I have several files uploaded to filepicker (>100) and suddenly I've been getting 403 errors when trying to access them.
The files aren't stored via S3, so that might be part of the problem but it I haven't had issues for months.
When trying to access the file I get the following response:
No longer authorized to read file
I haven't enabled security, and I'm able to access fiels stored in a different filepicker application from months ago (ex: https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/oDm5UsViTYuGCIPD5TGY)
I'm getting the same error when trying to access files from the developer console, I have no idea how this happened.
edit: Apparently this has been happening for the past month!
I need your help
I am trying to upload files to a SharePoint Online site i made for dev purposes using Cloud Functions and Node JS
Initially i had an error where i couldnt access the site, i fixed that by removing 2FA and then had an error asking me to fix the file name
Now i am getting an error 403 and don't know how to fix it
I tried removing 2FA, which fixed the first error
I then removed the colon from the file name which fixed the file name error
Now i am getting this error, which seems to be after logging in and picking a file name
CrossPost from the sharepoint SE https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/299076/sharepoint-rest-api-get-files-from-a-list-throwing-unknown-500-errors-only-when
I've been setting up an app to query a Sharepoint Document list for files (amongst other things). Querying {{mainLink}}sites/{{subsite}}/_api/web/lists/Documents/Files on postman with the following headers works perfectly - so long as no files are present.
The moment I upload and check in a file to one of the folders on this sharepoint directory, I immediately get error 500, "code": "-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UnknownError"
The moment I delete said file, I can again query the list and get back the folder metadata just fine.
When I test the same code against our internal sharepoint site (the errors are coming from integrating with a client of ours) it works without a single hitch, and now I'm just confused. my guess is that there is some setting on their system or some optional parameter on my postman that needs to be set to make file requesting work properly. My question is does anyone know why the 500 errors are conditionally happening and/or how to fix them?
I also get the same error going through the folder Web/Lists(guid'1234')/files('1234')/Children
I've now discovered that I don't get the errors when going through the relative folder url {{mainLink}}sites/{{subsite}}/_api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Documents/In')/Files is working fine for some reason. I can work with the one functioning endpoint, but I'd still like to know why all the other perfectly valid requests fail the moment any files are uploaded to the sharepoint site
What I want to do is to create a direct link URL to a mp3 file which is located on my Google Drive and use it on Audio object of HTML5, but I get 403 error.
I know that when one tries to create a link of a file located on Google Drive, it creates not a direct URL to the file but a URL for viewing the file through a viewer such as
https://drive.google.com/file/d/<file ID>/view?usp=sharing
I googled to find it is possible to rewrite it into a direct link URL like this:
https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<file ID>
I set this URL in the src property of my audio element. However, when I try play() method, the following error is thrown:
GET https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<file ID> 403
myProject.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found.
So I tried to access to the URL https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<file ID> from my browser.
Then, I got this:
403. That’s an error.
We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know.
I tried many times so it is not likely that I'm mis-pasting the <file ID>.
What should I do to create a valid direct link URL of the file?
I would appreciate for any information.
I got what was wrong.
The problem was that a file on Google Drive can be accessed only from the user who is authorized, which means only the owner of the Google account can access the file URL.
I tried to access it from Chrome Browser which is associated with the Google account, then, the error didn't occur.
However, I want to serve this file to all the people.
What should I do to give permission for access to other people?
You understand that Google drive is not a file hosting service right? This solution is not going to be very stable even if you do get it to work.
For it to work your going to need to set the file public so that everyone can access it. Then i would be willing to bet you will need an API key to do this in the long run.
Also remember that file id is not stable it can change in the future if for example you upload the file.
I solved this on my own. I right clicked the file, clicked Get link, and changed the authorization selection from Restricted into Anyone with the link. Then, the 403 error vanished for the access from anyone.
We have some users that are using PDFjs that are getting Failed to fetch error message. In the console the error is Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. I am not sure why this error is happening. The user need to be authentication to view the pdf file so I am not sure if that is related to PDF.js being in a VM Runtime and can't access the cookies. When I do context.Request.Cookies["customerid"] the cookie is found and can validate. But when I do HttpContext.Current.Session["customerid"] the data is missing and I get into the loop?
PDF.js v2.3.164 (build: 12ff2527)
Message: Failed to fetch
You can try to use the following four methods to solve this error:
Test with other browsers
You can try visiting the same URL using other browsers. If the error still persists, the issue may come from the server side. You may need to log on the website at another time. If the error doesn’t appear on a new browser, try the methods below to fix issues on your original browser.
Clear your browser data
Browser data like browsing history, cache, cookies, etc can contain faulty files that cause the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. Once the browser data are cleared, you can try logging in the website and see if the error is gone.
Check your browser extensions
You can open the extension manager in your browser to check the extensions you have installed on your browser and disable all the extensions to see if this fix the problem. If it does, you can enable one extension at a time to identify the one that causes the trouble.
Correct your system date and time
Usually you meet the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error due to the incorrect or outdated date and time settings on your system. To correct your system date and time.
More information about this error you can refer to this link: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
I was trying to automatically download some traffic camera photos to play around with some image object recognition scripts and I have found that some links to them will throw a 403: Forbidden error when I try to download them from Python, and yet I can access them in a browser. One such image is at this link: https://www.svz-bw.de/kamera/ftpdata/KA101/KA101_gross.jpg
This code:
urllib.request.urlretrieve("https://www.svz-bw.de/kamera/ftpdata/KA101/KA101_gross.jpg", "traffic.jpg")
Returns a 403 error for me. What gives? I can understand that perhaps these organizations are not keen on having people bog down their servers with automatic downloads and perhaps there are some GDPR-related constraints, but I am actually more curious about how they are able to detect that the request is coming from a script and not from normal use