Parse Tree Of Context Free Grammar - programming-languages

I'm trying to figure out how to do parse trees correctly to show whether a grammar is ambiguous or not.
my grammar is S -> xSy | ySx | SS | e
any help would be great. thanks in advance
below is my crack at it...
/ \
/ \
x y
/ \ / \
x x y y

As a hint, pretty much any grammar with a production of the form
S → SS
will be ambiguous, because if you want to produce three S nonterminals you can do so in two ways:
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
Assuming those S's can actually produce strings of terminals, these two "gadgets" can be put into the parse tree to derive the same string in two different ways.
Hope this helps!


Abstract syntax tree implementation on functions

I'm trying to draw an abstract tree for the following Haskell function:
f t = t + t
twice f t = f(f(t))
twice f 1
The examples I've found online (e.g. below image) are quite simple to understand, but I think I'm getting lost when it comes to the names of functions.
The tree I currently have is:
But it just seems a bit incomplete or that I'm missing something?
If anyone could help/point me in the right direction or share any good resources I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance.
The expression twice f 1 is parsed as a pair of applications: first twice is applied to f, then that result is applied to 1.
There is no token in the expression that corresponds to application, as application is just represented by juxtaposition (two tokens next to each other). That doesn't mean, though, that there is no node in the tree to represent application. So, we start with a root node that represents the act of applying:
This node has two children; the thing being applied, which is another application, and the thing being applied to.
/ \
/ \
apply value
/ \ |
/ \ number "1"
/ \
value value
| |
identifier identifier
"twice" "f"
The structure of the tree encodes the precedence of function application. If your expression were twice (f 1), there would be no parentheses explicitly stored in the tree; rather, the structure of the tree itself would change.
/ \
/ \
value apply
| / \
identifier / \
"twice" / \
value value
| |
identifier number "1"

How to generate distinct solutions in Prolog for '8 out of 10 cats does countdown' numbers game solver?

I wrote a Prolog program to find all solutions to any '8 out of 10 cats does countdown' number sequence. I am happy with the result. However, the solutions are not unique. I tried distincts() and reduced() from the "solution sequences" library. They did not produce unique solutions.
The problem is simple. you have a given list of six numbers [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6] and a target number (R). Calculate R from any arbitrary combination of n1 to n6 using only +,-,*,/. You do not have to use all numbers but you can only use each number once. If two solutions are identical, only one must be generated and the other discarded. 
Sometimes there are equivalent results with different arrangement. Such as:
Does anyone has any suggestions to eliminate such redundancy?
Each solution is a nested operators and integers. For example +(2,*(4,-(10,5))). This solution is an unbalanced binary tree with Arithmetic Operator for root and sibling nodes and numbers for leaf nodes. In order to have unique solutions, no two trees should be equivalent.
The Code:
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).
solve(L,R,OP) :-
solve_(L,R,OP) :-
R =:= OP.
find_op(L,OP) :-
N1 > N2,
member(OP,[+(N1,N2), -(N1,N2), *(N1,N2), /(N1,N2), N1, N2]).
find_op(L,OP) :-
OP_ > N,
member(OP,[+(OP_,N), -(OP_,N), *(OP_,N), /(OP_,N), OP_]).
