how to access google define feature in a batch - linux

Suppose I have a huge set of noisy phrases. For each one of them, I want to check if it is defined by some resources by using the google define feature. Once I type "define my_phrase" to the google search box, if the retrieved results contain the definition panel (e.g., I put it into my phrase pool.
I'm wondering is this possible to do this task in a batch so that I don't have to type each of the phrase manually one by one? It would be great if this could be achieved from a unix terminal but windows is also welcome!
I heard of google-app-engine but I only have a rough idea and not sure if it could help.

as starting point, you may try and play with the Google Custom search following API reference - Xml results
Be aware of:
google TOS for this service
quantity courtesy limit


Is there any option available in Azure Search for spell check?

I am using azure search in my bot application.
In this if we give input with spelling mistake, for small words like trvel => travel we are getting response properly.
But if i enter "travelexpense" for this i am not getting any result.
Currently i am passing input to do fuzzy search.
I have suggested to use Bing Spell Check API, but it is not approved as they think our input may be stored outside.
Is there any option available in azure search to correct the words like "travelexpense".
Is there any option available for this scenario?
The closest I would say is a phonetic Analyzer.
There a couple of other things you can try:
Enable Auto Complete and Suggestions (
Create synonyms (

How to correctly utilize Zip Code entity for DialogFlow?

I'm currently trying to use the built in entity '' from DialogFlow (formerly API.AI) for capturing Zip Codes. However so far it does not seem to recognize any actual zipcodes except those which I explicitly set through training. It also does not recognize the '5 digit' pattern as a possible match if is used in another intent (ex: 54545 gets recognized as a phone number, rather than a zip).
Should I upload a list of known zipcodes through the training section to get this working? Or is there something I'm missing from the built in functionality? Haven't seen a ton of info online on how to best utilize this entity, so figured I'd ask here before coming up with a custom solution.
Thanks in advance!
I think the best way to prompt a user when the bot says something like "could I get your name and zip code? ".The intent which i have created contains multiple combinations of “User says”.They are as below
#" #sys.given-name"
and I also have required Parameters setup to pick these values with prompt messages.
So I have attached a picture for this which i have iterated

Search a specific search of a journal article based on the user type

I have this requirement:
We have a journalarticle and we wish to have sections which have content for internal and external users for the application.
We are able to hide the content from rendering by implementing custom template on web content display and using a simple custom-field for a user which helps us to classify it.
Having said that when we search something as an external user, the search portlet is able to fetch an article where the search text is a part of internal user content, and due to the above mentioned template the content is not visible.
In short, from the user's perspective the resultant article does not match the searched term.
I wish to seek some pointer to check whether there is a mechanism to ensure that when an external user searches something then we only search the dynamic-element of the doc which matches the user type?
We have thousands of such articles and create multiple copy of the same article does not seems viable solution.. so any pointers would be a great help.
Liferay version : 6.2 GA4 CE
First of all: Not finding a search term in a document can be a sign of good working synonym resolution in the search engine. It's questionable if this behaviour is always wrong or only in this particular case. Remember google bombs?
That being said, I believe that this architecture of half-visible documents is flawed from the beginning. Ideally I'd suggest to change it, for example by splitting the information to two articles, so that you can use the standard permissions to resolve. If you link both, you can determine how/which article or template to use. It's not an ideal solution, but might be a workaround.
Another workaround might be to change Liferay's indexer component and index two different versions of the article, with two different permissions. Of course, you'll have to change the search side as well, so that you'll find each article at most once, even if it's now twice in the search engine.
Again - not ideal, but might be the quickest fix that you can get right now without changing the underlying architecture. However, to change the underlying architecture is my actual recommendation.

Monitoring search terms in Plone

I'd like to get a better idea of what people are searching for when they're using our website.
Just curious, what's the best way to monitor what's being entered into the search field in Plone 4? I saw this product — — but it's an old one. Has anyone used it with Plone 4 or know of something similar?
Okay I don't know why it took me so long to realize this, but it's built into Google Analytics. Here are instructions:
And the search query parameters I used for Plone are: ##search, SearchableText, advanced_search
using google analytic's site search won't track users using the livesearch (without pressing enter and submit to the ##search view.
for awstats i use this extra section to track both:
# updated version for plone 4.3
# /livesearch_reply?q=testsuche
# /##search?SearchableText=testsuche
# /##updated_search?SearchableText=testsuche
# livesearches shown as q=, normal searches with just the phrase
ExtraSectionName1="Plone Suchabfragen"
ExtraSectionCodeFilter1="200 304"
if you want to track the livesearch in google analytics, you'll need to use event tracking:

Grails (On App Engine) - Basic Search Functionality

What I need is Search Scaffolding but in its absence I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of any really simple examples for adding search to a domain.
I can't use the searchable plugin as it conflicts with the AppEngine plugin (Unless someone has got this to work?). I just need to be able to filter the scaffold list to contain only the results which match the query. I don't need a pure text box solution, I imagine it too look exactly like the 'create' form except when you submit you get a list of matching objects.
I hope this makes sense, thanks in advance!
Google App Engine - Full Text Search
