Synchronisation: Client, Server Chat - multithreading

I am writing a Client, Server-based chat. The Server is the central component and handles all the incoming messages and outgoing messages. The clients are that chat users. They see the chat in a frame and can also write chat messages. These messages are sent over to the server. The server in turn updates all clients.
My problem is synchronisation of the clients. Since the server is multi-threaded, both messages can be received from clients and updates (in form of messages) have to be sent out aswell. Since each client is getting updated in in its own thread, there is no guarantee that all clients will receive the same messages. We have a snychronisation problem.
How do I solve it?
I have messed with timestamps and a buffer. But this is not a good solution again because there is no guarantee that after assigning a timestamp the message will be put into the buffer immediately afterwards.
I shall add that I do not know the clients. That is, I only have one open connection in each thread on the server. I do not have an array of clients or something like that to keep track of all the clients.

I suggest that you implement a queue for each client proxy (that's the object that manages the communication with each client).
Each iteration of your server object's (on its own thread) work:
1. It reads messages from the queues of all client proxies first
2. Decides if it needs to send out any messages based on its internal logic and incoming messages
3. Prepares and puts any outgoing messages to the queues of all its client proxies.
The client proxy thread work schedule is this:
1. Read from the communication.
2. Write to the queue from client proxy to server (if received any messages).
3. Read from the queue from server to client proxy.
4. Write to communication channel to client (if needed).
You may have to have a mutex on each queue.
Hope that helps


rabbitmq - Problem recovering queue and resume socket messages

I am having serious problems to make messages delivery fail proof in a chat system.
Having several node.js and live communication via websocket to the clients, I use rabbit to callback the correct consumer at a specific node.
I declare my queues as {durable: true, prefetch:1, expires: 2*3600*1000, autoDelete: true}
consumerOption is {noAck: false, exclusive: false}
Once I receive a message from the server, I callback the server, get the message, and use message.ack(false)
Sometimes, a message appears with a pendent ACK in rabbit and as I would expect, the consumers stop being callbacked.
Here is my overall strategy:
1- when socket disconnects, I recover the queue using queue.recover() during the the reconnection/connection (more frequent).
2- When I send a message to the server and not receive it back, I send a message to the server to recover the queue.
3- I use the socket callback function to send the ack confirmation. On the server, I use message.ack(false) The server keeps a hashmap {[ackCode: string]: RabbitMessage} and I send the ackCode back to the server, so it can retrieve the correct message and ack it.
5- If client is not receiving any message for 2 minutes, I ask to the server to recover the queue.
The step 5 should not exist but even with this step, sometimes I send a recover queue request to the server, the server executes the command, but nothing happens and chat is freeze.
These are very difficult events to debug. I am using a Typescript library which is 3 year without any commit and this could be one of the causes.
Regarding the strategy, is it correct? Any idea on what I could be facing?
What I've learned and why I think that I couldn't use rabbit to solve the specific problem mentioned in the original post.
The domain: A "chat" where the message order is very important (some are chains) and we must be sure that the message will be delivery if/when the client is online.
The problem: We have several node.js servers, sockets are spread among them. Sockets falls all time, and it is common to a client connection that was in the first server be connected again in another. We don't use cookies, session affinity by IP won't handle the issue.
Limitations: That being said, I can't activate a consumer that is currently activated in another server, so if a customer Queue is tied to server 1 I can't activate it in server 2. And all the messages that need to be sent are tied to this specific queue.
Another limitation is that I don't have an easy way to consume queues, re-queue, to know in advance how much not ack messages I have in the queue, aggregate them and bulk send them via socket.
The solution: I am no longer using {noAck: false} and I am controlling the ack in a Redis queue. Thus, I am using Rabbit as a pub-sub, to callback the correct consumers to send the message using the socket. Rabbit wake me up, first thing I do is to put the message at the end of a redis queue. When I send a message via socket, I always start sending the messages from the beginning of the queue, regardless of the message that have just woke me up. I send the message, wait for the callback event, If it is not ok, I re-queue the messages,
After decoupling the pub-sub from the queue/ack control, I can now easily change my rabbit pub/sub from one server to another (declaring using and no more with the client queue), with no concern of loosing any message. Also, now I am capable of much more advanced operations on my queue.
As my use case don't allow me to use the full power of exchanges/binds (i have complex routing rules), I am evaluating the possibility of changing from rabbit to redis pub/sub, but in this case, I would continue to differentiate pub/sub from the queue.
After more than a month trying to make rabbit working in this scenery, I think that I was using a good technology to the wrong use case. It is much simpler now.

