.htaccess set up issue - .htaccess

I have a folder in my htdocs folder ChemLabDB and inside the directory I have my HTML files that the user can browser from their browsers. When the user put the path to the directory, the browser displays all the files. I put the .htaccess and .htpasswd file in the directory. Now everytime I visit the website, I get a enter password prompt.
My Directory:
My .htaccess file:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Not Available to Users"
AuthUserfile "../htdocs/ChemLabDB/.htpasswd"
Require valid-user
What do I modify so the user can browse without having to enter authentication credentials. The only time a user is REQUIRED (for security) to enter is when they try to browse the directory?

You don't need to take refuge of Basic Authentication. Just put this line in your root .htaccess file:
Options -Indexes
And don't forget to comment out Basic Authentication code.


why is the .htaccess auth command not working in a directory in Drupal 9

i have a mini website below my sites default files directory and i am trying to make it be password protected with the following .htaccess file which i put in that same directory:
#Protect Directory
AuthName "Dialog prompt"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /Users/dianacastillo/Projects/dam/web/sites/default/files/microsites/food-lineup/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
I also created an .htpasswd file in the same directory.
however when i browse to this directory from the site, it does not ask for any authentication. what could be wrong?
this didnt work because i was using ddev . ddev uses nginx, not apache , i switched to apache in the conf.yaml for ddev and now it works.

.htaccess error requesting your username and password. The site says: “Protected Directory”

I can't enter my web site www.nationtech.net.
When I am trying to enter my site URL on the browser, they show
http://www.nationtech.net is requesting your username and password. The site says: “Protected Directory”.
here is my .htaccess file code
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected Directory"
AuthUserFile "/home/wppasswd"
require valid-user
I am trying to change .htaccess code but they are not save.
What can i do?
If you do not want password protection for your website, just delete this .htaccess file
Just had a webpage hacked and thats exactly what happend. You need to take a couple of steps. I wiped out the account from my server, but server did not allowed me to erase .htaccess file on account folder, and I was even logged in as root. So steps:
Use commands
chattr -i .htaccess
chmod 777 .htaccess
Then you can delete that .htaccess file. It seems that a hacker got into your server, change the attributes so not even a root user can even touch, modify, change attributes at all. Once you remove .htaccess then you can remove the folder containing the file by repeating same procedure.

.htaccess directory protection not working in nginx

I try to protect my dev web project a bit and add directory protection. ("Verzeichnisschutz" in german).
This is my .htaccess file (project/.htaccess)
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Please enter the valid auth details"
AuthUserFile .htpasswd
Require valid-user
This is my .htpasswd file (project/.htpasswd)
But I can still enter the website without having to enter any credentials.
I tried different browsers and inspector/private mode.
What is wrong?
Now I know why it does not work.
It is because my project runs on a nginx server and .htaccess does only work with apache.

Htaccess directory password Drupal

And sorry if this question has already been answered. But I'm trying to add a folder to my Drupal 7 installation that can be accessed only via password. I have created the folder in my FTP (and named it folder), but unfortunately I can't access this folder. I'd like the folder to look like this (like in Wordpress)
But instead I get "Page isn't working".
Br. Five
Assuming you are running Apache, try adding a .htaccess file to that folder with the following content:
Options +Indexes
When you want to password protect the directory with .htaccess you'll also have to add this:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Protected Area"
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

problem protecting a directory using .htaccess

I have created a .htaccess and .htpasswd files, and stored them in the folder I want to protect and when I navigated to that folder, I was asked for the username and passowrd (stored in the .htpasswd file) after entering the username and password, I got a 500 Internal server error. I have used the files on both localhost (windows) and on a web server (linux I guess) both gave the same result mentioned.
this is my .htaccess file:
<Files ~ "^\.(htaccess|htpasswd)$">
deny from all
AuthUserFile /.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Please enter your ID and password"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
order deny,allow
I doubt that your .htpasswd file is really located at the very root of the server's filesystem along with /bin, /usr, /home, and others (rather than inside the part of the filesystem served to web browsers).
According to Apache documentation (1, 2), AuthUserFile expects a file path (as if you were in ServerRoot, usually /usr/apache or similar, and trying to locate the file from the Unix shell). It cannot be a URL, either absolute or relative. Correct your .htpasswd file path accordingly.
Note that if possible, you shouldn't put the .htpasswd file inside a public_html or htdocs folder, because any configuration error could not only allow unauthorized access to the files you want to protect but also the authorized usernames and hashed passwords.
Use an absolute hosting path, eg:
