Disable/Remove the Delete Button In The Subsonic 2.2 Scaffold Control - subsonic

I am working on a legacy web app that uses the Subsonic scaffold control for CRUD functionality for lookup tables. I want to give the users the ability to do everything but delete. I was not successful in my research on trying to find a simple solution like a flag or something to disable/remove this button. Is something like this available?

Can't really see a way without changing and compiling the source from github...
Best I can see is a very hacky solution where if you set a value for the readonly columns it will prevent deletion (and unfortunately also prevent creation), but will allow editing. e.g.
ctrlScaffold.ReadOnlyColumns = "fdsa";


Is there a way to restrict CRUD operations on Notes/Domino data using an alternative application?

We have a (super)user who has been using VBA in an Excel spreadsheet to create and manipulate documents in a Domino database application.
The user has 'Editor' access to the application, and should normally be able to create/edit the document contents.
They have been, however, creating documents using VBA. That logic doesn't consider such important document fields as Readers, Authors, etc. .
We would like to restrict access to all Domino data so that it can only be created/modified using an IBM Notes client.
I have tried looking through the ECL, but that only restricts what 'others' do.
Since he has his Notes client available, the external logic is using his normal Notes credentials.
I have tried setting a hidden field with the Notes client and looking for that in the QuerySave event of the form design.
Unfortunately, the external code pays no attention to the form events and the save is executed despite the missing field.
Similarly, the Database Script has no bearing on the execution of external logic.
I was going to inspect the client version upon database open and restrict activity based on a variance in the version (I was hoping!).
I have de-selected the 'Don't prompt for a password...' option in the user security preferences, but that has no effect at all (suspected as much!).
The ONLY thing I have been able to suggest is to hide the database design... That's really only designed to thwart a user's efforts to understand the underlying design.
It won't prevent them from creating hundreds of thousands of documents with a fictitious form and throwing the app into disarray.
I'm hoping that there is a solution out there that I'm missing.
The user has been instructed not to undertake such activity in the future.
We were lucky that there really wasn't any malicious intent - "Just trying to be more efficient" we're told.
The effects of the activity have been remedied, and the user has been warned.
What I want to know is... how can I prevent this from ever happening again?
The circumstances are rare I know, but I would've thought there'd be a means of restricting the platforms used to manage Notes/Domino data.
Is there a way to ensure no external applications are able to access, create or modify Notes database documents?
I am currently focussing on access to Notes via COM.
I thought that, if I unregistered 'nlsxbe.dll' from the registry, that would prevent such activity - It has not.
I also tried removing the .TLB files from the Notes executable folder - removal of 'notes32.tlb' and 'domobj.tlb' have no effect at all. Removal of 'ltsci3.tlb' screws everything up (as expected!).
I'm really having no luck at all - Any/all suggestions would be most appreciated!
I'm not aware of any way to detect that a connection has been made by standalone code instead of by the Notes client, but you do have two paths available to you:
A Domino server add-in that prevents documents from being saved in that particular database if certain criteria aren't met.
An agent that is triggered to run shortly after documents are saved or modified in that particular database. The agent code can delete (or modify, if you prefer) the documents that don't conform to the required criteria.
The server add-in route would normally require coding in C, but thanks to the Open NTF Trigger Happy project, the hard part is done for you, and the rest can be filled in with either LotusScript or Java agent code that is "triggered" by the pre-written C code. You will need to have some basic knowledge of how the Notes Extension Manager interface works, but once you get past that and write your agent code to enforce your data consistency/integrity requirements, the only real hurdle is your willingness to host open source code on your server.
There may be two other possibilities, but I can't say if either will solve or deal with the issue...
In the ECL you can disable 'COM' access for the user (also known as OLE or ActiveX) automation since VBA access is usually via COM. This has stopped Notes using external COM access for me, but I don't know if also prevents VBA using Notes. Additional steps may be needed to enforce the ECL and apply to the specific users.
There is an (old) notes.ini 'DisableExternalApps' (or something similar) that disables some external access. This can affect many things (DDE/Prompts/#dblookups) but again I don't know if this will disable VBA/COM and its not user specific, but server wide.
I would have thought that removing the nlsxbe.dll or restricting access to execute it might work, but the ECL may be the best bet.
Alternatively, rather than add hidden flags to your design (and the documents), and then delete the offending documents, your agent could apply the correct author/reader fields to the documents instead.
Very tricky. Did you find a better solution?

