Install Gnome in Debian in VM of MACOS - linux

I have tried to install Gnome in by using this below code
apt-get install aptitude tasksel
tasksel install gnome-desktop --new-install
When Instaling packages it get failed:
tasksel apt-get failed(100)

Problem #1 - Held packages
It could be because you have some packages which are held and cause conflicts with new version of Gnome you are trying to install. please run following command
# apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment
if it tells you something about such conflicts feel free to run the following command
# aptitude
and press g and that will list the packages to be removed press g once more to perform the removal.
now try again the following
# tasksel gnome-desktop
Problem #2 Low disk space
You might be having low disk space in your partition mounted as / (root) run the following to check
# df -h
if the available space is too less, you can manually free some space if possible. Also run the following to free up some more space
# apt-get clean
# apt-get autoremove
and then retry tasksel gnome-desktop
Hope that helps.

Before downloading anything, you should update your package database with:
# apt-get update
Then try to
# apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment
Remember that you should run all apt-get commands as root.

You can follow this article to install Gnome in Debian
Aptitude is an Ncurses based FrontEnd to Apt, the debian package manager.
Tasksel is a tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated “task” onto your system.
# apt-get install aptitude tasksel
Install gnome on debian
# tasksel install gnome-desktop --new-install


How to install java in linux mint

I have installed Java 1.8 on my Linux mint system( new on the platform) help of website.
but when am trying to install another application with .deb extension. It says required Java 1.6 or higher required.
Please tell why this coming.And how to solve the issue.
Thanks in advance.
sudo apt-get install gcj-5-jre-headless ; \
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless ; \
sudo apt-get install gcj-4.8-jre-headless ; \
sudo apt-get install gcj-4.9-jre-headless ; \
sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jre-headless
It seems to be Java 1.8 wasn't installed properly.
Use Synaptic Package Manager to fix your problem. If Synaptic Package Manager is not installed, install it using following command
sudo apt-get install synaptic
Then open it from System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager or from terminal using synaptic.
Search for jdk in Synaptic Package Manager and mark/unmark it allong with dependencies.
If there are broken package, you'll need to fix them.
Before hitting Apply , see the changes to be applied, make sure that it isn't removing other package group.

Install GCC5 in Linux Mint LMDE 2

I'm new in Linux and I would like to unistall gcc 4.9 which is installed in my distro Linux Mint LMDE 2 and install gcc 5. I tried to used the following command:
sudo apt-get install gcc5
but it didn't worked. Can someone please help me with this? Please provide all steps to follow. Thank you in advance
Try this.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5
apt-get autoremove
This should work in Linux Mint if I'm not mistaken, as its still using the same respository.
sudo apt-get respository ppa:ubntu-toolchain-r/test
This will install you the correct respositories you need for the computer. Some packages are not automatically known to the computer so you need to install the respositories so the computer can install it.
sudo apt-get update
This will update your computer and all packages and the respoitory, this wil ensure it will now work
sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5
This will install the gcc-5 version you wanted.
sudo apt-get autoremove
When you install certain stuff, some things are no longer needed. Maybe a required package from a previous version that you no longer need, do this to conserve space.

difference between wget and apt get

Im trying to install google's tensor flow API and i'm following their instructions on this link to no avail.
after typing the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
i get:
sudo: apt-get: command not found
I'm new to Linux and i was told there are tow types, red-hat and a nameless parallel, which answers respectively to either wget or apt-get. I was also told i need to adjust the commands. (wget does works)
is this true? What is the accurate difference between wget and apt-get? how do i adjust the commands to my situation?
i'm working with:
SUSE Linux Enterprise server 11 (x86_64)
release 11
Suse Linux has not installed apt-get by default. you should go with zypper:
zypper install python-devel python-pip
apt-get is a packagemanagment system while wget is only good for filetransfer
apt-get is a package manager for Debian distros while SUSE Linux is equipped with zypper.
You can use:
zypper install python-devel python-pip
You can also compile python without using package manager like zypper. Wget is used to download things and is not a package manager. Thus when you will compile, you'll need the package. So you'll use wget.

UBUNTU 14.04 - Rstudio - unable to install ggmap library

I'm trying to install ggmap library in my Rstudio but I get the following error:
ERROR: dependency ‘rjson’ is not available for package ‘ggmap’.
Is there any other way of installing it, I tried via menu Tools - Install packages or via console with command install.packages("ggmap").
How can I make it work?
Wild guess (for missing dependency):
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
sudo apt-get install r-cran-rjson
Filelist of r-cran-rjson package
or installation from Launchpad:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:opencpu/rstudio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rstudio-server
Please see this reference for details
first install rjson library using command prompt
install.packages("rjson",depend =TRUE)
Now install ggmap library
1.install.packages("rjson",depend =TRUE)
2.Download and unzip
If it doesn't work do
Best Way is to open synaptic :
tap rjson
right-click ( select for installation )
close synaptic
and in R session install.packages("ggmap")

Install linux-headers on debian unable to locate package

I am trying to install the linux-headers for my Kernel Version 3.4.61+ and Debian Version 7.1
I typed this Commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
On the last command I always get an Error:
E: Unable to locate package linux-headers-3.4.61
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-headers-3.4.61'
btw: It´s all based on a Cubietruck/Cubieboard3
Here's what you may need to do
sudo apt-get update # This will update the repositories list
sudo apt-get upgrade # This will update all the necessary packages on your system
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # This will add/remove any needed packages
reboot # You may need this since sometimes after a upgrade/dist-upgrade, there are some left over entries that get fixed after a reboot
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) # This should work now
You could search first, then choose the closest one.
For example, on my system:
$ apt-cache search linux-headers
linux-headers-3.2.0-4-all - All header files for Linux 3.2 (meta-package)
linux-headers-3.2.0-4-all-amd64 - All header files for Linux 3.2 (meta-package)
linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64 - Header files for Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64
So I can install any one of these three.
Heres my experience with this problem:
I installed Kali Linux from a live memory stick. Whilst installing I didn't have an internet connection.
This meant that my sources.list file was set to "Default Off-line Install Values". This meant that when installing I was limited to just the packages and data from the memory stick I Initially installed from.
To fix this, you need to change your sources.list (called switching branches):
Open terminal:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
This opens the sources file
Now at the top of the file paste in the following two lines:
deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib
Press CTRL + X then Press Y and Enter to save the file.
Now you can type the following commands to update Kali:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
And finally, you should now be able to...
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
This is just my unique experience with this error stemming from an offline install.
I hope this helps someone else out there.
Check the Source.list file to contain the repository entries.
You can find them at -
After editing the file, save it and run "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade". Now run "apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)"
For latest version of kali linux do the following to install vbox guest additions.
Update the packages
# apt-get update
Command to install virtualbox guest additions
# apt-get install -y virtualbox-guest-x11
# reboot
Now you have successfully installed guest OS additions and you can verify that by toggling full-screen it should now stretch to your screen resolution.
Source: Kali Linux Official (Docs - VirtualBox guest additions)
Just Use:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
if you are on a Desktop installation. The apt-get will solve the dependencies and install the correct version of kernel headers.
