Has anyone successfully configured perforce clientspec for sonar scm plugin - perforce

I followed the instructions at this location.
I have added this property to the sonar-project.properties file
when I ran the scan sonar interpreted the clientspec to be a contatenation of the clientspec and the hostname and the path of the file.
client spec name is: ourClientName
sonar host is in domain dev.company.com
The complete path to the file is: /data/home/auser/depot/CoreLibs/Dev-2013q4/src/test/com/company/base/csvparser/CSVPrinterTestCase.java
17:02:50.023 WARN - Fail to retrieve SCM info of: /data/home/auser/depot/CoreLibs/Dev-2013q4/src/test/com/company/base/csvparser/CSVPrinterTestCase.java. Reason: The perforce command failed.
CSVPrinterTestCase.java - must create client 'ourClientName.dev.company.com-MavenSCM--data-home-auser-depot-CoreLibs-Dev-2013q4-src-test-com-company-base-csvparser' to access local files.
(there is some obfuscation in the info)

This property is available in version 1.6 (not yet released). I reverted the documentation to the proper workaround: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/SCM+Activity+Plugin


Getting 'forbidden' pushing a nuget package in github

Much like this thread: Publishing and Consuming GitHub Package Repository with NuGet: Unable to load the service index error
I have the csproj correct, the nuget.config correct (same as in that thread, but for my username), and following the answer where the token has all the rights, and I do the dotnet nuget add source, and the dotnet nuget push (same formatting/syntax).
However, I always always get this:
warn: <username> does not have the correct permissions to execute 'CreatePackageVersion'
Forbidden https://nuget.pkg.github.com/(username)/ 687ms
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
I've tried with/without the -k (git token) in the dotnet nuget push, no effect. The --interactive that it recommends, doesn't change anything.
I'm running this in a standard command line in the \bin\Release\netstandard2.0\publish directory, after having published to that folder.
Did already restart computer even after adding appropriate csproj and nuget.config data. Also tried doing #username and username (my username with and without an at sign, since all docs have no actual username examples, many blackened out).
(I do want it to be public readable, already added source .../(username)/index.json).
Check the RepositoryUrl in your csproj. It should match the repository you're uploading packages to. You may also need to set PublishRepositoryUrl.

Terraform cloud failing when referencing module using relative local path

I have a repository with several separate configs which share some modules, and reference those modules using relative paths that look like ../../modules/rabbitmq. The directories are setup like this:
The configs are setup with a remote backend to use TF Cloud for runs and state:
terraform {
backend "remote" {
hostname = "app.terraform.io"
organization = "my-org"
workspaces {
prefix = "config-1-"
Running terraform init works fine. When I try to run terrform plan locally, it gives me an error saying:
Initializing modules...
- rabbitmq in
Error: Unreadable module directory
Unable to evaluate directory symlink: lstat ../../modules: no such file or
...as if the modules directory isn't being uploaded to TF Cloud or something. What gives?
It turns out the problem was (surprise, surprise!) it was not uploading the modules directory to TF Cloud. This is because neither the config nor the TF Cloud workspace settings contained any indication that this config folder was part of a larger filesystem. The default is to upload just the directory from which you are running terraform (and all of its contents).
To fix this, I had to visit the "Settings > General" page for the given workspace in Terraform Cloud, and change the Terraform Working Directory setting to specify the path of the config, relative to the relevant root directory - in this case: tf/configs/config-1
After that, running terraform plan displays a message indicating which parent directory it will upload in order to convey the entire context relevant to the workspace. 🎉
Update #mlsy answer with a screenshot. Using Terraform Cloud with free account. Resolving module source to using local file system.
terraform version
Terraform v1.1.7
on linux_amd64
Here is the thing I worked for me. I used required_version = ">= 0.11"
and then put all those tf files which have provider and module in a subfolder. Kept the version.tf which has required providers at root level. Somehow I have used the same folder path where terraform.exe is present. Then Built the project instead of executing at main.tf level or doing execution without building. It downloaded all providers and modules for me. I am yet to run on GCP.
enter image description here - Folder path on Windows
enter image description here - InteliJ structure
enter image description hereenter image description here
Use this source = "mhmdio/rabbitmq/aws
I faced this problem when I started. Go to hashicorp/terraform site and search module/provider block. They have full path. The code snippets are written this way. Once you get path run Terraform get -update Terraform init - upgrade
Which will download modules and provider locally.
Note: on cloud the modules are in repo but still you need to give path if by default repo path not mapped
I have similar issue, which I think someone might encounter.
I have issue where in my project the application is hosted inside folder1/folder2. However when I run terraform plan inside the folder2 there was an issue because it tried to load every folder from the root repository.
% terraform plan
Running plan in the remote backend. Output will stream here. Pressing Ctrl-C
will stop streaming the logs, but will not stop the plan running remotely.
Preparing the remote plan...
The remote workspace is configured to work with configuration at
infrastructure/prod relative to the target repository.
Terraform will upload the contents of the following directory,
excluding files or directories as defined by a .terraformignore file
at /Users/yokulguy/Development/arepository/.terraformignore (if it is present),
in order to capture the filesystem context the remote workspace expects:
│ Error: Failed to upload configuration files: Failed to get symbolic link destination for "/Users/yokulguy/Development/arepository/docker/mysql/mysql.sock": lstat /private/var/run/mysqld: no such file or directory
│ The configured "remote" backend encountered an unexpected error. Sometimes this is caused by network connection problems, in which case you could retry the command. If the issue persists please open a support
│ ticket to get help resolving the problem.
The solution is sometime I just need to remove the "bad" folder whic is the docker/mysql and then rerun the terraform plan and it works.

