Setting up Umbraco project with nuget in vs 2012 error - visual-studio-2012

I'm trying to set up a development project in vs 2012 with nuget and Umbraco. I am aware of the several recipe's, amongst the better Umbraco for beginners: Setup Umbraco on localhost together with VS 2012 and uSiteBuilder.
When I am using this procedure I install Umbraco with nuget and build it without problems, but when I hit F5 I get the same error continously: "Could not load type Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication" which global.asax inherits from!
What is wrong, what am I missing here...? Thanks in advance /Finn

A bit late, but I had the same problem and the reason for that are missing dll's. Referenced libraries weren't copied to bin folder.

It is not the best or easiest way of setting the project up.
Instead of creating a WebForm project, create an empty MVC4 project and then install the Umbraco CMS from NuGet. This way you won't have to remove anything. It will also by default use IIS Express, so there is no need to change the project properties.
You don't even have to use the NuGet console. You can use the package manager and just search for Umbraco.

Well it seems like an unprofessional oversight from my point! I just forgot to give security access to the relevant folders to network service.
You might have to build and clean the solution a couple of times if you get exposed to the YSOD error: "Cannot create/shadow copy 'filename' when that file already exists" when you hit F5! This error might occur if you hit F5 too quickly after a build, in this case is probably not finished with whatever it has to complete, and the file is locked.
#Digbyswift: I do not agree with you! Whether you set up your project as an MVC or Webforms application, it doesn't matter. What is important though, is that you use empty applications, as if you don't there will probably be some references/dependencies that you have to delete in order to get the application running! And default server will be the vs dev server, which in my opinion is by far the best and easiest to use untill you are ready to deploy your application. I agree thouhg that using the package-manager from visual studio is the easiest way to come around installing Umbraco.
Following these steps and hints you should use no more than a couple of minutes from installing Umbraco untill you have the wellcome screen and is ready to set up db etc...
Cheers Finn...


Azure Web Deploy "Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\roslyn\csc.exe'."

I've been browsing the web for a couple hours now looking for an answer to my problem. I am trying to deploy a Web API on Azure Web App Service using VS2017. Everything builds and works fine when running locally but once deployed on Azure (through VS2017) I get this error:
My project is an ASP.NET Web Application (Using Azure Web API template) .NET Framework 4.6.1. I use Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform Version=
I also made sure that csc.exe is located in:
Visual Studio 2017\Projects\DeviceManagementAPI\DeviceManagementAPI\bin\roslyn
Just had the same problem and it seems it's a known issue with Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform 1.0.6 and 1.0.7.
Downgrading to 1.0.5 solves the problem.
Upgrading Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform to 1.08 worked for me
After a while I simply uploaded manually the roslyn file directly into the server through Kudu. It seems to solve the problem but I still don't know why it won't upload automatically.
Same issue might be caused by missing or incorrect relative packages path. If you're changing solution folder structure make sure all imports have proper path's to avoid missing Roslyn files.
Generally suggest to replace auto-generated ../../../packages/... rabit hole with parameter which will point to correct Nuget folder.
<Import Project="$(NugetPackagesPath)\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props" Condition="Exists('$(NugetPackagesPath)\packages\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.1.0.8\build\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.props')" />

System.TypeLoadException on Azure App Service

I'm running an 4.6 app on the app service. Just removed mvc from the site and using url rewrite to run an mvc free angular spa with a webapi.
Now it's asking for a type that was renamed months ago and works in pre mvc removal builds. I don't think it's got something to do with mvc though.
In trying to solve this I've xeroxed my local bin folder onto the server and the error still persists. So some sort of server config?
Has anyone ever experienced this before?
The error means that you are using a type which is not found in your assembly. To troubleshoot this issue, you need to find where you used this type. I suggest you use the Find in files feature provided by Visual Studio by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F. After found the place which used the type, you just need to delete it and rebuild your application.

DotNetNuke module development errors after upgrading to VS 2012

I have been working on building a DNN module in VS 2010 under DNN 7.0.3. My module has a few controls, a web service, and some jQuery/Ajax calls to the web service. I am working in Windows 7 with IIS 7. Everything was fine until I upgraded to VS 2012. After that, I was getting 500 errors for all the files I am loading into my control, i.e. javascript files, css files, and even images (never saw a 500 error on an image before!). I tried rolling back my project to before I loaded it into VS 2012, but that didn't help. I found this article: Setting up separate ASP.NET app with DotNetNuke
and implemented the suggestion in answer 2 (adding location... to the web config file). That fixed most of the problems, but I am still getting 500 errors for 2 HttpHandlers I built (which just spit out some javascript) and for any calls to my web service. The error I am getting now is:
Parser Error. An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
It kind of looks like it can't find the codebehind for these files. That makes some sense, since that was basically the problem it was having with all the files before I added the tag to the web.config.
I tried a clean install of DNN 7.0.6 and just installed my module from the package that was created earlier, but still the same errors. Since I haven't made any change to my code since it was last working, I am pretty sure the problem has something to do with changes the VS 2012 install made to my machine but I have no idea what. Please help!!!
Thank you :-)
Check to see if you have a VIRTUAL DIRECTORY or Application on the DesktopModules folder, or on the Module's folder in there, sometimes that happens in VS.
Also make sure there is NOT a web.config file in the MODULE folder.

