Merge two folders in Lotus Notes 8.5.3 - lotus-notes

I have a user who has got two folders called "CLIENTS" and "CLIENTS2". Now, I need to merge those two folers into a single one but cannot do that manually since there are hundreds of sub folders which would take forever to be moved. Is there any way I can do that by script? Thank you.

In Notes, subfolders aren't really "inside" of each other. I.e., if you see A folder XXX, with a subfolder YYY, what you really have is a folder named "XXX", and another folder named "XXX\YYY". So all you need to do to "merge" the subfolders is to open Domino Designer, open the user's mailbox, open the Folders, and then rename everything that starts with "CLIENTS2" so that they start with "CLIENTS" instead.
If you do that, then all you have to worry about is moving the documents from the top level folder the Notes client, and it's all done.
The answer to your question, though, is yes it can be done by scripting. I'd start with the NotesNoteCollection class and go from there. But since you are dealing with one user, I suspect the manual technique described above will be considerably faster.


Organizing common files in a separate area in depot

Typically, we have a depot root for every different product that we work on. For e.g.:
As the common files in the 2 products increase, I would like to put them into a top level folder of it's own
Now to ensure that this works for all the users who have existing workspace, we would need to update all their workspaces. Is there an alternative? Can we put some markers in the depot to create a link it to a different folder? Any other option?
What you're describing is essentially the reason that streams were created -- the idea of a stream is that you definition the structure of a codeline in one place (e.g. "product X lives in //products/productX"), multiple people base their workspaces on that, and when you change it (e.g. "product X lives in //products/productX + //products/common), every workspace based on that definition updates automatically.
So if you're using streams, all you need to do is update the stream definitions that need to include the new //products/common directory. Easy!
If you're using "classic" workspaces, users who are using the default //products/... mapping will get the common directory automatically regardless. For users with custom views, my suggestion would be to alert them of the refactor and then let them make their own adjustments as appropriate; if they're familiar enough with Perforce to have built a custom client view, they may not appreciate having it changed underneath them.

Automatically create Subfolders on SharePoint Document Library

I have been trying to accomplish this for weeks now and end up hitting a wall.
I have a document library on SharePoint Online with the following (close enough) structure.
-> Schools
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
... and so on.
Inside the "Projects" folder there is a set of folders as well.
Right now we have a Project template folder that we used to just copy/paste and rename when we had our file server, but now on SharePoint, the copy to process is way too many clicks to get it to that location.
What I am trying to accomplish is be able to create a new project folder and automatically create all the folders under it.
Appreciate the guidance on this.
I was able to figure this out.
My challenge was when creating the folder, it always wanted to create it inside the root of the document library and not the subfolder.
So I created 2 Content types for folders, one for clients and one for projects.
Used SharePoint Designer to create the workflow, but the trick here was to extract the URL from the current item, which is the folder being created, and remove the first x amount of characters from it which equals the SharePoint document library location. The remaining part of the string was the exact location where I wanted the subfolders to be created.
After that, I used that variable to create all other subfolders.

Unable to determine why workbook gets marked as read only when opening another workbook via VBA

