node.js on Raspberryp]Pi not showing any terminal output - node.js

I've installed node.js on my RaspberryPi running Raspbian using
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
it looks as though it has installed, I got no errors on installation, but when I check the version, I don't get any terminal output from node -v or node --version.
I wrote a simple js file just outputting test to the console, and when I run that from the command line with node index.js, I also don't get any output in the command line.
Is there something I'm doing wrong here? is the Raspbian terminal in some way different from other platforms (I can't imagine it is).
I've also installed following the directions in this post (up to configuring the server) and get the same result, no output in the console

The debian packages for node.js usually don't provide the binary as node (/usr/bin/node) but rather as nodejs (/usr/bin/nodejs) due to possible naming conflict with another binary from another package. (See also for example) So you should call nodejs -v etc.
Alternatively/additionally, you can create a symbolic link with ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node. Useful expecially if you have to run shell script that expect node to be named node.

I ended up having to re-create my raspbian image (not sure why), and after trying countless different ways of installing node, I ended up using this script, it took forever, but it worked in the end.
I've also more recently seen posts which say sudo apt-get install node-js, but didn't try that one myself.


I have installed nodejs on windows how should i use it in WSL?

I am having problem using libraries installed on windows to WSL and vice versa. I don't want to install not just nodejs but other things twice just to use it in WSL and also in normal text editors like VS code, atom, etc.
The complete instruction can be found here set-up-on-wsl
If you are too busy to follow the link, follow these steps in the WSL:
Use curl to install nvm
curl -o- | bash
For installing NodeJs (lts)
nvm install node --lts
You can also install specific node version. Check all commands uses by typing nvm in your terminal.
Done Node has been successfully installed in your WSL, nvm ls will list all the installations.
You can use the Node installed in your WSL for developing. Point to your working directory and use code . to open VSCode. Also, if you want to access your windows directories you can mount them by using /mnt/<dir>
If you face any issues during installation it is better to use the link I have provided above.
Also note that, the Node installed in the WSL can only be used, iff your working directory is in the WSL or is linked with your WSL(by using mnt).

Issues with installing nodeJS on a shared hosting plan

Here are the steps I am following:
First, I login to my account using SSH.
Then, I install nvm using
wget -qO- | bash
Then, I restart the shell
Then, I install node using
nvm install stable
But, when I check for the version of the node using the following, it says 'command not found'
node --version
If it helps, here are other things I tried:
nvm list
Also, here are the contents of the .nvm folder (which is inside the root folder):
I suppose N/A indicates that node is not available.
To sum it up, is it possible at all to use node.js on a shared hosting plan? If, yes, what can I do to make it work?
PS: I have been getting suggestions to use other plans like Heroku etc. Although, I have already invested a lot in this shared hosting plan (on GoDaddy), so I would really like if I can host nodeJS applications here.
PPS: I am new to programming, so please bear with any ignorance.
Try installing node like this
nvm install node
Then, crucially
nvm alias default node
Now running
node -v
Should display correctly
First of all shared server wont allow you to install anything on their server.
If you can able to install node on your shared server then you are pretty lucky.
To run node --version command, the node command should be in your path. On shared server, it might not be allowed.
So I think you need to check with full path like `/usr/bin/node --version'
(check your installation path)

npm.cmd closes instantly after few seconds

I'm learning nodeJs. I managed to run nodejs commands on cmd and it works fine. Now I want to install express framework and for that in the tutorial I'm following it asks to type sudo install -g express on npm command prompt. So I typed npm in my windows search, and clicked on it. Right after few seconds less than 3 it closes straight away.
I found that npm.cmd exist in nodejs directory where node.exe found. What could be the problem here. If I were to type the above mentioned command in windows cmd, it says sudo is unrecognized program.SO must I use npm cmd?
After running cmd.exe , I guess you would have node installed but still run node -v , it should respond with the version meaning it's working.
Now if you want to explicitly install express.js you just have to run on, the command prompt itself,
npm install express -g.
Anyways you can follow this link from their official website. Hope it helps. Also sudo is a program for Unix like operating systems, just in case you needed it.

node -bash: /usr/sbin/node: No such file or directory

I am having this error with node. Running Debian 7 (Wheezy) a VPS.
I have this error if I for example run this command (in the directory of the .js)
node sell.js
screen node sell.js
They both don't work, because I am getting this error:
-bash: /usr/sbin/node: No such file or directory
Can somebody help me?
As in #Quentin's answer, the name of the executable may be incorrect. In many cases, what got installed was nodejs, not node. The line below creates a symbolic link that points to nodejs from where your system looks when you type node. It is a work-around - an alternative to simply typing nodejs
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/sbin/node
The Debian package for NodeJS is called nodejs and installed the executable /usr/bin/nodejs.
node is the wrong program, it is for ham radio operations, and your install of it appears to be broken anyway).
I ran the command:
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
and nodejs worked again!
Maybe something wrong happened during your node's installing.
And system environment variable shows the command "node" referes to /usr/sbin/node .
Try download node linux binaries from official. Rename and put it in /usr/sbin after extracting the source. Of course you can put it in another folder as long as you update the system environment variables.

Execute Command with sudo Node Webkit

I found this on the npm site and installed it on my machine.
but when I installed it and copy/pasted the example code they had, nothing showed up, no errors, no prompt, no output, nothing. Since there is little documentation to go with this I was wondering if anyone has any insight into the correct usage of sudo running on node webkit.
