How to move to the end of the continuous line by pressing keys in command line in vim editor - vim

My file contains some content.
This file is just for testing and it may contain no about about any related data.
But used for copy of move the content to one file to another.
The given line is continuation of the same line. How to move to the cursor to end of the first line by pressing single key.
My _cursor is waiting here
_This file is just for testing and it may contain no about about any related data.
But used for copy of move the content to one file to another.
By pressing singe command or key I need to move to end of first line of my cursor_.
This file is just for testing and it may contain no about about any related data._
But used for copy of move the content to one file to another.
If there is any way, let me know.

You can move to the end of lines in vim using $ sign.
You may use a number in front $ to move n ends down. For instance, 2$ moves to the end of the second line from your cursor.
When "wrap" is turned "on", then g$ moves to the end of SCREEN line. So,
it differs in functionality from a $. For example: If you wanted to move 2 screen lines down use 2g$, if you wanted to move 2 lines down (when wrap is on) use 2$.
For more details you can do :help $ and :help g$.


Annoying vim behavior in visual mode

Let's say I have the following three lines and cursor is where ▐ is:
1. This is a slightly longer line.▐I want to delete this and the next line.
2. This is a shorter line
3. This is the third line
I want to delete the rest of the line from the cursor and line 2, so I do vjd, but that leaves my text like:
# This is a slightly longer line.# This is the third line
This is because when selecting text in visual mode, vim selects an additional virtual character at the end of the line. I've played around with virtualedit but that didn't seem to help.
Any clues on how I can get the original behavior that I wanted?
Try three keystrokes - sh-d, sh-j, sh-d
shift-d (delete to end-of-line)
shift-j (merge next line with this)
shift-d (delete the merged, i.e., second line
That will do the trick for you.
That's because if you don't have virtualedit set, vjd will delete everything including the new line character. So you just have to do vjhd instead, to keep the new line intact.
Otherwise with virtualedit=all, I don't face this problem.

Vim: Yank distant line without moving

Suppose I have the following (* = cursor):
How do I yank the "Humans" (cursor relative 3rd line) while leaving the cursor in place?
Preferably in one motion or one (generic) command.
Try this:
It uses the range +3 , that it is the point where it will begin to yank. and by default it does one line.
UPDATE: If you wanted to copy both the second and third line without moving cursor, you would use same command but with a range of two points, like:
It would copy both Puppies and Humans.
Now, for those who are wondering, based on Birei's answer, you can also do :ny, where n is the line number you want to yank. This is actually what I was looking for when I came to this page, and is helpful if you've got set number on and don't want to count relative lines.
Now, I wonder, how to perform this yank to a particular register! :D
My LineJuggler plugin combines yanks and puts into various short mappings; e.g. with 3[f you can fetch a line 3 lines below the current line and put it below the current line.

What is the best way to refactor a Ruby ‘if’ statement into one-line shorthand form in Vim?

I have the following Ruby code:
if some_cond && another
and I want to change it to:
foo_bar if some_cond && another
What are the most idiomatic ways to do that in Vim?
Assuming that the cursor is located at the if-line prior to
refactoring (not necessarily at the beginning of that line),
I would use the following sequence of Normal-mode commands:
or this chain of Ex commands:
Here the if-line is first moved down one line by the :move + command.
The :move command cuts a given range of lines (the current line, if
not specified) and pastes it below the line addressed by the argument.
The + address is a shorthand for .+1 referring to the next line
(see :help {address}).
Second, the line containing the body of the conditional statement is
joined with the just moved if-line. The :join command concatenates
a given range of lines into a single line. The - range is a shortened
form of the .-1 address referring to the line just above the cursor
(see :help {address}).
Third, the newly joined line is unindented by one shiftwidth using
the :< command.
Finally, the remaining end-line, which can now be addressed as +,
is removed by the :delete command.
I see few (probably non-optimal) solutions:
cursor in first character in first line:
D - remove if condition but leave cursor in same position (don't delete line)
J - join next line to current
A <Space> <ESC> - append space and exit to Normal mode
p - paste if condition
and then remove remaining end with jdd
cursor in first character in first line, as previously:
j - move to next line
dd - remove this line
k - move back to if condition
P - paste removed line before actual line, cursor should be placed to pasted line
J - join next line to current
== or << - unindent current line
and then remove remaining end with jdd
another solution:
j - move to second line
JD - join line with next, remove what was joined
dd - remove current line
k - step to previous line
PJ<< - paste, join and unshift
It's probably not optimal, but I do it without thinking, because most of this commands are in my muscle memory (you don't think how to move around you, how to yank/delete and paste most of the time, and joining line is also helpful to remember).
If you have virtualedit enabled in config, instead of A <Space> <Esc> you can $ <Space>, but I find $ harder to use than A followed by Ctrl-[ (it's simmilar to ESC).
As an advice: if you use some upper letter commands, try to chain them if it's possible, so you only need to keep Shift pressed and then execute some commands, instead of mixing upper and lower letter commands and pressing two keys at a time (upper letter is 2 key press, one is Shift). Once I found combo helpful for restarting server in console Ctrl+cpj, which sends Ctrl+c, Ctrl+p (previous command) and Ctrl+j (Enter key) with single Ctrl press. Since then I try to find simmilar time-saving combination in Vim too mostly with Shift, as Ctrl is not much used in Vim.
Yet another way:
ddp swap the two lines
kJ move up and join the lines
== re-indent the line
jdd move down and delete the last line
There are probably 30 ways to do this.
Here is one, assuming you are starting from the end of the word end in normal mode:
dd (delete last line)
"aD (delete and copy foo_bar to buffer a)
dd (delete now-empty line 2)
"aP (paste from buffer a before caret)
aSpaceEsc (insert space and return to normal mode)
Again, "properly" rarely applies in Vim because there are so many ways to accomplish something. This is so small a change that even re-typing foo_bar could be justifiable.