print_solutions([A|B]) :-
(100+3)*6*75/50+25 <- s1
((100+6)*3*75-50)/25 <- s2
(100+3)*75*6/50+25 <- s1
((100+6)*75*3-50)/25 <- s2
(100+3)*75/50*6+25 <- s1
This code uses select/3 from the "lists" library.
UPDATE: Generate solutions useing DCG
The following is an attempt to generate solutions using DCG.  I was able to generate a more exhaustive solution set than in previous code posted. In a way, using DCG resulted in a more correct and elegant code. However, it is much more difficult to 'guess' what the code is doing.
The issue of redundant solutions still persist.
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).
s(L) --> [L].
s(+(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls).
s(*(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= 1, Ls =\= 1, Ls =\= 0}.
s(-(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= Ls, Ls =\= 0}.
s(/(L,Ls)) --> [L],s(Ls), {Ls =\= 1, Ls =\= 0}.
s(-(Ls,L)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= Ls}.
s(/(Ls,L)) --> [L],s(Ls), {L =\= 1, Ls =\=0}.
solution_list([N,H|[]],S) :-
solution_list([N,H|T],S) :-
solve(L,R,S) :-
R =:= S.
Does anyone has any suggestions to eliminate such redundancy?
I suggest to define a sorting weight on each node (inner or leaf). The number resulting from reducing the child node could be used, although ties will appear. These can be broken by additionally looking at topmost operations, sorting * before + for example. Actually one would like to have a sorting operation for which "tie" means "exactly the same subtree of arithmetic operations".
Since the OP is only seeking hints to help solve the problem.
Use DCG as a generator. (SWI-Prolog) (Prolog DCG Primer)
a. For a more refined version of using DCGs as a generator look for examples that use length/2. When you understand why you might see a beam of light shining down on you for a few moments (The light beam is a video gaming thing).
Use a constraint solver (SWI-Prolog) (CLP(FD) and CLP(ℤ): Prolog Integer Arithmetic) (Understanding CLP(FD) Prolog code of N-queens problem)
Since your solutions are constrained to the 6 numbers and the operators are always binary operators (+,-,*,/) then it is possible to enumerate the unique binary trees. If you know about OEIS then you can find related links that can help you solve this problem, but you need to give OEIS a sequence. To get a sequence for use with OEIS draw the trees for N from 2 to 5 and then enter that sequence into OEIS and see what you get. e.g.
N is the number of leaf (*) nodes.
N=2 ( 1 way to draw the tree )
/ \
* *
N=3 ( 2 ways to draw the tree )
- -
/ \ / \
- * * -
/ \ / \
* * * *
So the sequence starts with 1,2 ...
Hint - This page (link died) shows the images of the trees to see if you have done it correctly. In the description I use N to count the number of leaves (*), but on this page they use N to count the number of internal nodes (-). If we call my N N1 and the page N N2, then the relation is N2 = N1 - 1
This might be a Hamiltonian Cycle (Wolfram World) (Hamiltonianicity of the Tower of Hanoi Problem) Remember that there is a relation between Binary Trees and the Tower of Hanoi, but in your case there are added constraints. I don't know if the constraints eliminate a solution as a Hamiltonian Cycle.
Also don't think of building the final answer from a combination of any number and operator, but instead build subsets of operators and numbers, and then use those subsets to build the answer. You constrain at the start, not at the end.
Or put another way, don't think combinations at the start, but permutations of combinations (not sure if that is the correct pattern, but in the ball park) and then using that build the tree.