Background: I can't seem to find an answer for the blunder I've found myself in. I'm working on a dashboard of sorts for our organization that pulls data from different workbooks in different locations. Different people have different permissions within folders in our company. We're trying to prevent having to change permissions. I was also trying to make it easy as possible for employees by moving the necessary supporting files I pull from to my folder where the dashboard is housed that includes a folder with the supporting files. Since this folder has no restricted access, I added passwords to the whole workbook of each supporting file. I created workbooks in the original locations of where these supporting files used to reside with the hopes that would hopefully allow anyone with access in that folder to use this new file as a backdoor/shortcut of sorts. The goal was to keep people's files where they wanted them and allow them to click it then it takes them to my support file and enter the password for them. Which leads me to the problem...
Problem: When I open the "backdoor" file, everything runs normally and the support file opens up with read and write privileges. However when someone else opens the backdoor file, the support file opens as read only. While I don't have any code yet to determine if someone is in the file (I'll cross that road if my problem is resolvable), I've ensured nobody was in the support or backdoor file when another user attempted to use it.
Sub Workbook_Open()
'I didn't have the next statement orginally. Added it in hopes it'd resolve the issue.
'Tried to move it under the command, too, but to no avail.
SetAttr "M:\Report Writing\Supporting Files\TMR 2017 - Team ABC's SF.xlsm", vbNormal
Workbooks.Open "M:\Report Writing\Supporting Files\TMR 2017 - Team ABC's SF.xlsm", , False, , "XXX"
Workbooks("TMR 2017 - Team ABC's.xlsm").Close
End Sub
I also didn't originally have the "False" in the open.workbooks command but tried to add it in hopes of resolving my dilemma. Any hope is GREATLY appreciated as my whole dashboard is relying on this and we were supposed to deploy today.
It has nothing to do with the VBA code. It is the file itself. On a shared network, depending on how it was set up, when a new file is created everyone can read it, but only the creator is marked as the only one allowed to make changes. If someone Saves the file with another name you wont be able to edit it. You created the file, you can make changes to it.
There is a way to change this. Right click on the file, properties, security, Edit Button, There are some listed users in there but just find the one that says Drive\Users or Authenticated Users, or both, and edit that to provide modify access. This will allow everyone to edit the file.

sharepoint workflow to move files of a content type to new folder (after creating it if needed)

I have multiple SP document libraries for different meetings. I want to keep the libraries organized by meeting day. So each meeting would have it's own folder and all the files for that day would go in that folder.
To make it easy I wanted to make it so you can upload a file and then a SP workflow will create a folder for that meeting, if needed, and move the file.
So I created a "meeting file" content type that also gets meeting date and file type (minutes, presentation, misc, etc...)...
What I need to do next is check if a folder for that meeting date exists and create it if it does not. Then move the file over to that folder.
Any ideas how I could do this?
I could also try it without using content types but then the workflow starts automatically for every file added and then I cannot create a new folder with that workflow (because it would start a new instance of that workflow).
I was hoping to keep it reusable so I could just use one workflow for all the document libraries. I thought the workflow could find the path of the list it is being run on, and create the folders and do the other work within that list.
Any ideas are appreciated.
For creating folder via workflows:
Creating folders and sub-folders using SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflow
and for checking folder name:
Create a string workflow variable.
Now create a lookup for your folder and set the variable to the folder's title. Take a look here for some helpful information and usage guidelines when it comes to list folders.
The actions dependent of the existence of the folder have to be placed inside an if-statement
E.g. the if-statement should be like "if [variable] not equals [folder name]" if you want the actions only to be run when the folder does not exist
and here the whole tutorial that I found:
Create folders using a SPD workflow

SharePoint 2007 - Copy files and assign attributes?

I've got this one thing I'm not really sure where to begin with. In our SharePoint 2007 solution, we've got this project room where each employee has their own folders with their resumé etc. And we want this information to be distributed to their MySite.
I've noticed that I can basically copy the files from one are to the other. But the files in MySite are connected to the corresponding user based on properties of some sort. But they are not regular file properties is seems. When I open all of the files in the MySite files collection, I can see categories such as Title and Name. If I copy a file in there, these properties are blank. And if I manually assign a username to the Name property, the file automatically appears in the correct user's MySite.
Probably horribly explained.. But, is it possible to program this somehow? I would like a nightly or weekly schedule that basically copies the content and assigns the username and title to the correct fields. I can pick up both the title and the username based on the folder names. This I can probably solve later. It's just where to begin that's bothering me. Do I use SharePoint designer? Can I user VB code? Do I have to code at all? I've never developed a thing for SharePoint before. And no, I do not want to be redirected to a basic "Getting started with developing for Sharepoint" site.. Just a simple answer really, on where to begin.
Simple answer: Yes you can use VB. Create Timerjobs.
TimerJobs you can set to start on specific weekdays, specific hours etc. and they do exactly whatever you program them to do.