Append general buffer to the end of every line in VI

I'm trying to add the contents of the general buffer to the end of every line. I'm sure this is fairly simple, however, an hour of google searches have lead me nowhere.
This is what my file looks like
::Things to bring camping
--sleeping bags
--inflatable bed
--camping stove
I want to add "::Things to bring camping" to the end of every line.
This is i have figured out so far.
/:: -> brings me to the line in question
Y -> yanks the entire line to the general buffer
I tried :%s/$/\p -> this added a "p" to the end of every line.
My problem is with step 3. How do I tell the "search and replace command" to used the "p" (the contents of the general buffer) instead of the "p" the character
Thank you so much for your help.
Just a suggestion: If you try doing it with a macro, you will be able to use 'p' to add the contents of the general buffer.
Sorry, I had to go into vim and find out.
The way to copy your entire line while in command mode, is:
^r "
(that's CTRL and r, then " )
That should paste the entire line you yanked into your search and replace command
For step three, instead of \p, you should use ctrl-R-a. Hold down the control key and type an uppercase "R", continue holding control, and type a lowercase "a".
For a line with multiple words, use ctrl-R-" instead.
I agree with using a macro - they're very powerful.
In this case I took your list example and positioned it at the first colon.
I used y$ to grab the remainder of the line in the buffer.
Then I recorded the macro - I chose 1.
Then you can call it for any number of rows in your list. E.g. 10#1
Learned something figuring this one out ...
The \= says that what follows is an expression to be evaluated, and the getreg() call gets the contents of the register, by default the "general buffer" as it used to be called by vi.

Prepending a character followed by the line number to every line

I'm hand-editing CNC Gcode text files and need a way to reference locations in the file and on the toolpath.
I want to modify every line in the text file so that it begins with the the upper case letter N followed by the line number, incremented in tens for each successive line, then a whitespace followed by the original text on that line. How can I do this in Vim?
I'm not sure about vi, but (since you're using the vim tag) Vim allows you to accomplish your task as follows:
Adjust the first line by hand (insert a N10 at the beginning of the line), then put the cursor at the beginning of the next line.
Press qb to start recording a macro (the b names the register used to store the macro; feel free to use a different letter -- and definitely do use a different letter if you've got something useful stashed away in b).
Move the cursor upward to the beginning of the previous line (which you have adjusted by hand). Press v to start visual selection mode, then f to move the cursor to the next space on the line (if you use a single space as your whitespace separator, that is; adjust this step if you're using a tab or multiple spaces).
Press y to yank the selected text. This will also remove the visual selection.
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Press P to insert the previously yanked text before the cursor, that is, on the very beginning of the line.
Move the cursor to the numeric part of the line header. Press 10 C-a (1, 0, control + A) to increment that number by 10.
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Press q to stop recording the macro.
Press 10000000 #b to execute the macro 10000000 times or until it hits the end of the file. This should be enough to take care of all the lines in your file, unless it is really huge, in which case use a bigger number.
...or use Vim to write a simple script to do the job in whichever language you like best, then run it from a terminal (or from withing Vim with something like :!./your-script-name). ;-)
The following command will prepend ‘N<line number * 10>’ to every line:
:g/^/exe 'normal! 0iN' . (line('.')*10) . ' '
You can do it easily in Vim with this:
:%s/^/\=line(".")*10 . " "/
This replaces the start of every line with the result of an expression that gives the line number times ten, followed by a space.
I have not timed it, but I suspect it might be noticeably faster than the other Vim solutions.
Cheating answer:
:%!awk '{print "N" NR "0", $0}'
There are two ways to implement that without resorting to external
tools: via a macro or by using Vimscript. In my opinion, the first way
is a little cumbersome (and probably not as effective as the solution
listed below).
The second way can be implemented like this (put the code into your
.vimrc or source it some other way):
function! NumberLines(format) range
let lfmt = (empty(a:format) ? 'N%04d' : a:format[0]) . ' %s'
for lnum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
call setline(lnum, printf(lfmt, lnum, getline(lnum)))
The NumberLines function enumerates all lines of the file in a given
range and prepends to each line its number according to the provided
printf-format (N%04d, by default).
To simplify the usage of this function, it is convenient to create
a command that accepting a range of lines to process (the whole file,
by default) and a optional argument for the line number format:
command! -range=% -nargs=? NumberLines <line1>,<line2>call NumberLines([<f-args>])
