How can I ALIAS --> "less" the latest file in a directory? - linux

Just wondering how could I less the latest log file in a directory in Linux?
I'm after a oneliner, possibly considering an alias!

Something like this?
ls -1dtr /your/dir/{*,.*} | tail -1 | xargs less
Note that for the first block of ls I am using an answer of Unix ls command: show full path when using options
As it requires a parameter, we create a function instead of an alias. Store the following in ~/.bashrc:
my_less_func ()
ls -1dtr "$1"/{*,.*} | tail -1 | xargs less
Source it (it is enough doing . ~/.bashrc) and call it with:
my_less_func your/path

In zsh: less dir/*(.om[1])
dir/* is a regular glob.
The . qualifier restricts to regular files.
om means order by modification time, newest first.
[1] means just expand the first filename.
It's probably better without the [1] - just pass all the filenames to less in the om order. If the first one satisfies you, you can hit q and be done with it. If not, the next one is just a :n away, or you can search them all with /*something. If there are too many, om[1,10] will get you 10 newest files.


Removing changing pattern from filenames in directory in Linux

I have a directory containing files following the following naming convention:
All I want to do is to rename these files so that the _#### number pattern is removed, resulting in:
but only up to a certain number. E.g.: I may have 10000 files but might only want to remove the pattern in the first 3000. Would this be possible using something like bash?
If you don't have prename or rename -
(assuming the names are consistent)
for f in Label_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[A-Z][A-Z].gz
do mv "$f" "${f//_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/}"
To just do a certain range -
for n in {0000..2999}
do for f in Label_${n}_??.gz
do mv $f ${f//_$n/}
You're sure there are not collisions?
If you can name the pattern you want to change/remove in a regex you can use the command prename:
prename 's/_[0-3][[:digit:]]{3}_/_/g' Label_*.gz
This regex would only remove numbers 0000-3999.
Using the flag -n does a "dry-run" and shows what it would do.
Edit: Thanks #KamilCuk to remind me about two renames. I made it clear and changed the name to prename.

Pick the specific file in the folder

I want pick the specific format of file among the list of files in a directory. Please find the below example.
I have a below list of files (6 files).
1) MAG_L_NT_AA_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_AA_2017_01_20.dat
1) MAG_L_NT_BB_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_BB_2017_01_20.dat
1) MAG_L_NT_CC_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_CC_2017_01_20.dat
From the above three sets I need only 3 files.
1) MAG_L_NT_AA_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_BB_2017_01_20.dat
3) MAG_L_NT_CC_2017_01_20.dat
Note: There can be multiple lines of commands because i have create the script for above req. Thanks
Probably easiest and least complex solution to your problem is combining find (a tool for searching for files in a directory hierarchy) and grep (tool for printing lines that match a pattern). You also can read those tools manuals by typing man find and man grep.
Before going straight to solution we need to understand, how we will approach your problem. To find pattern in a name of file we search we will use find command with option -name:
-name pattern
Base of file name (the path with the leading directories removed) matches shell pattern pattern. The metacharacters ('*', '?', and '[]')
match a '.' at the start of the base name (this is a change in
findutils-4.2.2; see section STANDARDS CONFORMANCE below). To ignore a
directory and the files under it, use -prune; see an example in the
description of -path. Braces are not recognised as being special,
despite the fact that some shells including Bash imbue braces with a
special meaning in shell patterns. The filename matching is performed
with the use of the fnmatch(3) library function. Don't forget to
enclose the pattern in quotes in order to protect it from expansion by
the shell.
For instance, if we want to search for a file containing string 'abc' in directory called 'words_directory', we will enter following:
$ find words_directory -name "*abc*"
And if we want to search all directories in directory:
$ find words_directory/* -name "*abc*"
So first, we will need to find all files, which begin with string "MAG_L_NT_" and end with ".dat", therefore to find all matching names in /your/specified/path/ which contains many subdirectories, which could contain files that match this pattern:
$ find /your/specified/path/* -name "MAG_L_NT_*.dat"
However this prints all found filenames, but we still get names containing "SUM" string, there comes in grep. To exclude names containing unwanted string we will use option -v:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. (-v is
specified by POSIX .)
To use grep to filter out first commands output we will use pipe () |:
The standard shell syntax for pipelines is to list multiple commands,
separated by vertical bars ("pipes" in common Unix verbiage). For
example, to list files in the current directory (ls), retain only the
lines of ls output containing the string "key" (grep), and view the
result in a scrolling page (less), a user types the following into the
command line of a terminal:
ls -l | grep key | less
"ls -l" produces a process, the output (stdout) of which is piped to
the input (stdin) of the process for "grep key"; and likewise for the
process for "less". Each process takes input from the previous process
and produces output for the next process via standard streams. Each
"|" tells the shell to connect the standard output of the command on
the left to the standard input of the command on the right by an
inter-process communication mechanism called an (anonymous) pipe,
implemented in the operating system. Pipes are unidirectional; data
flows through the pipeline from left to right.
process1 | process2 | process3
After you got acquainted to mentioned commands and options which will be used to achieve your goal, you are ready for solution:
$ find /your/specified/path/* -name "MAG_L_NT_*.dat" | grep -v "SUM"
This command will produce output of all names which begin "MAG_L_NT_" and end with ".dat". grep -v will use first command output as input and remove all lines containing "SUM" string.

