gitlab what is the FQDN of my host - gitlab

I am trying to install Gitlab on a mac server 10.8. I follow a procedure and when talking about configure Gitlab they ask to change "" to the FQDN of your host serving gitlab.
To get this do I need to type : hostname and make change in the gitlab.yml ?

You can try, as in "How can I find the domain (fqdn) for my machine if hostname doesn't return domain info and domainname returns empty?":
host `hostname`
host `hostname` | sed 's/\([^ ]*\)\ .*/\1/'
Or you could try using your ip address.

The FQDN is the base url you're pointing to the server, e.g. as opposed to
An easy way to see it if you already have one is to type less /etc/hostname
If you don't have a hostname, you definitely should have an IP address, you could also use your IP instead of the hostname.


How to make an alias for localhost that has a tld?

I was wondering how I would make an alias for localhost that has a tld.
For example, foo.test wold connect to
I tried just adding a second line to /etc/hosts that also pointed to, but that didn't seem to work. Although, I didn't reboot, so that might be why.
The end goal is to have it so that I can test that a request is being sent to a specific subdomain in the Rocket framework for Rust. IE: instead of or just bar.test.
The man page for /etc/hosts says:
IP CANONICAL ALIAS ... foo.test localhost
Should be good
But is the host really handling traffic from this IP address ?
Alternatively, the interface specific line can include the aliases foo baz

How do I make dig use a source IP other than localhost while querying a DNS server running locally on my machine?

I am trying to run a coredns plugin that returns for or and for everything else.
I run the binary and try to make a request from dig using dig #localhost -p1053 +short which returns since the request is sent from localhost
Is there anyway I can send a request from dig to coredns that it might look like to the DNS server that it is sent from another IP and it will return instead?
From dig manual:
-b address[#port]
Set the source IP address of the query. The address must be a valid address on one of the host's network interfaces, or "" or "::". An optional port may be
specified by appending "#<port>"
Otherwise, if the server supports ECS (EDNS Client Subnet) you can use dig option +subnet=addr to give it to the server and see how its reply changes.

Change hostname of Linux machine

I have a host "". I want to change it to "". I ran the command:
sudo hostname
I also modified the /etc/hostname file to have "test.india" instead of "india", which was previously the case. When I ran the command:
hostname --fqdn
I get "". Now, when I am trying to ping that name from another machine, it gives:
ping: unknown host
SSH also gives the same result. I need to be able to access the name "". Can anyone help please?
Thanks in advance!
How should the other machine know about the host name at all? Have you a DNS-service running where you store your host mames with the corresponding IP addresses?
So you either run a DNS service or store the host-names with the proper IP addresses in your /ets/hosts on all your machines.

URL with hostname does not work but works with IP address

I am working on RHEL 6.3, the IP address of this server is and hostname is
I have a DNS entries of client server, I have configured that in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and in /etc/resolv.conf
[root#build01 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver ##Primary DNS
nameserver ###Secondary DNS
[root#build01 etc]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 .xxx.xx build01
[root#build01 ~]# hostname
My issue is when I hit the URL with hostname( it does not work, but it works with IP (
This is the error which i get in browser if I type hostname
Host Not Found
**DNS error (the host name of the page you are looking for does not exist) or Server did not accept the connection.
Please check that the host name has been spelled correctly.**
Internet works in this machine only issue is with hostname
Please help me what I am missing to configure
The search line in resolv.conf should list the local domain. So change:
Actually you should also change search to domain. For more information have a look at man resolv.conf.

host doing unnecessary dns lookup for localhost

I have a centOS system(embedded and has very binaries) with the following /etc/hosts.
$cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost
Also the host is assigned a DNS server which returns some invalid IP for the domain name lookup of localhost. But I cannot avoid a connection to this DNS due to some network restrictions.
My question is, when I already have a valid /etc/hosts file why is the system querying the DNS for localhost? And how can I stop that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check that you have files listed before dns for the hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
[me#home]$ grep "^hosts" /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: files dns
If dns comes first, then your system will always query DNS to resolve hostnames before falling back to /etc/hosts.
