Excel: Charts for Filtered Ranges are Showing Up Blank - excel

I have a document that I have built tables of data into that are formula driven. I created charts for these tables and for reporting purposes applied filters to these tables to make the charts more readable. The way this works is the user selects an option from an ActiveX combo box which triggers the filter on the table thus making the chart only display the filtered values. All of this works very well except when I add more data in the form of new row or columns to my table. The result is when you select an option from the combo box the chart just appears blank. This only happens sometimes and I have yet to figure out why. The attached picture is showing what the charts data looks like when I chose select data after this problem occurs. As you can see there is data that should be displayed in the dialogue box but it appears empty, likewise the chart is empty. If I copy and paste the chart the data then appears in the new chart, until I select a different option from the combo box, then it disappears again. Very confusing and frustrating. Any ideas as to why this is occurring?

I figured it out! I needed to recalculate the sheet.
This seems to work fine.


How to have content shown next to a table with hidden rows excel

I have a table with dropdowns that will hide certain rows. To the right of this table, I want to have some content, but can't do this as it will be hidden when these dropdowns are selected. I currently have the content to the bottom right of the sheet and have tried splitting the screen to have them both showing but this does not work either. Any ideas on how I can have the two showing side by side? Thanks!
I've gotten around this by using Text Boxes. After creating the text box, change the properties to "do not move or size".
In the picture below, there are two text boxes.
-- The first one is just static text that you copy/paste in there. This works fine as long as you have the same info displayed all the time.
-- The second one has the ability to be somewhat dynamic, where it references the contents of another cell. That cell can be anywhere (this sheet, another sheet, doesn't matter). So in this example...
Cell L1 formula: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10), TRUE,E1:E3)
Textbox formula: =Sheet4!L1
No matter how you filter/hide, those text boxes won't move.

EXCEL: Chart not Updating when Value on Dropdown changes

I created a chart which automatically updates ranges when data is added to the source table. I added a dropdown menu which tells the chart what data to display/show. My problem is, the chart doesnt automatically update when the dropdown value is changed, i need to press CTRL+SAVE for the data to match the value on the dropdown. Can someone please point me to the right direction?
here's an image of my graph. as you can see, the dropdown has three options. if i change the dropdown value, the chart wont update unless i press CTRL+S. Please note that I am not using vba/macro for this.
Thanks in advance.
Not sure but maybe automatic calculation is off

Excel Slicer based on scrollbar

I have a slicer containing values from 0.00-1.00, connected to a pivottable.
I would like to have a scrollbar to control these slicer values instead of having to select them individually.
I have looked into the timeline option, but that obviously only applies to dates, which I can't use.
The second option I have been trying is the ActiveX controll scrollbar. I thought I'd then use the scroll bar as a maxium value for the slicer, but I don't know if it's possible to connect the slicer to a cell?
I ended up adding the slicer content as an extra row in the Pivottable and then recording a macro where I filter the content to some arbitrary values.
I then adjusted the macro to reference the cell values linked to the scroll bar.

Would like to hide a filter button on a Pivot Chart

I have a pivot chart of a pivot table with two row fields and one column field. I would like to hide one of the row field buttons on the chart but leave the other visible to use as a filter. I see, when I right click on the button, the option to hide all axis buttons, but that removes both of them. Is there a way to only hide one? I am creating the table and chart in VBA, so if it can only be done with code that is fine.
So in my efforts with this, I have at least been able to disable the button using the following code: ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(2).EnableItemSelection = False. The button is still visible though. Currently I am hiding it by pasting a white shape over it, but I consider this a clunky option.

Data Grouping hiding data from Chart?

I have a chart that works and presents the data as I expect.
When I use Data Grouping of the data and collapse that data region it seems it's no longer available for the chart. Is this correct / is there a way around this (other than creating a summary data set manually?)
This is true when the chart is on the same tab or not.
The default setting on charts is to not include data from hidden columns and rows in the chart. To change this do the following:
Right-click the chart and click Select Data...
Click the button Hidden and Empty Cells
Check the box Show data in hidden rows and columns
