Liferay leave select-type custom field empty - liferay

I have some custom fields in Liferay which are displayed as selection lists. These fields are not mandatory so the user should be able to leave them blank. How can I achieve this? Now always the first value is selected by default. I tried to enter a blank line before the options in the "default value" field of the custom field configuration form, but it had no effect.


When my toggle is selected as yes I want a default value to be inputted into my dropdown box below, how do I do that?

Here is an image of it. I want the default value to be Open when the toggle is selected as yes.
Change the Default setting for the dropdown control to a formula along these lines:
If the control is a Combobox, which is what's used for a SharePoint Choice column, then the items are records, not just a list of text. For a combo box you need to change the property for "DefaultSelectedItems" and set it to something like this:
Make sure that the value you are using is a valid one according to the SharePoint choice column definition.

Radio button default value

As the pictures shown, I want to make the "Grid view" as the default checked.
Where should I configure the default value? How?
Up above where you define your field name is a default value textbox. Set the value in the textbox to one of the text options in your "list of options". Since you do not have semi-colon separated lines, your text is your value. In your case you can set the Default value = "Gird view" (you spelled it wrong in your list of options box).
If you have a listing with a semi-colon separated line of value and text it might look like this:
grid;Grid view
list;List view
row;Row view
Then you might use "grid" as your default value.

Kentico 9 BizForm validation/visiblity rules

I'm building out a custom page type. I have two fields, Name and File, and i'm hoping to accomplish the following:
File is not visible or active until Name is filled out.
If Name has a value, then File is required.
I don't see an option to make a field required if another field has a value.
To make the File field appear when the Name field is set:
On Name field, check has depending fields.
On the File field
check depends on another field.
set visibility condition, to Name.Value != ""
You can't check required on File, but you can set a validation rule that checks if it is null, that validation only runs if the field is visible.
See Field editor reference scroll down to Field advanced settings for more details on the Visibility condition.

Kentico Display webpart property field depending on other property field's value

Is there anyway I can dynamically hide and display webpart property fields depending on other fields for the same webpart?
For example I only want to display/enable Full Screen if Apply To's selected value is "container":
I tried doing this but it doesn't work
Yes this can be done. On the property you are checking (ApplyTo) make sure you have checked the "Has depending fields" property checked. On the property you want to toggle the visibility on, in the Visibility condition field, enter:
ApplyTo.Value == "container"
And also make sure it has the "Depends on another field" checked.
This will dynamically hide/show the field based on the value you have in the ApplyTo property.
You can follow as below
1.Go to on Apply-To property in web-part then set 'Has depending fields' is checked.
2.Go to on full-width property in web-part then set Visibility condition: ApplyTo=='container'
you can also check this
if you are talking about forms you can do it - there is a good tutorial: Using dependency fields in forms

Changing the Type of the Custom field

How can i change the Type of the Custom field in Acumatica?
I created a new custom field of "ComboBox" Type for the Sales Order Header Section.Now i would like to change its type to "TextEdit" so the user can manually enter any value in it. So far there are only few Sales order where user has entered the value in this field.
Combo boxes are stored in string fields in the database - you can therefore easily replace the control on the page with a text edit field. The simplest way is to remove the combo box from the layout editor, and then adding it back as a text box from the "Add Data Fields" tab. If you want to modify the properties of the field itself, you have to go to the Data Access section and modify the attributes of the field (PXDBString + remove PXStringList attribute if you have one). Lastly, if this is a field you were creating as part of your customization project, you might have to manually edit the Table node of the project XML (File -> View Project XML)