Plugin registration tool throwing Unable to load plug-in assembly

I'm using the latest version of the MS CRM 2011 SDK and am trying to deploy a custom workflow activity (it has been signed with a key). The plugin registration tool throws an error "Unable to load plug-in assembly" without much information about the root cause.
The error trace thrown by the tool is very similar to the one described in this post
The answer to the post referenced above indicates adding Microsoft.Xrm.Client assembly in the GAC, but my workflow project references the following DLLs
Should all these be added to the GAC?
The CRM server is Win 2K8R2. I tried dragging and dropping the assemblies to the c:\windows\assembly folder but that did not work. No errors but nothing was copied over either. I followed the instructions outlined in this post but that did not work either.
What am I missing?
I don't think you should have to place any crm dlls into the gac, they are already installed in the CRM server files. If you think it might solve the problem use gacutil (not clear if you can't install to the gac, or if that didn't fix the problem).
I suspect its complaining about your dll, are you trying to register to the disk? As you usually have to place the dll in the crm/server/bin folder first. Try deploying to the database - makes life easier for deploying the solution to other servers later.
If that still doesn't work post the trace of the error.
Turn on crm server side.tracing. You'll get much better error information. Use the CRM diagnostic tool to turn on trace logging:
Turns out that if you use the /codecustomization switch to have the code generator derive from "CrmOrganizationcContext", you need "microsoft.xrm.client.dll". This DLL is not included in the default install of CRM and you need to get this on the server one wa or another.
I decided against using the /codecustomization switch which causes the "context" to derive from "OrganizationContext" instead and not take a dependency on that DLL. Plugin registration now works! This post provides more insight

.NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 causes 404 pages on ASP.NET Web App

I have a problem with IIS 6.0 ceasing to work for an ASP.NET application after installing Service Pack 1 for .NET 3.5.
I have 2 identical virtual dedicated servers. Installing SP1 on the first had no adverse effect. Installing it on the second caused ASP.NET pages to start returning 404 page not found.
Static .html pages working okay on both servers.
Has anybody else experienced this?
This is broad problem, so let's start by asking some troubleshooting questions:
Based on your description, the ASP.NET runtime is not catching your request and processing the aspx files. You may need to register the pipeline with IIS again using ASPNET_REGIIS -i.
Have you made sure that the app_offline.htm file has been removed
from the directory of the application?
I have had this happen before after an
Have you setup fiddler for instance to follow the request to see what is
exactly being requested?
Make sure ASP.NET is enabled in the IIS Administration Console under "Web
Service Extensions." Make sure everything is set to allowed for your different versions of the framework.
Well, let's start with those and hopefully we can guide you to the problem.
I've seen various people with this problem recently. This link might help.
And this one.
And a few others.
Is CustomErrors in your web.config set to On or RemoteOnly? If so, what do you get when you change it to Off?
I have not had this exact error with .NET 3.5 SP1, but have seen similar occur in the past. Typically it can be resolved by opening a command prompt, going to the appropriate .NET folder and running ASPNET_REGIIS -i. In the case of .NET 3.5 there wasn't an update to the main bits of the framework, so you'd actually go to the .NET 2.0 folder, which on my machine can be found at:
Running the ASPNET_REGIIS -i will re-register all the ASP.NET libraries with IIS, and should be the equivalent of a re-install of the framework on a given machine (as far as IIS is concerned)
Just to clarify. The last (4th) point given by Dale was the problem. During the installation of SP1 the Status for ASP.NET and WebDAV became set to Prohibited under Web Service Extensions.
Why the installation of SP1 changed this setting on one server and not the other is a mystery that I wouldn't mind (but not expect) an answer to...
The second link provided by CodingTheWheel also had the answer so I'm also going to mark this as an answer.
No-one did before, so I'll point to the trivial solution:
Have you already de-installed the Service Pack and re-installed it again (or the whole framework)?
Edit: #Kev:
Easy explanation: He said the update works on one machine, but not on the other. I had similar problems in the past and re-installing helped to solve some of them. And it is trivial to do.
That's my approach:
1. trivial
2. easy
3. headache
You are right, on productive systems you must be careful, but that's his decision. And because it is a virtual server, maybe it is easy for him to copy it and try as a test environment first.