Sending message from Server to Client when there is much client connections

I am developing a Server that should handle many requests, I`m using Delphi and Indy Library. Each request/connection has it's own thread, I want to send message from Server to Client, I have a Thread-List that holds Client Contexts and keep connections alive, when I want to send message from server I pick the client context from this list and send message to it.
There are many connections and many threads, The question is if I save and keep all contexts, will threads be alive ? if yes, is it possible to use Thread-Pool ( TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool ) in this situation ?!
Is there a way to send message from server to client without keeping connection threads alive ?

Multiple websockets onto multiple servers: how do they communicate?

I have a node server accepting websocket connections from the clients. Each client can broadcast a message to all of the other clients.
UPDATE: I am using as my library of choice.
At the moment, the server has an array with all of the connections. Each connection has a tabId. When one of the client emits a message, I go through all of the connections and check: if the connection's tabId doesn't match, I send the message to the client.
For loading issues, I am facing the problem of having to have more than one server. So, there will be say two servers, each one with a number of clients.
How do I make sure that a message gets broadcast to all of the websocket clients, and not only the ones connected to the same server?
One possible solution I thought is to have the connections stored on a database, where each record has the tabId and the serverId. However, even a simple broadcast gets tricky as messages to "local" sockets are easy to broadcast (the socket is local and available) whereas messages to "remote" sockets are tricky, and would imply intra-server communication.
Is there a good pattern to solve this? Surely, this is something that people face every day.
You could use a messagequeue like RabbitMQ.
When a client logs in to your server, create a consumer which listens to a queue which will receive messages directed to that particular client. And when the clients are sending messages, just use a publisher to publish them to the recipients queue.
This way it doesn't matter and you don't need to know on which nodes the clients are on, or if they jump from a node to another.

Sending data from RabbitMQ to Node.JS via Socket.IO

I am going to design a system where there is a two-way communication between clients and a web application. The web application can receive data from the client so it can persist it to a DB and so forth, while it can also send instructions to the client. For this reason, I am going to use Node.JS and Socket.IO.
I also need to use RabbitMQ since I want that if the web application sends an instruction to a client, and the client is down (hence the socket has dropped), I want it to be queued so it can be sent whenever the client connects again and creates a new socket.
From the client to the web application it should be pretty straightforward, since the client uses the socket to send the data to the Node.JS app, which in turn sends it to the queue so it can ultimately be forwarded to the web application. From this direction, if the socket is down, there is no internet connection, and hence the data is not sent in the first place, or is cached on the client.
My concern lies with the other direction, and I would like an answer before I design it this way and actually implement it, so I can avoid hitting any brick walls. Let's say that the web application tries to send an instruction to the client. If the socket is available, the web app forwards the instruction to the queue, which in turn forwards it to the Node.JS app, which in turn uses the socket to forward it to the client. So far so good. If on the other hand, the internet connection from the client has dropped, and hence the socket is currently down, the web app will still send the instruction to the queue. My question is, when the queue forwards the instruction to Node.JS, and Node.JS figures out that the socket does not exist, and hence cannot send the instruction, will the queue receive a reply from Node.JS that it could not forward the data, and hence that it should remain in the queue? If that is the case, it would be perfect. When the client manages to connect to the internet, it will perform a handshake once again, the queue will once again try to send to Node.JS, only this time Node.JS manages to send the instruction to the client.
Is this the correct reasoning of how those components would interact together?
this won't work the way you want it to.
when the node process receives the message from rabbitmq and sees the socket is gone, you can easily nack the message back to the queue.
however, that message will be processed again immediately. it won't sit there doing nothing. the node process will just pick it up again. you'll end up with your node / rabbitmq thrashing as it just nacks a message over and over and over and over, waiting for the socket to come back online.
if you have dozens or hundreds of messages for a client that isn't connected, you'll have dozens or hundreds of messages thrashing round in circles like this. it will destroy the performance of both your node process and rabbitmq.
my recommendation:
when the node app receives the message from rabbitmq, and the socket is not available to the client, put the message in a database table and mark it as waiting for that client.
when the client re-connects, check the database for any pending messages and forward them all at that point.

Synchronizing TCP messages

I have minimum 3 TCP client, each has a Thread. I'm sending out messages and waiting for the answer, but sometimes I have to wait to receive the response from all client, this is depending what kind of message sent the server out. I already made to send messages to the clients and receiving, but when I have to wait for the other client response I couldn't do that until now.
As far as you didn't mention your environment/language, I assume C#/.NET 4
You need a mechanism for each client to signal the arrival of a response. This is usually done with AutoResetEvents: Each client sends his response back to the server. The server itself can extract from the reponse (or any other property, e.g. the connection) with client has sent it. Then he sets the apporpriate AutoResetEvent.
The thread that formerly initiated sending the message can afterwards wait for all AutoResetEvents to be set.