How to secure content in Orchard CMS

I'd like to use the roles and membership ability of Orchard CMS to limit access to a staff portal in Orchard CMS. At present there doesn't look like there's an out of the box way to do it.
I've found numerous references to modules that should be able to help out but none seem to work.
Very Simple Permissions is a codeplex item suggested by some that has a dead link nowadays and doesn't seem to exist on codeplex.
Science Project: Quanta destroys my site everytime I try to install it with a missing dll issue, and not sure if its what I need anyways.
Does anyone have any guidance as to how to either: show/hide menu items based on roles using the standard menu system or advanced menu plugin
limit content visibility based on roles. If its a module fantastic, otherwise don't mind getting my hands dirty with some coding but a point in the right way to do this mvc style would be great. I'm going to presume I need to edit the controller for the menu module to check for current membership and adjust the view data accordingly. I'm moving away from webforms. slowly. Still getting my head around the framework.
Thanks for checking in.
For those who are still struggling with this, there's a module is called ContentPermissions which is available here:
Once installed, you can then add the ContentPermissionsPart to the Content Type you want to secure.
Quanta really is what you want. You are probably missing one of its dependencies. Pete, the author, is also super-active on the CodePlex forums so if you ask there, you'll get an answer.
UPDATE: Orchard 1.5.1, the current version as I'm writing this update, supports content item permissions and menu trimming out of the box.

Sharepoint web part for editing list items

I'm trying to create a web part that will enable users to edit items without ever leaving the AllItems.aspx page. The web part should have a similar functionality like the EditForm.aspx page.
I've created a simple web part with a ConnectionConsumer("Row") that successfully shows the selected ListItem but I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically create a form depending on the list with a save/update functionality.
I would appreciate a simple solution or a nudge in the right direction.
What you are trying to do is not possible out of the box but it should be possible to use the SPGridView and the ListFieldIterator decorated with AJAX to get the things working as you wanted.
You can refer to the below items and build a control that does what you want.
Using SPGridView in WebParts
Articles on ListFieldIterator
Once you build it you can try sharing the code as this is a pretty common thing everyone wants and I didn't find a good implementation of this kind so far.
This definitely sounds like a nice feature. I would love it if you could put the solution on codeplex, you're choice of course.
I've had a sneak peak on SharePoint 2010 and AJAX enabled editing is found on lots of places so I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of feature like the one you are working on will be included.
Good luck!

