push notification in windows phone 8 - azure

Hello friends i am following this Push notification link and able to implement it . it is working but i tried to change the CurrentChannel name from MyPushChannel to Channeltest then it is not able to create new channel and throwing exception of invalidOperation type will you guys please explain me why it is happening here is the code..
private void AcquirePushChannel()
CurrentChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find("Channeltest");
if (CurrentChannel == null)
CurrentChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel("Channeltest");
CurrentChannel.Open(); // exception comming here

In Windows Phone, you have a restriction per application of one push channel. If you want to change the name, uninstall the app from the device/emulator and make the deployment again. It should work.


Teams Calling Bot - OnMessageActivityAsync return null value and AdaptiveCard not working

Trying to create and debug Teams calling and meeting bot from Bot Framework v4 for CPI project. found here: CallingBotSample
I have gone through all the steps correctly But I have some problems which got me stuck.
Tunneling with Ngrok work fine (200 OK) for /api/callback and /api/messages
Problem 1: AdaptiveCard v1.3 is not showing when the Bot is starting.
Fact: I want the card to show every time the bot is starting as shown in this link: Calling Bot
Problem 2: OnMessageActivityAsync()get the request from user such as createcall However the turnContext.Activity.Text has the value But turnContext.Activity.Value returns null and that will result on Bot showing message but not calling or joining meeting.
protected override async Task OnMessageActivityAsync(ITurnContext<IMessageActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(turnContext.Activity.Text))
//turnContext.Activity.Text = null;
dynamic value = turnContext.Activity.Value;
if (value != null)
string type = value["type"];
type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(type) ? "." : type.ToLower();
await SendReponse(turnContext, type, cancellationToken);
await SendReponse(turnContext, turnContext.Activity.Text.Trim().ToLower(), cancellationToken);
//await OnTurnAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);
What I want is a 100% working calling bot that can join any user calls and record it
Does anyone have a subjection or a solution to my questions?
We tried to repro this issue at our end, but everything works for us. We are able to get Welcome card and calls are getting placed without any issue.We can record the call as well. Also able to join scheduled meeting and Invite participants to meetings as mentioned.
Please make sure you have enabled calling and configured proper endpoint on Teams channel page.

callkit with pushkit in xamarin

I'm trying to integrate callkit with pushkit in one of my app in xamarin using Twilio voip. I was able to do so by defining required classes and delegates.
I can receive a call when my app is in foreground. but when my app is backgrounded or killed, its not received.
I have this method in my appdelegate:
[Preserve(Conditional = true)]
public void DidReceiveIncomingPush(PKPushRegistry registry, PKPushPayload payload, string type, Action completion)
Console.WriteLine("My push is coming (Inside Action method!");
var callerid = payload.DictionaryPayload["twi_from"].ToString();
Console.WriteLine($"from: {callerid}");
completion= delegate {
if (payload != null)
// Tried using only this
// completion(); but it didn't work.
}catch(Exception ex)
So question is how to bring Native dialer when call is arriving and app is in background or killed. I don't understand how to use "Action" parameter of above method.
I see this error in my device logs:
Info (114) / callservicesd: Application <private> will not be launched because it failed to report an incoming call too many times (or repeatedly crashed.)

Test Azure hosted WebApi locally to send Push Notifications to all devices

I apologize if my question is silly, but I am new to WebApi. I have followed a tutorial and published a WebApi to Azure. I also have created a Xamarin Mobile App and all the framework in Azure to be able to send Push Notifications to both Android and iOS. I have a notification hub set up, app service, web service that hosts the web api etc. Testing with Azure using the Push tab to send notifications individually to both ios and android works perfectly.
I posted the code of the web api. How can I use the web api locally on my computer to send a notification to both platforms (ios and android) please?
public class SANotifController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SendNotificationAsync ([FromBody] string message)
//Get the settings for the server project
HttpConfiguration config = this.Configuration;
await InternalSendNotificationAsync(message, null);
catch (Exception ex)
//write the failure result to the logs
config.Services.GetTraceWriter().Error(ex.Message, null, "Push.SendAsync Error");
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
return Ok();
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SendNotificationAsync(string installationId, [FromBody] string message)
//get the settings for the server project
HttpConfiguration config = this.Configuration;
await SendNotificationAsync(message, installationId);
catch (Exception ex)
//write the failure to the logs
config.Services.GetTraceWriter().Error(ex.Message, null, "Push.SendAsync Error");
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
return Ok();
async Task<NotificationOutcome> InternalSendNotificationAsync (string message, string installationId)
//Get the settings for the server project
HttpConfiguration config = this.Configuration;
//use code below if web api is already published to Azure to get existing setup
//does not work locally
var settings = config.GetMobileAppSettingsProvider().GetMobileAppSettings();
//Get the Notification Hubs credentials for the Mobile App
string notificationHubName = settings.NotificationHubName;
string notificationHubConnection = settings.Connections[MobileAppSettingsKeys.NotificationHubConnectionString].ConnectionString;
//the name of the Notification Hub from the overview page.
// works locally
string notificationHubName = "sa1hub";
//use "DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature" from the portal's Access Policies
string notificationHubConnection = "Endpoint=sb://sahub.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=71S2#QEWF##$";
// create a new notification hub client
var hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString(
// Don't use this in RELEASE builds. The number of devices is limited.
// If TRUE, the send method will return the devices a message was
// delivered to.
enableTestSend: true);
// use a template compatible with both devices
// send the message so that all template registrations that contain "messageParam"
// will receive the notification. This includes APNS, GCM, WNS and MPNS template registrations.
var templateParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
["messageParam"] = message
// send the push notification and log the results
NotificationOutcome result = null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(installationId))
result = await hub.SendTemplateNotificationAsync(templateParams).ConfigureAwait(false);
result = await hub.SendTemplateNotificationAsync(templateParams, "$InstallationId:{" + installationId + "}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// Write the success result to the logs.
return result;
In Xamarin there are two way to send push notification from server to client. Even on Microsoft forum it's very clear step mention to Implementation.
Use of Azure Hub notification we can send easily notification on Cross mobile Platform or Native
Azure Push Notification
Another App Center Push notification Implementation.
Xamarin App Center Push Notification
To send push notification for IOS devices you have to communicate with APNS and for Android we need GCM. Azure works like an intermediate between our app and these services. So if you would like to send notification without Azure I prefer
Firebase Cloud Messaging. it is google product and allows us to send cross platform push notifications for both IOS and Android.
We can host our WebAPI in our windows local IIS and which should be configured for Firebase.
Example app for xamarin : FirebasePushNotificationPlugin