Execute the output of previous command line

I need to execute the result of a previous command, but I don't know how I can process.
I have a first command that returns an instruction to log in to the server and then I want to execute it just after.
my-first-command returns: docker login ...
For example:
> my-first-comnand | execute the result of my-first-command
This should do it I believe.
my-first-command | bash
I use $(!!) for this. As Charles points out, this may not be what everyone wants to do, but it works for me and suits my purpose better than the other answer.
$ find ./ -type f -name ""
$ $(!!)
!! is a variable that holds the last command, and putting into $( ) makes it get executed.
This is also useful for taking other actions on the output, since $( ) is treated as a variable.
Most handy way is to use backticks `your_command` to execute your sub-command inline and immediately use output in your main command.
`find ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/* -d 0 | tail -1`/zipalign -f 4 ./app-release-unsigned.apk ./app-release.apk
In this example I firstly find the correct directory from where I will execute zipalign. There could be several directories as in my case (find returns two directories) so I getting last one using tail. And then I'm executing zipalign directly using previous result as path to correct zipalign binary.

Korn shell get latest file matching pattern

Need help to write a korn shell script for the below.
Have to write the script in dir ..../script
Have the below files in dir ..../files
Have 2 file patterns
Need to get the latest files(last created) matching pattern
xxx and yyy i.e from above xxx356_9.txt, yyy635_7 and ftp them over.
Please need help with this. Thanks.
If by latest you mean time stamp.You can do something like this
ls -t xxx* | head -1 #this will give you the latest modified file
ls -t yyy* | head -1
The above will give you the file Names which you can use for FTP.

grep but indexable?

