I've searched online, but I can't find the answer, so I am not sure if it is possible. Is it possible to hide the text in a text box, not the actual text box?
Your question is vague; I will assume you mean the HTML Textbox. And when you say hide, I assume you want it non-visible only as opposed to (for example) moving the value of the textbox to something like <input type ="hidden">.
Yes, you can do this with CSS
Just set the color to the same as the textbox background.
So, assuming your textbox background colour is white,
<input type="text" class="whiteText" />
and your CSS is simply
I want to change the color of the default text in the spinner in dialog mode. If the text is "Select Gender" only its color change and others will be set as default. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible. You don't show anything you've tried and perhaps that's because you don't know whee to begin?
Have a read of this, Beginners CSS
It will help you get started with styling elements in Html documents using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Is it possible to text of the labels on a form column? We want to change the label for Customer Reference just on SO301000 which I can do with SetDisplayName, but even the standard label does not fit the current column width. I would like to make the label a little longer and it would look better wrapped.
One thought to wrap the text is to insert a line break HTML tag in the display name. The only issue with this I found is I had to add a hidden label field below the field I wanted to wrap because it caused a layout issue with the field below it.
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName<Location.taxRegistrationID>(cache, "Tax <br/> Registration");
I am using jscolor and I want to change the body background accoring to the selected color during color selection. What part of jscolor should I edit?
Onchange event
use the following code you can change body background color.
<p>Change background:
<input class="color"
onchange="document.getElementsByTagName('BODY')[0].style.backgroundColor = '#'+this.color">
if I want to format a small snippet of text using the dropdowns (ie Heading 1, 2 paragraph), it often ends up changing the tag for a large snippet of text (or even half the page).
How do i change this behaviour?
When you select part of a tag in Dreamweaver and change the format, DW will change the format of the parent tag.
What you are describing requires a different technique as you are trying to get inline formatting. You need to select the text and then wrap it with a span tag (Danilo's advice is correct in that regard). You then apply the CSS style you want to the span tag to change the format.
So to style No longer want to receive these updates it would look like so:
<p>No longer <span style="font-size:18px;">want</span> to receive these updates?</p>
After DW gets through with it. In Design View after wrapping the text with span, select in the Tag Inspect and switch the Property Bar to CSS mode to style.
When used like this the property inspector will expand the selection to include the parent tag of the selected text, causing the selected option in the property inspector (p, h1, h2, etc) to replace the parent tag with the selected option. you cannot change this operation.
You can make a selection, hit CTRL+T (CMD+T I assume on Mac) which brings up the Wrap Tag editing option, type your tag, then hit enter and the selection will be wrapped with the tag of your choice.
A user pasted the content from a word document into a wiki page.
In the word document all the links have the same font and color but on the wiki page some links are blue, some black, some using arial, some using times new roman. I guess the generated HTML screwed it up. Anyhow, when I mark text I can change the color, font, size and so on but when I mark a link the change color button is disabled (but I can change font and size), why is this? Do I need to ask the user to copy the contect back to a word document, edit there and then copy paste it again to the wiki?
Thanks in advance.
There is a good chance that there is some embedded css styles in the text that was pasted which is what is causing you grief. There should be a button that you can use to edit the raw html to get rid of those styles. Otherwise it is helpful if people paste unstyled text i.e. As Text.. rather the styled As HTML.. text.