Getting primary key value from database table of corresponding selected row item in DataGrid using WPF - wpf-controls

I have a DataGrid, bound to Database table, I need to select the primary key value from database table of corresponding content of selected row in DataGrid ..How to do it ? please Help ..


Save column value based on the item in combobox

in PowerApps, I have default New Form screen for Table1 with Combobox linked to Table2 so the user is able to choose items from the Table2. Combobox is saving the selected item Column1 data from Table2 to Column1 in Table1.
What I need, is to be able to save appropriate combobox item Column2 data (from Table2) to Column 2 in Table 1.
Basically, I need to save item's Column1 AND! Column2 data from Table2 to Column1 and Column2 of Table1.
BTW: Tables are lists on Sharepoint.
Can you help please?
This level of customisation requires in any case abandoning the out-of-the-box forms and creating your own. For a simple example of this, please see here.
The approach to store the individual selected values in separate columns in Table 1 (as you suggest) is not the approach I would recommend. This is relatively easy to implement but is incomplete and has shortcomings, including but not limited to:
You need to create as many columns as there may be items in Table 2, and the number of items in Table 2 may vary over time
PowerApps cannot currently set a column value to Blank() in a data source, so you will need a work-around to deal with the situation where an item previously selected needs to be unselected
The correct way to deal with the combo box is to create a many-to-many relationship as outlined in this post.
When saving the changes, you need to:
Remove any records in the junction table where an item has been unselected via a Remove or RemoveIf statement
Create an entry for each new item that has been added to the relationship via a Collect or a Patch function
If you need guidance on this, please comment this answer and I will add more details.

Rich Data Table Filter on date column

I have a rich data table which i want to filter based on date selected above data table. I have written<rich:column filterType="custom" filterExpression="#{fn:filterBaseOnExpiryType(resultValue.endDate);}"> and I have tried adding filterMethod="#{bean.filterMethod}" still when data table displays rows it is not invoking filter method which is binded in bean. Is there any other work around to invoke filter with that current record date as input parameter

Spotfire control table values based on column value in another table

I need to control the data being shown on table Collections and Delivery based on what I click on Table A column value on Spotfire.
For example we have the three tables below:
When the user clicks on a column on Dashboard Table let's say BO: BN. On Delivery and Collections Table only BO row should only appear. How can you do this in Spotfire?
Note: The three tables have a relationship via Code and Branch column.
Additional data:
Collections and Deliveries table takes its data from DB using parameterized SQL Query.
There are three parameters that needs to be satisfied so that the query will work and data will be retrieved these are
I don't have a problem with the Date parameters but with the Branch see below SQL Query
The branch parameter value is controlled by specifying/entering a value on the input field on text area.
Deliveries and Collections table is configured to refer to this value to display the data.
The suggested solution worked great, but I have this extra dependency which makes it a bit more difficult to work out a solution. Do you have any ideas on how to go about this?
#dimas- One way to do this is creating detail visualization tables for Collections and Delivery from 'Dashboards table'.
Assuming that the three tables have relationship, please follow the below steps.
Step 1: Right click on Dashboards table and select Create Details visualizations -> Table. It prompts you to select a table, select 'Collections' tables.
Step 2: Repeat Step 1. But, this time select 'Delivery' table.
The Dashboards table now controls what data to show in Collections/Delivery tables based on the row selection.
Please ensure that you right click on the table and select Properties > Data > All data for Collections and Delivery table (screenshot below) if you want to show all rows if nothing is selected in Dashboards table.

Inverted index: Delete then Insert pattern?

I have an inverted index table on a table of Users. The table allows querying users by last name. It is called "users_by_lastname".
Primary key of this table has "lastname" in it, so it cannot be updated.
If a user changes their last name in the main "Users" table, should I be deleting and re-inserting into the inverted index table, "users_by_last name"?
I cannot update a primary key column in Cassandra... Are there other patterns that handle this better?
In Cassandra 3.0 you can deal with this problem by creating the inverted index table as a materialized view of the Users table. Then Cassandra will take care of maintaining the view automatically whenever you update the base table.
On earlier versions of Cassandra your only option would be to do a delete and then insert with the new last name in the application maintained inverted index table.

InfoPath 2013 unable to change table to repeating table

I'm trying to create a table with a repeating row in InfoPath 2013 (editing a Sharepoint 2013 custom list in case that matters). I'm unable to post a screenshot of the table to show you, but it is a 2-row, 2-column table with text in the first row, a Date/Time field in the 1st column of the 2nd row, and a text field in the 2nd column.
When trying to create this repeating table, I'm getting a prompt that says "InfoPath cannot automatically create a field or group in the section containing this control. To set the binding, select a field or group in which to store the control's data:" (I would post a screenshot of this too, but reputation is too low)
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I'm having trouble finding out exactly how repeating controls work in InfoPath and how to create them.
