Can we use HDInsight Service for ATS? - azure

We have a logging system called as Xtrace. We use this system to dump logs, exceptions, traces etc. in SQL Azure database. Ops team then uses this data for debugging, SCOM purpose. Considering the 150 GB limitation that SQL Azure has we are thinking of using HDInsight (Big Data) Service.
If we dump the data in Azure Table Storage, will HDInsight Service work against ATS?
Or it will work only against the blob storage, which means the log records need to be created as files on blob storage?
Last question. Considering the scenario I explained above, is it a good candidate to use HDInsight Service?

HDInsight is going to consume content from HDFS, or from blob storage mapped to HDFS via Azure Storage Vault (ASV), which effectively provides an HDFS layer on top of blob storage. The latter is the recommended approach, since you can have a significant amount of content written to blob storage, and this maps nicely into a file system that can be consumed by your HDInsight job later. This would work great for things like logs/traces. Imagine writing hourly logs to separate blobs within a particular container. You'd then have your HDInsight cluster created, attached to the same storage account. It then becomes very straightforward to specify your input directory, which is mapped to files inside your designated storage container, and off you go.
You can also store data in Windows Azure SQL DB (legacy naming: "SQL Azure"), and use a tool called Sqoop to import data straight from SQL DB into HDFS for processing. However, you'll have the 150GB limit you mentioned in your question.
There's no built-in mapping from Table Storage to HDFS; you'd need to create some type of converter to read from Table Storage and write to text files for processing (but I think writing directly to text files will be more efficient, skipping the need for doing a bulk read/write in preparation for your HDInsight processing). Of course, if you're doing non-HDInsight queries on your logging data, then it may indeed be beneficial to store initially to Table Storage, then extracting the specific data you need whenever launching your HDInsight jobs.
There's some HDInsight documentation up on the Azure Portal that provides more detail around HDFS + Azure Storage Vault.

The answer above is sligthly misleading in regard to the Azure Table Storage part. It is not necessary to first write ATS contents to text files and then process the text files. Instead a standard Hadoop InputFormat or Hive StorageHandler can be written, that reads directly from ATS. There are at least 2 implementations available at this point in time:
ATS InputFormat and Hive StorageHandler written by an MS employee
ATS Hive StorageHandler written by Simon Ball


Azure Databricks with Storage Account as data layer

I have just started working on a data analysis that requires analyzing high volume data using Azure Databricks. While planning to use Databricks notebook to analyze, I have come across different storage options to load the data a) DBFS - default file system from Databricks b) Azure Data Lake (ADLS) and c) Azure Blob Storage. Looks like the items (b) and (c) can be mounted into the workspace to retrieve the data for our analysis.
With the above understanding, may I get the following questions clarified please?
What's the difference between these storage options while using them in the context of Databricks? Do DBFS and ADLS incorporate HDFS' file management principles under the hood like breaking files into chunks, name node, data node etc?
If I mount Azure Blob Storage container to analyze the data, would I still get the same performance as other storage options? Given the fact that blob storage is an object based store, does it still break the files into blocks and load those chunks as RDD partitions into Spark executor nodes?
DBFS is just an an abstraction on top of scalable object storage like S3 on AWS, ADLS on Azure, Google Storage on GCP.
By default when you create a workspace, you get an instance of DBFS - so-called DBFS Root. Plus you can mount additional storage accounts under the /mnt folder. Data written to mount point paths (/mnt) is stored outside of the DBFS root. Even though the DBFS root is writeable, It's recommended that you store data in mounted object storage rather than in the DBFS root. The DBFS root is not intended for production customer data, as there are limitations, like lack of access control, you can't access storage account mounted as DBFS Root outside of workspace, etc.
The actual implementation of the storage service like namenodes, etc. are really abstacted away - you work with HDFS-compatible API, but under the hood implementation will differ depending on the cloud and flavor of storage. For Azure, you can find some details about their implementation in this blog post.
Regarding the second question - yes, you still should get the splitting of files into chunks, etc. There are differences between Blob Storage & Data Lake Storage, especially for ADLS Gen 2 that have better security model and may better optimized for big data workloads. This blog post describes differences between them.

Databricks Delta Tables - Where are they normally stored?