I have over 200mb of source code files that I have to constantly look up (I am part of a very big team). I notice that grep does not create an index so lookup requires going through the entire source code database each time.
Is there a command line utility similar to grep which has indexing ability?
The solutions below are rather simple. There are a lot of corner cases that they do not cover:
searching for start of line ^
filenames containing \n or : will fail
filenames containing white space will fail (though that can be fixed by using GNU Parallel instead of xargs)
searching for a string that matches the path of another files will be suboptimal
The good part about the solutions is that they are very easy to implement.
Solution 1: one big file
Fact: Seeking is dead slow, reading one big file is often faster.
Given those facts the idea is to simply make an index containing all the files with all their content - each line prepended with the filename and the line number:
Index a dir:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Han . > .index
Use the index:
grep foo .index
Solution 2: one big compressed file
Fact: Harddrives are slow. Seeking is dead slow. Multi core CPUs are normal.
So it may be faster to read a compressed file and decompress it on the fly than reading the uncompressed file - especially if you have RAM enough to cache the compressed file but not enough for the uncompressed file.
Index a dir:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Han . | pbzip2 > .index
Use the index:
pbzcat .index | grep foo
Solution 3: use index for finding potential candidates
Generating the index can be time consuming and you might not want to do that for every single change in the dir.
To speed that up only use the index for identifying filenames that might match and do an actual grep through those (hopefully limited number of) files. This will discover files that no longer match, but it will not discover new files that do match.
The sort -u is needed to avoid grepping the same file multiple times.
Index a dir:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Han . | pbzip2 > .index
Use the index:
pbzcat .index | grep foo | sed s/:.*// | sort -u | xargs grep foo
Solution 4: append to the index
Re-creating the full index can be very slow. If most of the dir stays the same, you can simply append to the index with newly changed files. The index will again only be used for locating potential candidates, so if a file no longer matches it will be discovered when grepping through the actual file.
Index a dir:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Han . | pbzip2 > .index
Append to the index:
find . -type f -newer .index -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Han . | pbzip2 >> .index
Use the index:
pbzcat .index | grep foo | sed s/:.*// | sort -u | xargs grep foo
It can be even faster if you use pzstd instead of pbzip2/pbzcat.
Solution 5: use git
git grep can grep through a git repository. But it seems to do a lot of seeks and is 4 times slower on my system than solution 4.
The good part is that the .git index is smaller than the .index.bz2.
Index a dir:
git init
git add .
Append to the index:
git add .
Use the index:
git grep foo
Solution 6: optimize git
Git puts its data into many small files. This results in seeking. But you can ask git to compress the small files into few, bigger files:
git gc --aggressive
This takes a while, but it packs the index very efficiently in few files.
Now you can do:
find .git -type f | xargs cat >/dev/null
git grep foo
git will do a lot of seeking into the index, but by running cat first, you put the whole index into RAM.
Adding to the index is the same as in solution 5, but run git gc now and then to avoid many small files, and git gc --aggressive to save more disk space, when the system is idle.
git will not free disk space if you remove files. So if you remove large amounts of data, remove .git and do git init; git add . again.
There is project which is capable of creating index and fast searching in the index. Regexps are supported and computed using index (actually, only subset of regexp can use index to filter file set, and then real regexp is reevaluted on the matched files).
Index from codesearch is usually 10-20% of source code size, building an index is fast like running classic grep 2 or 3 times, and the searching is almost instantaneous.
The ideas used in the codesearch project are from google's Code Search site (RIP). E.g. the index contains map from n-grams (3-grams or every 3-byte set found in your sources) to the files; and regexp is translated to 4-grams when searching.
PS And there are ctags and cscope to navigate in C/C++ sources. Ctags can find declarations/definitions, cscope is more capable, but has problems with C++.
PPS and there are also clang-based tools for C/C++/ObjC languages: and clang-complete
I notice that grep does not create an index so lookup requires going through the entire source code database each time.
Without addressing the indexing ability part, git grep will have, with Git 2.8 (Q1 2016) the abililty to run in parallel!
See commit 89f09dd, commit 044b1f3, commit b6b468b (15 Dec 2015) by Victor Leschuk (vleschuk).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit bdd1cc2, 12 Jan 2016)
grep: add --threads=<num> option and grep.threads configuration
"git grep" can now be configured (or told from the command line) how
many threads to use when searching in the working tree files.
Number of grep worker threads to use.
ack is a code searching tool that is optimized for programmers, especially programmers dealing with large heterogeneous source code trees:
Is some of your search examples where you only want to search a certain type of file, like only Java files? Then you can do
ack --java function
ack does not index the source code, but it may not matter depending on what your searching patterns are like. In many cases, only searching for certain types of files gives the speedup that you need because you're not also searching all those other XML, etc files.
And if ack doesn't do it for you, here is a list of many tools designed for searching source code:
We use a tool internally to index very large log files and make efficient searches of them. It has been open-sourced. I don't know how well it scales to large numbers of files, though. It multithreads by default, it searches inside gzipped files, and it caches indexes of previously searched files.
This grep-cache article has a script for caching grep results. His examples were run on windows with linux tools installed, so it can easily be used on nix/mac with little modification. It's mostly just a perl script anyway.
Also, the filesystem itself (assuming your using *nix) often caches recently read data, causing future grep times to be faster since grep is effectively searching virt memory instead of disk.
The cache is usually located in /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches if you want manually erase it to see the speed increase from an uncached to a cached grep.
Since you mention various kinds of text files that are not really code, I suggest you have a look at GNU ID utils. For example:
cd /tmp
# create index file named 'ID'
mkid -m /dev/null -d text /var/log/messages.*
# query index
gid -r 'spamd|kernel'
These tools focus on tokens, so queries on strings of tokens are not possible. There is minimal integration in emacs for the gid command.
For the more specific case of indexing source code, I prefer to use GNU global, which I find more flexible. For example:
cd sourcedir
# index source tree
gtags .
# look for a definition
global -x main
# look for a reference
global -xr printf
# look for another kind of symbol
global -xs argc
Global natively supports C/C++ and Java, and with a bit of configuration, can be extended to support many more languages. It also has very good integration with emacs: successive queries are stacked, and updating a source file updates the index efficiently. However I'm not aware that it is able to index plain text (yet).