Greedy Algorithms and Time Complexity #2

We have a bomb that is ticking and may explode. This bomb has n switches, that can be moved up or down. Certain combinations of these switches trigger the bomb, but only one combination disables it.
Our task is to move the switches from the current position to a position that disables the bomb, without exploding it in the meantime. The switches are big and awkward, so we can move only one switch at a time.
We have, lets say, n = 4 switches currently in position ^vvv. We need to get them to the position ^v^^. Forbidden positions are vvv^, ^vv^, ^v^v, and ^^^v.
a.) I had to draw this by hand and find the shortest sequence of switch movements that solves the task - result I got was 4 ...and I found two such sequences, if i am right...
b.) this is where it gets a hard - write a code that answers the above question/questions (the shortest sequence and how many). The code should be generalized so that it would work with another number of switches and other starting, targeted, and forbidden combinations; targeted and forbidden combinations may be multiple or even fewer. Only thing we know for sure is that the switches have only two positions. It should also provide the possibility that the desired condition is unavailable; in this case, the program should of course tell.
c.) Next questions is the time complexity of the code this but for now I think I will just stop here...
I used '0' and '1' instead, because it is easier for me to imagine this.
So my approach towards this was something of a greedy algorithm (I think) - starting position, you think of all the possible (allowed) positions, you ignore the forbidden ones, then pick the one that the sequence of positions has the fewest difference from our targeting sequence.
The key part of the code I am yet to write and that's the part I need help with.
all_combinations = ['0000', '0001', '0010', '0011', '0100', '0101', '0110', '0111', '1000', '1001', '1010', '1011' , '1100', '1101', '1110', '1111']
def distance (position1, position2):
distance = 0
for i in range (len (position1)):
if position1 [i]! = position2 [i]:
distance + = 1
return distance
def allowed_positions (current, all_combinations):
allowed = set ()
for combination and all combinations:
if the distance (current, combination) == 1:
allowed.add (combination)
return allowed
def best_name (current, all_combinations, target):
list = []
for option and permitted_mood (current, all_combinations):
list.append (distance (option, target), option)
The task at hand is finding a shortest path in a graph. For this there is one typical approach and that is a breadth-first search algorithm (
There is no real need to go into the details of how this is done because it can be read elsewhere in more detail and far better explained than I can do this in a StackOverflow answer.
But what might need to be explained is how the switch-combinations you have at hand are represented by a graph.
Imagine you have just two switches. Then you have exactly this graph:
| |
| |
If your starting position is ^^ and your ending (defusing) position is vv while the position ^v is an exploding position, then your graph is reduced to this:
^^ ^v
In this small example the shortest path is obvious and simple.
The graph at hand is easily sketched out in 2D, each dimension (x and y) representing one of the switches. If you have more switches, then you just add one dimension for each switch. For three switches this would look like this:
|\ |\
| \ | \
| \ | \
| \ | \
| ^v^--- | --^vv
| | | |
| | | |
v^^--------v^v |
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
\| \|
If the positions ^^v, v^^, and vv^ are forbidden, then this graph is reduced to this:
^^^ ^^v
v^^ v^v |
\ |
\ |
\ |
vv^ vvv
Which already shows the clear way and the breadth-first search will easily find it. It gets interesting only for many dimensions/switches, though.
Drawing this for more dimensions/switches gets confusing of course (look up tesseracts for 4D). But it isn't necessary to have a visual image. Once you have written the algorithm for creating the graph in 2D and 3D in a general way it easily scales to n dimensions/switches without adding any complexity.
start = 8
target = 11
forbidden = {1: -1 , 9: -1, 10: -1, 14: -1}
dimensions = 4
def distance(start, target, forbidden, dimensions):
stack1 = []
forbidden[start] = -1
while(len(stack1) > 0):
top = stack1.pop()
for i in range(dimensions):
testVal = top ^ (1 << i)
if testVal is target:
forbidden[testVal] = top
result = [testVal]
while testVal is not start:
testVal = forbidden[testVal]
result.insert(0, testVal)
return result
if testVal not in forbidden:
forbidden[testVal] = top
return [-1]
print(distance(start, target, forbidden, dimensions))
Here is my code for your example in your question. Instead of using bits, I went ahead and used the base 10 number to represent the codes. Forbidden codes are mapped to a hashmap which is used later to trace the path upwards after the target is found. I use a stack to keep track of which code to try. Each time the while loop passes, the last code added is popped and it's unvisited neighbors are added to the stack. Importantly, to prevent cycles, codes on the stack or seen before are added to the list of forbidden nodes. When the target code is found for the first time, an early return is called and the path is traced through the hashmap.
This solution uses breadth first search and returns the first time the target is found. That means it does not guarantee the shortest path from start to target, but it does guarantee a working path if it's available. Since all possible codes are possibly traversed and there are 2^dimensions number of nodes, the time complexity of this algorithm is also O(2^n)

creating a binary expression tree with post order expression

I'm having to create a binary expression tree for the postorder expression
from what i know, with pupushing opperands into a stack and the popping two out when an operator is next in th list, my best attempt at the binary expression tree is this
/ \
X /
/ \
C -
/ \
/ \
is this correct? or am I completely wrong
Your stack shall look like this when talking about operations and their precedence.
X - ((A-B) * C) / (Y+Z)
((A-B) * C) / (Y+Z)
(A-B) * C
So the correct way is Stephan's answer.

Develop a context-sensitive grammar that generates the language

Can some one explain how to create a context-sensitive grammar that generates the language
L={i^n j^n k^m l^m | n,m ≥ 1}?
This is what i got so far:(I'm not sure that it's right)
S → IJ
I → iIX | iX;
J → jJl | jYl;
Xj → jX;
XY → Yk;
I will appreciate if you will explain step by step, how to do it correctly or any path how to check the answer. Because I feel completely lost how to solve these problems even after reading about CFG (CSG) from the book.
Thank you.
The language definition L={i^n j^n k^m l^m | n,m ≥ 1} means a non-zero number of is followed by the same number of js as there are is, followed by a different non-zero number of ks followed by the same number of ls as there are ks.
So, start with a starting rule to generate the two independent parts of teh language:
1. S → XY
Add rules for generating 1 ij and 1 kl:
2. iXj → ij
3. kYl → kl
Add rules for generating multiple 'nested' sets:
4. X → iXj
5. Y → kYl
For example, a generation chain for iijjkkklll is:
→1 XY
→4 iXjY
→4 iiXjjY
→2 iijjY
→5 iijjkYl
→5 iijjkkYll
→5 iijjkkkYlll
→3 iijjkkklll