I'm beginning my journey into Delta Tables and one thing that is still confusing me is where is the best place to save your delta tables if you need to query them later.
For example I'm migrating several tables from on-prem to azure databricks into individual delta tables. My question is, should I save the individual delta tables which could be significant in size into the DBFS databricks internal storage, or should I mount a blob storage location and save the delta lake tables there? What do people normally do in these situations?
I usually recommend people to store data in a separate storage account (either mounted, or used directly), and don't use the internal storage of workspace for that tasks. Primary reason - it's easier to share this data with other workspaces, or other systems if it's necessary. Internal storage should be primarily used for temp files, libraries, init scripts, etc.
There is a number of useful guides available that can help:
Azure Databricks Best Practices, and it's specifically says about internal storage
About securing access to Azure Data Lake

Google Analytics data in Azure

Has anybody ever moved Google Analytics data into Azure? I have seen a handful of ways to do it but I am not sure what I am getting myself into. The Google Analytics data is becoming quite large and I am wondering if it is best suited to leave it in google storage and access it from Azure or move it to something like HDInsight or Data Lake. I need to join the data across several disparate data stores, SQL Azure, Blob, and Table Storage. I was also looking into Apache Drill and Presto as a possible solution to unify the data access. Just looking to see if anybody out there has dealt with this same issue and has any experience to share. Thanks!
I don't have experience with Presto so I can only comment on the feasibility of doing this with Drill. Also I have not used Azure services so my advice is theoretical.
Drill Storage Plugins
Drill will allow you to perform any SQL queries you want on data originating from different sources, provided that each data source has a storage plugin. A storage plugin is simply a piece of code in Drill that allows you to interface with a data source. Since you are concerned with performing queries on 3 data sources, we need to determine if each of those 3 data sources have a Storage plugin.
SQL Azure
I assume SQL Azure has a jdbc driver for java. If so then Drill can be configured to use SQL Azure by following these instructions.
Azure Blob
Azure Blob storage has an implementation of the hadoop filesystem api which Drill uses to read data from file systems. So you could theoretically add the hadoop-azure jar and its dependencies to Drill's class path and configure Drill's DFS storage plugin to use it.
Additionally the data in Azure Blob would have to be stored in a supported file format like: json, parquet, csv, or hadoop sequence files.
Azure Table
This looks like Microsoft's custom NoSQL database. Currently Drill does not support it.
With a bit of work you could use Drill to query data on both Azure SQL and Blob, but not Azure Table.

HDInsight - Azure blob storage

I have some basic clarifications about azure hdInsight.
The following article gives some basic input on using hdinsight.
It says that HDinsight internally uses azure blob storage .
Having this in mind, my question is as follows:
I have a hdinsight hd1 which uses storage account stg1.
If I want to just uploading and download files using azure storage explorer to stg1 , then whats the use of having hd1 , I can do it without even creating hdinsight which costs heavily.
So, is hadoop hdinsight only used for processing some data stored in stg1 to produce some results like wordcount?Is that the only reason why we use HDInsight?
If you want to understand the HDInsight and blob storage better, you need to read
HDInsight is Microsoft's implementation of Hadoop. So far there 4 different base types which include Hadoop, HBase, Storm, Spark. You can always install additional components to the base types.
Your question is really about why using Hadoop. Hadoop shines when you need to process a lot of data - big data.
One of the differences between HDInsight and other Hadoop implementations is the separation of storage (blob storage) from compute (HDInsight clusters). You would still need to copy the data (or store the data directly in Azure blob storage). When you are ready to process, you create an HDInsight cluster, submit a job, and then delete the cluster. You delete the cluster so you don't need to pay for the cluster anymore. Even after the cluster is deleted, your date stored in the Blob storage retains.
HDInsight is a family of products, including Hadoop, Spark, HBase, and Storm. They all do different things, and storage is but only one aspect.

HDInsight: HBase or Azure Table Storage?

Currently my team is creating a solution that would use HDInsight. We will be getting 5TB of data daily and will need to do some map/reduce jobs on this data. Would there be any performance/cost difference if our data will be stored in Azure Table Storage instead of Azure HBase?
The main differences will be in both functionality and cost.
Azure Table Storage doesn't have a map reduce engine attached to it in itself, though of course you could use the map reduce approach to write your own.
You can use Azure HDInsight to connect Map Reduce to table storage. There are a couple of connectors around, including one written by me which is hive focused and requires some configuration, and may not suit your partition scheme ( and a less performance focused, but more complete version from someone at Microsoft (
The main advantage of Table Storage is that you aren't constantly taking processing cost.
If you use HBase, you will need to run a full cluster all the time, so there is a cost disadvantage, however, you will get some functionality and performance gains, plus you will have something a bit more portable, should you wish to use other hadoop platforms. You would also have access to a much greater range of analytic functionality with the HBase option.
HDInsight (HBase/Hadoop) uses Azure Blob storage not ATS. For your data-storage you will charged only applicable blob storage cost, based on your subscription.
P.S. Don't forget to delete your cluster once job has completed, to avoid charges. Your data will persist in BLOB storage and can be used by next cluster you build.
