Where can I download Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010? - azure

Has anyone recently tried to download Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010? Going to the Azure site doesn't give the option any more; it only allows downloading SDK for VS2012 and VS2013.
Is VS2010 no longer supported?

Use the Web Platform Installer and search for "azure 2010".
The Azure 2.1 SDK is available for Visual Studio 2010 (with SP1).

Windows Azure SDK and Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio (March 2011)
it should not give you any problems.

If you're trying to download the latest SDK (version 2.2), it is not supported for VS 2010. See this blog post from Scott Guthrie: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2013/10/22/windows-azure-announcing-release-of-windows-azure-sdk-2-2-with-lots-of-goodies.aspx. You should be able to download/install earlier versions of SDK using Web Platform Installer.

Unfortunately, this is not working with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. The web platform installer is responding with a list of errors.


Logic App and Function App Development in Visual Studio 2019 Preview

I am using the latest Preview version of Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (16.0.0 Preview 1.1), and I was wondering if I can develop Logic Apps (Logic App Designer) and Function Apps in this version of Visual Studio. To be precise I am trying to use this Extension Azure Logic Apps Tools for Visual Studio.
I am unable to find this extension in Tools -> Extensions and Updates.
Is the extension specifically only for Visual Studio 2017?
I would say you're right, we don't see Azure Logic Apps Tools for Visual Studio in VS2019 preview, because the extension is restricted for VS2017(as described in its Pre-requisites). I assume the upgrade work is underway since it's expected that a preview edition doesn't include everything we need.
For Azure Functions, the extension is built-in once we install Azure Development workload. On VS2019 menus, Help> About Microsoft Visual Studio, we can see Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools 16.0.01169.

Azure tools v 2.6 incompatibility with vs 2015

Just updated visual studio 2015, and I have a solution that has an API using azure tools v2.6, the update for visual studio had me install v2.7 azure tools.
I cannot convert the outdated project to v2.7 as it is asking me to, and 2.6 is not compatible with vs 2015. I need to access this project and continue working on it.
Anyone have this issue? Know of any work arounds?
Exact alert message:
This project is associated with Microsoft Azure Tools - v2.6 which is not supported in Visual Studio 2015. You must upgrade the project to target Microsoft Azure Tools -v2.7.
Download Microsoft Azure Tools -v2.7(already done)
Convert the project to target Microsoft Azure Tools -v2.7 (I can't, it is in production, and i don't have rights to do so)
Try this - If you still have access to VS 2013, install the 2.7 SDK for 2013, upgrade the project in 2013 and then try opening in 2015 w/ 2.7.

VS2013 AZURE Missing Templates

I am on Windows 7 - It is completely up to date.
I am using Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.
I have installed .NET AZURE SDK 2.4 (the latest)
I have restarted PC
And Yet, there are no AZURE templates when I want to make a new project.
Did you install the tools for VS? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee405484.aspx
The tools are in the Azure SDK.
Problem was VS EXPRESS 2013 FOR DESKTOP does not support AZURE, you must use VS EXPRESS 2013 FOR WEB.
You can have both installed at the same time. You can actually run both at the same time.

Error in PCL projects (MT0011 was built against a more recent runtime (NET_4_0) than MonoTouch supports.)

When i try to deploy my solution from Visual Studio 2012 to a ipad Device or simulator, all PCL projects are giving error like:
was built against a more recent runtime (NET_4_0) than MonoTouch supports.
I tried to do Clean and Rebuild all solution with success.
My Xamarin.iOS version is 1.1.200 (stable).
My MonoTouch.xml file in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETPortable\v4.0\Profile\Profile104\SupportedFrameworks:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Framework DisplayName="MonoTouch"
MaximumVersion="4.0" />
My VS information:
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50709
Installed Version: Ultimate
GhostDoc 4.5.13017.0
GhostDoc automatically generates XML documentation comments.
Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows Phone 6.2.923.0
Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows Phone
Build 6.2.923.0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0
Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0
Build 4.0.40906.0
NuGet Package Manager 2.2.40116.9051
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit http://docs.nuget.org/.
PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer 1.0
Microsoft Visual Studio extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive Analytics product.
SQL Server Data Tools 11.1.20627.00
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
Web Developer Tools 1.2.40308.0
Microsoft Web Developer Tools contains the following components:
Page Inspector: Tool that offers an efficient way to decompose Web Applications and diagnose front-end issues.
Web Publishing: Extensions required for Web Publishing for both hosted servers as well as on premises.
Web Form Templates: Includes the default templates for Web Form Applications.
Editor Extensions: Includes HTML, CSS, and JS editor extensions that greatly enhance the development experience.
Xamarin.Android 4.6.08007 (0cc7ae3b)
Visual Studio plugin to enable development for Xamarin.Android.
Xamarin.iOS 1.1.200 (7d63692c)
Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS
The solution contain projects and not the build Dll.
The problem must be in my pc because a colleague of mine can deploy the same solution to the same pc mac.
Thank you in advance for help,
Paulo Dias
First MT0011 is a warning not an error. It's mean to tell you that some stuff might not work or build correctly later.
My Xamarin.iOS version is 1.1.200
That looks like the version of the add-in for Visual Studio. This is not the version of Xamarin.iOS itself.
To support .NET 4.0 assemblies you need to use Xamarin.iOS 6.3+ which is, right now. available on our beta channel. On promoted to stable it will be known as 6.4.
The current stable release of Xamarin.iOS is 6.2.7. This version is based on Mono 2.10 and still use the 2.1, Silverlight-like, BCL assemblies (which explains your warning).

Installing Azure SDK on Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2

I am currently setting up a development VPC to test some new technology. I have installed VS 2010 Beta 2.
I now want to install the Azure development tools. The latest download that I have been able to find is the July CTP. This is suposed to work with Beta 1.
I get the following error message:
Visual Studio 2008 is currently installed but this product requires Service Pack 1. Please install SP1 and try again.
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 requires the Visual Web Developer feature to be installed in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Standard or above).
Am I missing something or is it not possible to install it on Beta 2?
AFAIK Windows Azure Tools only supports VS 2010 Beta 1. I expect a new version with support for Beta 2 pretty soon though (at least when the PDC comes around.)
