Solr spatial search with input point and query which polygon within - search

I have some polygons indexed in Solr. Is it possible to query with a point(lat,lon) and see which polygon has that point inside?

Yes it is possible and described here:
Your Solr Version must be 4 or higher and you have to import the JTS jar-file which you can get from
You have to define a field with a fieldType of location_rpt
<fieldType name="location_rpt" class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"
in the schema.xml. Then you have to index the polygons like:
<field name="geo">POLYGON((-10 30, -40 40, -10 -20, 40 20, 0 0, -10 30))</field>
But i think you already did it this way because you wrote that you already have them indexed.
For the query you simply have to use the filter query fq=geo:"Intersects(10.12 50.02)" where 10.12 and 50.02 represent the latitude and longitude of your point.

We need the external JTS jar file to index Polygon shapes in first place.


Solr spatial search , polygon intersect error

I am trying spatial search in SOLR 5.0 , My system are up and running, but sometimes I am coming across this error, I have google it around but found no explanation as such, anyone please help me with this.
My Error
because: com.spatial4j.core.exception.InvalidShapeException: Self-intersection at or near point
(13.143009111281323, 80.07316589355469, NaN)","code":400}})
My Query :
Intersects(POLYGON((13.142340452070176 80.07522583007812,13.141003126359843 80.079345703125
,13.141003126359843 80.08621215820312,13.1383284530778 80.09445190429688,13.1383284530778 80.101318359375
,13.136991105507466 80.11367797851562,13.131641642380112 80.14114379882812,13.128966867118496 80.15350341796875
,13.126292062732247 80.16311645507812,13.124954649619115 80.17135620117188,13.111580118251648 80.17135620117188
,13.099542418228534 80.15899658203125,13.095529720741494 80.10543823242188,13.09820485966459 80.10543823242188
,13.099542418228534 80.10406494140625,13.102217513557752 80.10406494140625,13.103555050321653 80.10269165039062
,13.106230102044576 80.101318359375,13.114255082724767 80.101318359375,13.1155925540513 80.09994506835938
,13.118267474880913 80.09857177734375,13.119604924382593 80.09857177734375,13.124954649619115 80.0958251953125
,13.127629468565612 80.0958251953125,13.130304258390225 80.09445190429688,13.131641642380112 80.09445190429688
,13.134316388511614 80.09307861328125,13.136991105507466 80.09033203125,13.139665793362148 80.0848388671875
,13.141003126359843 80.08346557617188,13.141003126359843 80.08209228515625,13.142340452070176 80.08071899414062
,13.142340452070176 80.0738525390625,13.14367777049247 80.07247924804688,13.14367777049247 80.07110595703125
,13.142340452070176 80.07522583007812)))distErrPct=0
Well, let's take a look at the polygon:
Looks reasonable, but pretty busy in the lower right:
There you can see the self-intersection, and self-intersecting polygons aren't acceptable (see Solr Spatial search with self-intersecting polygons for some more information on that).
It looks to me like you're trying to be more precise than your application is capable of.

Solr Spatial search with self-intersecting polygons

I’m using Solr 4.3.0 with an up to date version of JTS and spatial4j. As field type in my schema.xml i’m using “location_rpt” like the description in the documentation.
<field name="standort" type="location_rpt" indexed="true" stored="true" />
Now when my Application create a FilterQuery like this
standort:"IsWithin (POLYGON((16.243972778320312 48.27016879304729, 16.411170959472656 48.268340583150504, 16.44275665283203 48.19058119922813, 16.32396697998047 48.15921534239267,16.243972778320312 48.27016879304729)))
everything works fine. My problem is when im trying to use a more complex polygon (self-intersecting) Solr only shows an Error like this:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: com.spatial4j.core.exception.InvalidShapeException: Self-intersection at or near point (16.315572194579204, 48.26688289499306, NaN)
the corresponding query looks like this:
standort:"IsWithin (POLYGON((16.253585815429688 48.27748097861045, 16.506271362304688 48.23427822033628, 16.418380737304688 48.18646123261718, 16.286544799804688 48.28958948415696,16.253585815429688 48.27748097861045)))"
Screen of the Polygon
Are there any workarounds to get self-intersecting polgyon querys to work?
No, not really. You can use JTS on the client to clean up your polygon so that when Solr gets it, it's valid. See

How to get distance in Solr 4 geospatial search?