How to change Flink's log directory

I understand Flink uses log4j to manage log. So I change log setting in log4j.property, where I set the output location. However, when I start job master, it says that the log location is changed, not the default location. So how could I change the log location of Flink gracefully?
The default lib directory is set via bin/config.sh. Look for FLINK_LOG_DIR. You can just update the script to change the default log directory.
Add the following line in flink-conf.yaml that can be found in conf directory of Flink installation:
env.log.dir: /var/log/flink
Where /var/log/flink is the directory you want to use for logs.
Note that Flink does not seem to support full YML syntax, so
dir: /var/log/flink
will not work!
Since 1.0.3 you can set env.log.dir to change the directory where the logs are saved.

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : jrebel.jar

When configuring JRebel on my remote server (JBoss on linux) I have configured the JVM arg as
-javaagent:/home/user/jrebel.jar" -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true
The jrebel.jar is absolutely definitely in that location, yet the server fails to start with the error:
Error opening zip
file or JAR manifest missing : /home/user/jrebel.jar Error occurred
during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument
So the arg is oviously being passed to the JVM correctly, but for the life of me I can't work out why it can't find the jar. I've been through every Zero Turnaround article I can find + looked at the solutions that have resolved it for other people, but no luck. Any ideas?
Turned out to be a permissions problem - the JBoss user didn't have the permissions to access the directory that I had placed jrebel.jar into.
Would have been nice to have a more meaningfull error - e.g. 'permissions denied'. Shows my lack of Linux knowledge though I guess.
After the jar was moved to a directory within the JBoss installation + the jar owner was changed to the JBoss user and Read/Write/Execute permissions added, all is well.
Yes , the permission is the reason that this error happens to me when I tried to open PHPSTORM and that error was :
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : ${JetbrainsIdesCrackPath}
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
so before running PHPSTORM I had to run the command : sudo -i to get the root permission to run the program.

Whats the best approach to create a repo of the installers to be used for installing and upgrading in the puppet managed nodes

Lets take the example, I am having a jboss-4.2.3 installers as a .tar file. In general to install jboss, i ll
1. untar the jboss-4.2.3 into a prefefined folder (opt/server/jbossas/) into multiple servers
2. untar the openjdk into a preferined path (/opt/software/java)set the path in the bash.profile
3. Create server profile in the place where jboss is installed
4. Start the server.
Lets say that I have to do this in 16 nodes (servers).
Now, I should store the jboss and openjdk installers at a central location and it should be transferred to the nodes before the 1st step can begin.
I wrote the manifest to perform the requirements form 1 to 4. But not sure how can I automate the transfer of the installers from a central repo. I am not worried about the type of central repo. It can be a ftp or puppet or anything else.
Please help me. I was going through filebucket. Will this help or should i write a manifest to get this file from a ftp server?
How to create a file repo which can be referred in puppet manifests?
I am not sure about your exact problem, but you can have a look at this and get an idea...
In most of the usage the files are transferred from the puppetmaster to the clients. If you have your policies defined in a module to untar and install the packages, e.g. module name jboss, you can keep the tarball in these kind of structure in the puppet master and run puppet agent from puppet client :
Your policy for your clients should then say something like the following in the :
In e.g,
class jboss {
file { '/tmp/installation/jboss_pkg.tar' :
source => "puppet:///modules/jboss/jboss_pkg.tar",
#You can then right a small script that will execute all the installation process. You can use 'exec' in puppet to do that.
exec { 'install_jboss' :
command => "/path/to/install_jboss.sh",
require => File["/tmp/installation/jboss_pkg.tar"],
onlyif => "/check/that/it/is/not/installed/already",
## and write other execs to start the server or enable services etc...
# In site.pp
node 'client.mytest.org' {
include jboss
The general solution to provide installers to Puppet is to set up your own package repository (rather than just a file repo).
Then, you can use Puppet's built in package resource for easy install/upgrade/uninstall
The following projects seem to provide a rpm/deb version of JBoss that you can publish to your repository
