How to work with excel files in Node.js - node.js

I am new in Node.js development and i don't know how to import excel file in Node.js. And how to display excel data in browser any help related to this will be appreciated Thanks.

Check those links:
Node.JS/C++/Python - edit Excel .xlsx file

You can browse on to find a package that helps you in it.
For example:
Or if you want the raw file, you can also use fs:


Create excel file from data in csv file with node.js

I am developing MEAN stack application. I get data from a .csv file. Then I need to convert excel file and put the data from .csv file in excel file. This is achievable with multiple npm packages.
However the main problem is that I need to create pre defined excel file (I have excel template which I need to fill with the data)
How can I achieve that? I would be very happy if someone could suggest me some npm package or provide me with some documentation to achieve that with nodejs.
Thank you

How to write xlsx document with nodejs

Basically i need write a spreadsheet document in Nodejs with images and formatted text. I found some libraries to write xlsx files but they have bugs and the new document can't be opened neither libreoffice or google drive and Ms Excel do some strange things before open the file.
I tried with:
Can someone help me?
try this package, if you find any difficulty then please share you code.

Options for Parsing Excel Files in ExtJS

I'm having a very hard time accomplishing my main goal: extracting data from an xlsx excel file
I'm running ExtJS + node.js, and I see two options:
Use this XLSX.js framework to convert the base64 string into js object-representations of xlsx worksheets for me to use. Problem is, I have no idea how to get a base64 string from an xlsx file..
Upload the xlsx file to the server, do the conversions there using node-xlsx, the send the object-representations back ala json. Having lots of difficulties here since ExtJS doesn't use real AJAX for file uploads so I don't know how to send the results back..
Has anyone had experience with this or could advise a solution? Having lots of trouble..
Number two is going to be the better option IMO. You can take a look at the FileUploadField control - there is a good example on submitting the Form that will upload the file to the server:!/api/Ext.form.field.File
From there you can parse and return the json.
Since we struggled with exactly the same issue, we created a front-end XLS(X) and CSV import and export tool that you can use in ExtJS 4 applications with a few lines of code. The user just drags the file on the grid and done. We just launched it, here is a description of the problematic in dealing with files and the solution:
Hope it helps.

CakePHP 2.1 excel file export and import to database

I am using cakephp 2.1 and developing an application which needed more data. I want to use excel file for import and export. Please suggest me some solutions to get it done.
Use Microsoft's "CSV for Excel" for importing data. It's the same as a generic CSV but then with different delimiters. If you want to create complex Excel sheets, then you should use something like PHPExcell.
The -1 on your question is for asking it wrongly. A quick Google Search would yield the same result as me typing this in...

reading with CGPDFDocumentRef and saving PDF

i am reading PDF files using CGPDFDocumentRef but now i want to save that PDF file in my iPhone, how to do it, what to use ? if any example is giving it will be highly appreciated. Thanks :)
Check out the way Apple does it in their Quartz 2D Programming Guide (specifically Listing 13-4).