I'm playing with the new Solr 4 geospatial search. Like in an example from I'm trying to get the results like so:
But it doesn't work. How can I get distance and score fields in the results set?
According to the reference Spatial Search - Returning the distance you can edit your fields parameter to do one of the following:
&fl=*,score,_dist_:geodist() - this one will return the distance in the alias _dist_
The answer Paige gave is correct. However, the error is shown depending on query given.
Error parsing fieldname: geodist - not enough parameters:[]
geodist needs the sfield (field which holds the location in the document) and a pt (the central point of the circle). If it can't find any of these, it will throw the error shown.
Either add these two to the URL
Or add the two (or actually 3: pt, lat and lon) to the geodist() function call:
Note that in the first case, if you have additional geo functions (like geofilt) in your query, the pt and sfield are used for that as well (unless locally overridden)

How to use an analyzer in compass-lucene search

How do I add compass analyzer while indexing and searching data in compass.I am using schema based configuration for compass.I want to use StandardAnalyzer with no stopwords.Because I want to index data as it is,without ignoring search terms like AND , OR , IN . The default analyzer will ignore AND , OR , IN from the data I give for indexing.
How do I configure snowball analyzer either thru code or thru xml. If someone could post me an example.
Below is the example. You can also find more details here
<comp:searchEngine useCompoundFile="false" cacheInvalidationInterval="-1">
<comp:allProperty enable="false" />
By Default, compass uses StandardAnalyzer for indexing and searching. StandardAnalyzer
will use certain stop words (stop words are not indexed and hence not searcheable) which are
valid search terms in the DataSource World. For e.g. 'in' for Indiana state, 'or' for Oregon etc.
So we need to provide our own Analyzer.
<comp:analyzer name="default" type="CustomAnalyzer"
analyzerClass="com.ICStandardAnalyzer" />
<comp:analyzer name="search" type="CustomAnalyzer"
analyzerClass="com.ICStandardAnalyzer" />
Disable the optimizer as we will optimize the index as a separate batch job
Also, the merge factor is set to 1000, so that merging doesnt happen during the commit time.
Merging is a time consuming process and will be done by the batched optimizer
<comp:optimizer schedule="false" mergeFactor="1000"/>

What spatial SRID is this? (trying to convert a .shp file to WSG84)

I'm trying to import some Shapefile mapping data into Sql2008. Before I do that, I need to convert it to WGS84 / SRID 4326, because all my existing data is in this format.
This is the source file info:
I've tried googling for this and haven't had too much luck.
Secondly, I've tried to check the spatial_reference_systems table and I can't see it in there.
eg. SELECT * from sys.spatial_reference_systems
So, can anyone help me? I can't covert it to SRID 4326 if i don't know it's current SRID.
I found this page which explains the tech specs of GDA 1994 .. but doesn't hint at any SRID number... ???
This search result page also has some interesting results. From here, if you click on the SR-ORG:6643: Australia Albers Equal Area Conic link, it explains that datum .. and it's pretty much identical to the one I'm searching for. This means the SRID is 6643.
So is that the answer?
Using FME as my reference, this (GDA94) maps to EPSG:4283, which means that you need to use SRID 4283 (assuming that you're using EPSG-compliant SRID values)
Using this link GDA94 can be mapped to SRID = 4283 covering the Australian continent. If one knows, for example, that it is Western Australia it may be better to use SRID = 28350 and preserve greater accuracy.
