Sharepoint Calculated Column - LEFT() - sharepoint

I am trying to find the substring of the start time (I just want the date) field using a calculated column in SharePoint 2010 on a date/time field.
I am using the =LEFT() command (please see attached images)
As you can see the formula validates but doesn't show the correct output
Please note I am restricted to out of the box SharePoint only, SharePoint designer has been disabled and this being a Calendar List, infopath is out of the question.

LEFT function is doing a substring on SharePoint's internal representation of the date, which is a number.
To get just the date, you can simply have your fomula as: =[Start Time] and set the Date and Time Format to Date Only.


NetSuite Saved Search formula to get a field's value as of a given date

I am required to use a saved search to answer the question: how many cancelled Sales Orders did we have on a specified date? I must use a saved search because ultimately it will be something viewed on a dashboard (and this is what the end users are used to). I know that I can and how to complete via SuiteScript; this is explicitly a question related to Saved Searches and/or SuiteAnalytics. The status of our sales orders fluctuates more than a “normal company”, i.e. 1 SO might change status 3 or 4 times before being “done”. My initial thought was to create a saved search and add “System Notes fields…” as results. So I’d have something like the following:
For the given date 7/19/20 the status was “Canceled” since 7/19/20 is greater than 6/12/20 and less than 7/22/20. I would like to get this field’s value on 7/19/20 programmatically and display it as a Saved Search results column but I don’t know how. I think I’m stuck because I don’t know how to tell NetSuite in a saved search to look at the date in the row above or below. Said differently I don’t know how to compare the given date to all the system note dates to find the system note date that is right before (use the old value) or after (use the new value) the given date. In excel I would do the following, how do i do this in a NetSuite Saved Search?
To apply a dynamic date filter:
In the Criteria tab, add a date filter:
Filter = System Notes : Date is on today
In the Available Filters tab, add the same date filter:
Filter = System Notes : Date,
Show in Filter Region = Yes

Fetching date value from a SharePoint-list, to use in date&time specific field in flow

I'm trying to design a Microsoft Flow, which will create a outlook calendar event entry based on information in a SharePoint-online list.
The list will contain a value for a DueDate its a column of type Date, not including time.
I want to be able to create a outlook calendar entry on the date based off the duedate column. The calendar entry form in flow allows via dynamic content to add dates that also include time, however date columns not containing time cannot be added that way.
Is there a workaround to this, some expression that would allow me to fetch values from columns more freely and then possible append a time to it
I have tried converting the column in sharepoint to a Date with Time column and that workaround worked, however its not what I'm looking for. Id like to know how to be able to work around this because I don't necessarily want my column as a date-time column which can cause problems later on.
I have tried this expression:
formatDateTime(concat(item()?['DATE'], '08:00')'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss')
But I know this is wrong and it doesn't work. I'm simply not sure how to do it.
I want the flow to add a calendar entry based off the due date column which i can append my own time to like the start of the day and last til the afternoon.
Actual results are I don't seem to be able to use a date column, just a date-time column for start and end times of the event, date column without time doesnt appear in the dynamic content list.
If there is some way to manually fetch values instead of using the dynamic content that is very powerful and can then possibly be converted to the right format using additional code.
Date column name in my list is date_without_time of type Date (Add time set to NO):
New element:
Function used in Create event (V2) action:

Error in Calculated Column (using Today) in DataSheet View - Sharepoint 2010

I have calulated column which display's the value based on the difference between today and requested date field.
=Today-[Requested Date]
This is working fine in Sharepoint Standard View. But the same is not working with the datasheet view . The calculated column is showing as below
=#NAME?-[Requested Date].
Due to this i am not able to save the data. Can anyone please let me know how to solve this ?
Which SharePoint version are you using?
I tried the same scenario using SharePoint 2013 and was able to add the values in both standard and datasheet views. I am assuming you might have used the same steps.
Create 2 new columns named RequestedDate(DateTime) and
Today(Single line of text).
Add a new column of type calculated field with formula
=Today-[Requested Date].
Now delete the Today column.
Try entering the data in both the views.
First I have used today() function to calculate difference between 2 days except working days. The list is not automatically updating. If we change the Start_Date, then it calculates and gives the value. Can you suggest me why this happens?
You have mentioned in your post that there is some tricks in using today() function. I have created separate Today_Date column in my list. And Used the same column name in finding difference between 2 days. Here also the same problem exists.
The formula I used is,
=IF(AND((WEEKDAY([Today Date],2))<(WEEKDAY([Release Date],2)),((WEEKDAY([Release Date],2))-(WEEKDAY([Today Date],2)))>1),(((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1))-(FLOOR((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1)/7,1)*2)-2),(((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1))-(FLOOR((DATEDIF([Release Date],[Today Date],"D")+1)/7,1)*2)))
Please tell me how to make the difference between 2 date values update automatically every time I open the list.
Then I tried the trick which you have mentioned above. But it works while I enter the data. When I open the list for the next day or some other day's after the Calculated column is not taking the current day's value, do the data remains same. what should I need to do in case it needs to take current date's value and calculate the formula?

SharePoint Date Shows as Number

Regardless of what I do in SharePoint 2010, one of my calculated columns show date as a long integer. Please see screenshot.
My formula is below and it doesn't seem to respect it. I changed the column from date time to date. Created a new task and you see the date populates as I would want it on one of the tasks; but it doesn't for my older list items. Please advise.
=IF([Move to MTR2 Date]<>"",TEXT([Move to MTR2 Date],"mm/dd/yy"),IF([Move to MTR2?]=TRUE,"Requested",""))
Then get the date as

Filtering a view in SharePoint list based on a year

I'm using SharePoint 2010.
I want to create new view for my list. The list contains a column called Year, which is a number and contains, as name suggests, year. Eg.:
I would like create a view, where I would display only last 3 years. Under creating new view, I go to Filter, choose Show items only when the following is true:, pick column Year and... this is where I get lost.
How to write a condition, that a number should be greater that current year minus 3? I tried
but this obviously couldn't be so simple. Please help me write this condition.
[Today] returns the current date so you can use the following formula:
[Year] > YEAR([Today])-3
