Astyanax Composite Keys in Cassandra - cassandra

Im trying to create a schema that will enable me access rows with only part of the row_key.
For example the key is of the form user_id:machine_os:machine_arch
An example of a row key: 12242:"windows2000":"x86"
From the documentation I could not understand whether this will enable me to query all rows that have userid=12242 or query all rows that have "windows2000"
Is there any feasible way to achieve this ?

Alright, here is what is happening: based on your schema, you are effectively creating a column family with a composite primary key or a composite rowkey. What this means is, you will need to restrict each component of the composite key except the last one with a strict equality relation. The last component of the composite key can use inequality and the IN relation, but not the 1st and 2nd components.
Additionally, you must specify all three parts if you want to utilize any kind of filtering. This is necessary because without all parts of the partition key, the coordinator node will have no idea on which node in the cluster the data exists (remember, Cassandra uses the partition key to determine replicas and data placement).
Effectively, this means you can't do any of these:
select * from datacf where user_id = 100012; # missing 2nd and 3rd key components
select * from datacf where user_id = 100012; and machine_arch = 'x86'; # missing 3rd key component
select * from datacf where machine_arch = 'x86'; # you have to specify the 1st
select * from datacf where user_id = 100012 and machine_arch in ('x86', 'x64'); # nope, still want 3rd
However, you will be able to run queries like this:
select * from datacf where user_id = 100012 and machine_arch = 'x86'
and machine_os = "windows2000"; # yes! all 3 parts are there
select * from datacf where user_id = 100012 and machine_os = "windows2000"
and machine_arch in ('x86', 'x64'); # the last part of the key can use the 'IN' or other equality relations
To answer your initial question, with you existing data model, you will neither be able to query data with userid = 12242 or query all rows that have "windows2000" as the machine_os.
If you can tell me exactly what kind of query you will be running, I can probably help in trying to design the table accordingly. Cassandra data models usually work better when looked at from the data retrieval perspective. Long story short- use only user_id as your primary key and use secondary indexes on other columns you want to query on.


How to fetch Primary Key/Clustering column names for a particular table using CQL statements?

I am trying to fetch the Primary Key/Clustering Key names for a particular table/entity and implement the same query in my JPA interface (which extends CassandraRepository).
I am not sure whether something like:
#Query("DESCRIBE TABLE <table_name>)
public Object describeTbl();
would work here as describe isn't a valid CQL statement and in case it would, what would be the type of the Object?
One thing you could try, would be to query the system_schema.columns table. It is keyed by keyspace_name and table_name, and might be what you're looking for here:
> SELECT column_name,kind FROM system_schema.columns
WHERE keyspace_name='spaceflight_data'
AND table_name='astronauts_by_group';
column_name | kind
flights | regular
group | partition_key
name | clustering
spaceflight_hours | clustering
(4 rows)
DESCRIBE TABLE is supported only in Cassandra 4 that includes fix for CASSANDRA-14825. But it may not help you much because it just returns the text string representing the CREATE TABLE statement, and you'll need to parse text to extract primary key definition - it's doable but could be tricky, depending on the structure of the primary key.
Or you can obtain underlying Session object and via getMetadata function get access to actual metadata object that allows to obtain information about keyspaces & tables, including the information about schema.

Is there any alternative of CREATE TYPE in SQL as CREATE TYPE is Not supported in Azure SQL data warehouse

