Is NodeJS supposed to be standalone (I.E. without apache nginx) - node.js

Ok so finally decided I was way behind in knowing some of the frameworks/platforms that are out like Angularjs, NodeJS, Knockout, Backbone etc etc. And so decided to learn NodeJS first, and have set it up on a local vm of ubuntu server.
So was wondering if NodeJS was supposed to be paired with another server software like apache,nginx, etc. And let apache/nginx just serve up the basic pages and then just let node do the data communications since their site says its "for easily building fast, scalable network applications".
Because I have seen several questions on S.O. asking how to get NodeJS to run on port 80, which implies they want to run node as a regular server or they just dont want to have to always specify a port when doing requests. And have not seen anyone comment or say that node was not meant to be used like a regular server. So was hoping to get to an answer on this.

Node.js can be used standalone, out there are good frameworks to do it like express. You can clusterize your process in the same physical machine (and the same port) really easy via its native module cluster. Also, I'm sure you can use Node.js like a reverse proxy too, but some developers prefer using other tools to do it (in my enterprise, we use Nginx with some of our node.js apps).
So, in short: You dont need Nginx or Apache at all, but you can use if you want. It's very cosy to some people use Nginx to do the load balance, or even other stuff like handle the https or server static content. It's your choice at the end.
You should play something with the native library http or https first, and then check express or another framework. You will see wich parts of Node.js you love and which do you dont feel awesome.


Portable https solution for node.js using express framework

I've made a node.js application which hosts a webserver over http using the express framework but i'd like to upgrade to https.
However I can't seem to find a good way to do this since the application will be run on different PCs which could have different public IP addresses so pre-generating a certificate wouldn't be possible.
Furthermore if possible I'd like to keep the application as portable as possible so locally installing open-ssl or expecting it is locally installed isn't really an option unless it can be packaged with the server itself somehow.
How would one go about building what I've described above?
If anyone could give me some pointers that would be fantastic.
Use docker/kubernetes together with a reverse proxy that automatically generates SSL certificates. I can recommend Traefik.

What is the meaning of server in different frameworks and languages?

I have a very basic question. When I write REST services, there is a server on which your service runs. When I write my service in Java using dropwizard framework, it uses Jetty server to expose endpoints. But what is actually this server? Because server is just a machine on which we host. For example, in node js application, when we just write a createServer(), it creates the server locally on the machine. Does it also have some fancy names like Jetty or Tomcat that it uses internally? I am little confused, what exactly is meant by Jetty, Tomcat, etc? Are these some library which makes it easy to connect to the machine OS and all or its something else.
My question looks very dumb but I wanted to understand the concept of servers.
This is a little bit confusing, you're right, as server can mean the machine itself, or the software that actually creates the web server.
But software needs some hardware to run, isn't it ?
Server usually means the combination of both.
Node.js servers have also some fancy names like Express, or Sails, and many others that make setting up your app easier.
This is more about the context of the discussion than frameworks and languages.

What is the main purpose of NodeJS internal HTTP Web Server?

I'm currently learning NodeJS and pretty excited about it.
But here is one thing that I am unsure and need help about.
As we know that NodeJS has its own internal http web server and we can simply create using http.createServer() method.
My questions are:
Is the internal http web server that NodeJS has, meant to replace similar http web server like Apache or Nginx?
If I need to create enterprise-scale application, does NodeJS internal web service capable of doing this? Or do I need to still use Apache/Nginx?
Please help. Thank you.
node.js does not require a web server the likes of Apache or nginx, it is its own web server.
Walmart has used node for, in their words, "end-to-end javascript"... that is certainly enterprise-scale, though they don't explicitly say they're relying on http.createServer, end-to-end javascript would eliminate Apache or nginx and I doubt they've developed some exotic solution (though is a possibility)... generally speaking if you're using node on the web, you're using the built in web server in at least some capacity.
There perhaps is some benefit to using nginx as a reverse-proxy/static file server on the front end. If I were designing my "perfect system" I'd probably do that, but I'd still be passing back requests to the built in web server in node.
You don't need to use Apache or Nginx with node.js, but in practice, its probably a good idea.
Basically, Apache would sit in front of your node.js, and relay requests to and from your node app, using something like mod_rewrite.
The node http server module is great for firing up quick applications, but if you need things like SSL, complex mod_rewrites, directory security, detailed logs etc (ie all the stuff you would need in a commercial application), you need (or at least, its easier) to use Apache or Nginx in front of node.

Node: Scale / nowjs - scale across different instances

Before starting to write my application I need to know what to do when a single node.js instance (express and ( or nowjs)) isn't enough anymore.
You might tell me now, that I shouldn't care about scale until it's about time but I don't want to develop an application and run into trouble because you can't easily scale or nowjs across multiple instances.
I recently read that now supports a way to scale using Redis (which I also have no experience in). Nowjs is build on to of - does it work the same way? On you can read that a "distributed version of NowJS" is under development and is going to cost money.
If you need to scale node, the first place people usually start is putting a load balancer in front of multiple node instances. The standard for this today is nginx, though I would would like to check out the node balancer 'bouncy' that came out recently. Here's an example of someone using the nginx reverse proxy to manage multiple node instances:
Node.js + Nginx - What now?
The second thing you mention is Depending on how you're using these frameworks, you could get into a situation where you want to share context between clients who are hitting multiple node.js instances. If this is the case, I would recommend using a persistent store, like redis, to bridge the gap between your node instances. Here's an example:
How to reuse redis connection in
Hopefully this is enough information and reading to get you started, let me know if you have any questions.
Happy coding!
Another useful link on 'Scaling Socket.IO' (slides and sample application)
Just as a sidenote on the discussion to use nginx for reverse proxy with, the way I understand it at least, nginx 1.0.x which is stable version does not support proxying of http/1.1 connections (which is needed in order to make work with websockets). there is a workaround described on here: to make it work, or use something like this: instead, the guys at nodejitsu says this should support it.

Node.js as an application container

Apache and Node.js have something in common. The more I use Node.js, the more I like Node.js; similarly, more I use Apache, the more I like Node.js.
One good thing about Apache though, it can do a lot of things through the same port. PHP, Python, Perl, different apps, different paths, the whole magilla. Node.js doesn't do that, and it isn't supposed to but I would like to do something similar.
I would like to give it a list of URL-prefixes (or regexps ideally) and enough information to, if it receives a request matching a particular prefix, it passes off the request to a subordinate instance running a specified script (and it will start such an instance if it hasn't already, and close it down when doing so seems prudent). Basically, I want nodejs-proxy and cluster cooperating. With it, I could run several apps together on the same machine through port 80.
This seems pretty easy and very useful and I was about to just write it myself when it occurred to me, "This seems pretty easy and very useful -- probably someone has already written it!" Any suggestions?
Node.js doesn’t have any built-in ability to route requests to different applications, but frameworks like this are in development.
Nodejitsu’s Haibu comes to mind — it manages child processes for each application and uses node-http-proxy to route the requests.
You could take a look at which I describe as a 'sinatra for node'. It gives the whole URL/pattern based routing thing. You can couple this with to create a kinda RESTful style resource approach.
To me it sounds like you're looking for an event-based HTTP proxy (to replace Apache) - in that regard, nginx seem to be current king of the hill.
Use dokku (Docker based) which will spawn your apps and provide a reverse proxy via nginx. Containers are isolated, you have a choice of buildpacks and your deployments have 0 downtime all by pushing repos via git and auth via ssh.
You can follow this easy guide on DigitalOcean on how to deploy your Node.js apps or just watch the guide from the man himself.