Modifying SharePoint System Files

What is the general feeling amongst developers regarding the changing of files in the 12 hive.
For example if you were asked to remove the sign is a different user menu item, you would need to modify the relevent user control on the filesystem. Now if you just go and modify it via notepad or copy over and then if you go and bring a new server into the farm you will need to remember to do the same on the new server.
Obvouisly you could deploy the changed file as a solution and have that done automatically, but I'm just wondering if people are hesitant to make changes to the default installed files?
I have done a bit of SharePoint development, and I must tell you that messing with the 12-hive is a ticket to a world of pain if you ever want to move the app.
I'd rather hack up some javascript to hide it, at least that can be bound to the master page, which is much more portable.
And remember, you never know when the next service pack comes around and nukes your changes :)
I agree with Lars. Sometimes you will not be able to avoid it, depending on your needs. But, in general the best policy is to avoid modification if at all possible.
I know that some of the other menu items in the current user menu (change login, my settings, etc) can be changed by removing permissions from the user. Under Users and Groups there is an option for permissions. I can't remember the exact setting (develop at work, not at home), but there are reasonable descriptions next to each of the 30+ permissions. Remove it and you start hiding menu options. No modifications to the 12-hive needed.
There is a very simple rule: if you want to keep official support from Microsoft, don't change any of the files in the 12 hive that are installed by SharePoint.
I've never encountered a situation where the only solution was to change such a file. For example if you want to change an out-of-the-box user control of SharePoint, you can do so by making use of the DelegateControl, and overriding it in a feature.
More info:
I know it's tempting to quickly change a file, and I have to admit sometimes I just do that on a DEV box, but don't go there on a production server!
Not sure if there is much use pitching in, as everyone else pretty much has it covered, but I would also say don't do it. As tempting as it is, its just impossible to know the full impact of that little change you have made.
From a support perspective you will make it difficult for Microsoft support (patches/hotfixes).
From a maintenance perspective you are also opening yourself up to long term costs.
Go the javascript route.
The way to go about it is to use a Sharepoint Solution (WSP) file.
To change the user control, create a new Sharepoint feature with the new functionality.
Include this feature in your solution.
Deploy the solution either using the stsadm command line, or through Central Site Admin.
This will then get automatically deployed to all the servers in your farm, and it avoids you overwriting anything default sharepoint files.
For more info, check out Sharepoint Nuts and Bolts blog on http://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/ which give an introduction to WSP and Sharepoint Features.
I've done this many times and I will speak from experience: Never ever touch the onet.xml files within the 12 hive under any circumstance. Any error that you make in there, and to make the CAML even more complex the file is largely whitespace sensitive, will have an impact on every part of SharePoint.
You should also consider that aside from the substantial risk to the installation, you may well be building in dependencies upon your changes that are then over-written in a future patch or service pack.
Most of the time, you can accomplish everything you want to using features and solution packages without modifying the files. However, there are a few (rather annoying) rare cases where your only option would be to modify a file on the system. I have used it for two particular cases so far. One was to add the PDF iFilter to the docicon.xml file, and the other was to add a theme to the themes.xml file. In both cases, it seemed to be the only way to achieve the goal. Still, we used a solution package to write those files out to all the servers in the farm.

SharePoint - Connection String dialog box during FeatureActivated event

Does anyone know if it is possible to display a prompt to a user/administrator when activating or installing a sharepoint feature?
I am writing a custom webpart and it is connecting to a separate database, I would like to allow the administrator to select or type in a connection string when installing the .wsp file or activating the feature.
I am looking inside the FeatureActivated event and thinking of using the SPWebConfigModification class to actually write the connection string to the web.config files in the farm.
I do not want to hand edit the web.configs or hard code the string into the DLL.
If you have other methods for handling connection strings inside sharepoint I would be interested in them as well.
Unfortunately there is no way to swap to a screen where you can get user via the feature activation process. Couple of comments for you:
I'm assuming the connection string is going to be different for every installation, so there is no way you can include it directly in the Solution.
I'm assuming that you couldn't programmatically construct this during installation.
Therefore, you need some way to get user input. Here are a couple of options:
It could be a web part property, though this would mean setting it each and every time the web part was added, and you would need to then maitain those settings individually.
You could build out your own _layouts settings screen (good post: http://community.zevenseas.com/Blogs/Robin/archive/2008/03/17/lcm-creating-custom-application-page-and-using-the-propertybag-more-detailed.aspx), and from there users can maintain the property, storing it in either the Web Property bag, or inside the Web.Config. I try to avoid using the Web.Config where I can, but if you do wish to go this route then MAKE SURE you use the SPWebConfigModification class (Read this great blog: http://www.crsw.com/mark/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=32)
Finally, a technique I often use is storing configuration information in a SharePoint List. Chris O'Brien has a great framework for that here: http://www.codeplex.com/SPConfigStore
Hope that helps,
Sounds good. I will look at these possible solutions.
I do not think #1 will work since I am deploying multiple webparts inside a single solution which all use the same connectionString.
#3 sounds like a very clean solution. I see the config items are cached so it looks like if I need to store a connection string, I will not be hit with a SP lookup each time I need that string.
While searching for a solution I did stumble across another method.
If you dig around their code, I looks like they have created an installer that accepts application specific values, adds the values into a FeatureTemplate.xml file and passes them to the SPFeatureReceiverProperties object in the Reciever.
I was about to start tackling this method, but I think #3 would be better.
Thank you,