I am trying to execute this query but as userdefined(Create type) types are not supportable in azure data warehouse. and i want to use it in stored procedure.
CREATE TYPE DataTypeforCustomerTable AS TABLE(
PersonID int,
Name varchar(255),
LastModifytime datetime
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_customer_table #customer_table DataTypeforCustomerTable READONLY
MERGE customer_table AS target
USING #customer_table AS source
ON (target.PersonID = source.PersonID)
UPDATE SET Name = source.Name,LastModifytime = source.LastModifytime
INSERT (PersonID, Name, LastModifytime)
VALUES (source.PersonID, source.Name, source.LastModifytime);
CREATE TYPE DataTypeforProjectTable AS TABLE(
Project varchar(255),
Creationtime datetime
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_project_table #project_table DataTypeforProjectTable READONLY
MERGE project_table AS target
USING #project_table AS source
ON (target.Project = source.Project)
UPDATE SET Creationtime = source.Creationtime
INSERT (Project, Creationtime)
VALUES (source.Project, source.Creationtime);
Is there any alternative way to do this.
You've got a few challenges there, because most of what you're trying to convert is not the way to do things on ASDW.
First, as you point out, CREATE TYPE is not supported, and there is no equivalent alternative.
Next, the code appears to be doing single inserts to a table. That's really bad on ASDW, performance will be dreadful.
Next, there's no MERGE statement (yet) for ASDW. That's because UPDATE is not the best way to handle changing data.
And last, stored procedures work a little differently on ASDW, they're not compiled, but interpreted each time the procedure is called. Stored procedures are great for big chunks of table-level logic, but not recommended for high volume calls with single-row operations.
I'd need to know more about the use case to make specific recommendations, but in general you need to think in tables rather than rows. In particular, focus on the CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS) way of handling your ELT.
Here's a good link, it shows how the equivalent of a Merge/Upsert can be handled using a CTAS:
As you'll see, it processes two tables at a time, rather than one row. This means you'll need to review the logic that called your stored procedure example.
If you get your head around doing everything in CTAS, and separately around Distribution, you're well on your way to having a high performance data warehouse.
Temp tables in Azure SQL Data Warehouse have a slightly different behaviour to box product SQL Server or Azure SQL Database - they exist at the session level. So all you have to do is convert your CREATE TYPE statements to temp tables and split the MERGE out into separate INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE statements as required.
CREATE TABLE #DataTypeforCustomerTable (
PersonID INT,
Name VARCHAR(255),
LastModifytime DATETIME
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_upsert_customer_table
-- Add records which do not already exist
INSERT INTO customer_table ( PersonID, Name, LastModifytime )
SELECT PersonID, Name, LastModifytime
FROM #DataTypeforCustomerTable AS source
FROM customer_table target
WHERE source.PersonID = target.PersonID
Simply load the temp table and execute the stored proc. See here for more details on temp table scope.
If you are altering a large portion of the table then you should consider the CTAS approach to create a new table, then rename it as suggested by Ron.

update cassandra field using string concatenation

I am trying to update an existing string column in cassandra table.
For example i want to append domain id in front of username.
Following is my table
id, username
1, agaikwad
2, xyz
I want to write cql to update above table to reflect following
id, username
1, homeoffice\\agaikwad
2, homeoffice\\xyz
Following is what I have tried
update users set username = 'homeoffice\\' + username where id = <id>
This is not allowed in C* because it implicitly requires a read before a write which is a bad practice with C* (and an expensive proposition in a distributed system). For a similar behavior you could store this field as a list of strings, lists support the append operation and you would be able to concatenate on the application side.

Composite key in Cassandra with Pig

We have a CQL table that looks something like this:
CREATE table data (
occurday text,
seqnumber int,
occurtimems bigint,
unique bigint,
fields map<text, text>,
primary key ((occurday, seqnumber), occurtimems, unique)
I can query this table from cqlsh like this:
select * from data where seqnumber = 10 AND occurday = '2013-10-01';
This query works and returns the expected data.
If I execute this query as part of a LOAD from within Pig, however, things don't work.
-- Need to URL encode the query
data = LOAD 'cql://ks/data?where_clause=seqnumber%3D10%20AND%20occurday%3D%272013-10-01%27' USING CqlStorage();
InvalidRequestException(why:seqnumber cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it includes an Equal)
at org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$
at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
at org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$Client.recv_prepare_cql3_query(
at org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra$Client.prepare_cql3_query(
at org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlPagingRecordReader$RowIterator.prepareQuery(
at org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlPagingRecordReader$RowIterator.executeQuery(
Shouldn't these behave the same? Why is the version through Pig failing where the straight cqlsh command works?
Hadoop is using CqlPagingRecordReader to try to load your data. This is leading to queries that are not identical to what you have entered. The paging record reader is trying to obtain small slices of Cassandra data at a time to avoid timeouts.
This means that your query is executed as
SELECT * FROM "data" WHERE token("occurday","seqnumber") > ? AND
token("occurday","seqnumber") <= ? AND occurday='A Great Day'
And this is why you are seeing your repeated key error. I'll submit a bug to the Cassandra Project.

Cassandra Searching for a RowKey

I am very new to Cassandra and this time still I have not done my part on reading much about the architecture. I have a simple question for which I am not getting an answer for.
This is a sample data when I do a list abcColumnFamily:
=> (column=word, value=Message_1, timestamp=1373976339934001)
=> (column=word, value=Message_2, timestamp=1373976339934001)
How can I search for the Rowkey having say Message_1
In SQL world: Select * from Table where Rowkey = 'Message_1' (= OR like). I want to simply search on full string.
My intention is to just check whether a particular data of my interest is there in a rowkey or not.
For CQL try:
select * from abcColumnFamily where KEY = 'Message_1'
If You want to query that data using CLI try the following:
assume abcColumnFamily keys as utf8;
get abcColumnFamily['Message_1'];
