could I check what is going wrong or is there any minimal example which should work which I can try to extend?
Well, often such issues are due to a different environment when executing the start script by hand, as compared to when it's being run from the init system. For instance, your .profile and .bashrc won't have been sourced, when running from the init system.
You can use eg logger to easily log things from your init-script, and this rather easily find out what goes wrong.

Linux Invoke custom script during OS shutdown

I wrote a simple JAVA application which runs as a service. When my application is up and running, I maintain the PID in a file which will be used while stopping the application.
When I restart the OS the stop script is not called (not sure how to make this happen) and the old PID is left as it is in the PID file. Now, after reboot (which start my app) when I stop the app using stop script now my stop script will try to clean up all the PID listed in the file. Most of the time, I will get "No such process". But there are chance the same PID might have been used for some other process
How I can make sure my stop script will be invoked when I shutdown ore reboot the OS? I am looking a solution for RHEL environment.
I think your are looking for a init script. (startup/shutdown services at different run levels)
This is a good reference
this has a good refernce to Linux init.d scripts
Hope it helps
If you are looking for scripts that run after reboot, I guess you can write the script in /etc/rc.local and then you can start your service.
This script will run after all your init scripts have run while your machine starts. Using this you can delete the old PID file.

Long running java process

I have inherited a java system which should be run in the background on a Linux server. The directions call for it to be started java -jar start.jar. This seems a little too fragile for my liking. I'd like it to actually run in the background, ideally starting up automatically at boot time.
What is the best way to achieve this? I've looked into running the system within a screen environment, which works fine, but won't automatically start up when the system reboots.
You can write an init.d script for it! (init.d scripts are started in specified runlevels at startup time)
Or you can start it in the background with & in the end of the command.
java -jar start.jar &
What kind of distribution do you use? Debian?
Have a look at: Creating your own init.d script
At least on ubuntu, I'd put this command in the /etc/rc.local file with an & at the end.
+1 on using an init.d script
You should also consider using jsvc ( in your init.d script to allow you to use privileged resources while running the service as an unprivileged user. jsvc is bundled with at least Debian and Ubuntu.