Unable to resolve sync conflict when using Azure Mobile Client - error keeps coming back

I'm using a Node.JS backend on Azure with Easy Tables. The table contains the required columns to support offline syncing.
While testing the sync process I noticed that conflicts keep coming back even though I'm resolving them.
My test:
Pull table content from Azure to iOS and Android device
Change a record on iOS but don't sync back to Azure
Change the same record on Android and sync
Now sync iOS
As expected, the conflict is detected correctly and I catch a MobileServicePushFailedException. I am then resolving the error by replacing the local item with the server item:
localItem.AzureVersion = serverItem.AzureVersion;
await result.UpdateOperationAsync(JObject.FromObject (localItem));
However, the next time I sync, the same item fails again with the same error.
The AzureVersion property is declared like this:
public string AzureVersion { get; set; }
What exactly is result.UpdateOperationAsync() doing? Does it update my local database? Do I have to do it manually?
And also: am I supposed to trigger an explicit PushAsync() afterwards?
I changed the property from AzureVersion to Version and it works. I noticed that the serverItem's AzureVersion property was NULL even though the JSON contained it. Bug in Json.Net or in the Azure Mobile Client?
You should be using something like the following:
public async Task SyncAsync()
ReadOnlyCollection<MobileServiceTableOperationError> syncErrors = null;
await this.client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
await this.todoTable.PullAsync(
//The first parameter is a query name that is used internally by the client SDK to implement incremental sync.
//Use a different query name for each unique query in your program
catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
if (exc.PushResult != null)
syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
// Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,
// server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
if (syncErrors != null)
foreach (var error in syncErrors)
if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null)
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
// Discard local change.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
Debug.WriteLine(#"Error executing sync operation. Item: {0} ({1}). Operation discarded.", error.TableName, error.Item["id"]);
Note the CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(), which updates the item to the server copy or CancelAndDiscardItemAsync(), which accepts the local item. These are the important things for you.
This code came from the official HOWTO docs here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-dotnet-how-to-use-client-library/##offlinesync

Notification Hub with localized messages

i just came up with a new problem but the same context azure. now i am trying to implement Multilinqual(localized) push notifications so i am following this localized push notification so this link inculde lot of work of making categories i just wanted to omit them so i am trying to use direct code for subscribing the toast notification on the basis of tag given in Bachend clien app that generate toast notification...here is Backend client app code..
NotificationHubClient hub = NotificationHubClient.CreateClientFromConnectionString("Endpoint=sb://samplenotificationhub-ns.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature;SharedAccessKey=", "samplenotificationhub");
var notification = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{"News_English", "World News in English!"},
{"News_French", "World News in French!"},
{"News_Mandarin", "World News in Mandarin!"}};
await hub.SendTemplateNotificationAsync(notification, "World");
first i tried it on my previously working sample app that can receive Push notification on the basis of tags also so i just tried to update its code to get template based toaste notification but unfortunately i am not getting anything..here is the code..
private void AcquirePushChannel()
CurrentChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find("mychannel");
if (CurrentChannel == null)
CurrentChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel("mychannel");
CurrentChannel.ChannelUriUpdated += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>(async (o, args) =>
var tags = new HashSet<string>();
var hub = new NotificationHub("samplenotificationhub", "Endpoint=sb://samplenotificationhub-ns.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=DefaultListenSharedAccessSignature;SharedAccessKey=");
var template = String.Format(#"<toast><visual><binding template=""ToastText01""><text id=""1"">$(News_English)</text></binding></visual></toast>");
await hub.RegisterTemplateAsync(args.ChannelUri.ToString(),template,"hello", tags);
// await hub.RegisterNativeAsync(args.ChannelUri.ToString(),tags);
so if you know anything about it..please guide me any kind of help or suggetion is appreciated..
Hello Friends I again able to solve my problem so the mistake i am doing here is i am following the link blindly as it is for Windows store apps and i wanted to implemented the same for windows phone 8 so what i am doing wrong is using the same Tamplate that is used in windows store apps for windows phone 8 too. so what i understand is this if wanted to target the multiple platforms from a notification hub then your client app that send the toast notification has the same notification for all but all your platform will handle it differently Like for windows 8 the tamplate i am using will work but windows phone this template will work.
string toast = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
"<wp:Notification xmlns:wp=\"WPNotification\">" +
"<wp:Toast>" +
"<wp:Text1>Hello Windows phone</wp:Text1>" +
"</wp:Toast> " +
so different platform will have different platform.hope it help somebody else too.
