Get Conduit Standard Sizes in Revit Mep 2014 - revit-api

How do I get Conduit Standards with sizes using the Revit MEP 2014 API?

Currently there is no way to access/change this information. A wish list item has been raised to address this.
See forum post on Autodesk


How can i use Descarta2D package for Mathematica?

Recently I download a pdf book named -"Exploring Analytical Geometry with Mathematica ".In this book, they used a package "Descarta2D". I can't understand how can I add these packages in my Mathematica.
I look at many websites to solve this problem but I can't run the code of this book yet.
some links that i visited -
1.wolfram comunity
2.wolfram comunity
3.wolfram comunity
I want to add these packages in Mathematica and run the all code of the book-Exploring Analytical Geometry with Mathematica.
book link-
Exploring Analytical Geometry with Mathematica
Looks like you are supposed to copy the Descarta packages to $BaseDirectory\Applications, which on my system corresponds to C:\ProgramData\Mathematica\Applications. Then when you try to use a Descarta notebook automatic initialisation should be able to find the packages to load.
By the way, the last valid Descarta2d site archive was Sept 2019
From the author
The complete Mathematica source code for all the Descarta2D notebooks
is published in the free PDF file of the textbook (in Part VII,
Packages). The Mathematica source code for all the exercise answers is
provided in the free PDF file as well (in Part VIII, Explorations).
Alternatively, it is a significant time-saver to have the option to
purchase and download the notebook files directly, rather than cutting
them from the book's PDF file using Acrobat and pasting them into
The Mathematica add-on package, Descarta2D, has been certified to be
compatible with Mathematica Version 8 (previously certified for
Versions 3-7). The entire textbook "Exploring Analytic Geometry with
Mathematica" (including the user manual for Descarta2D) is available
for free viewing and download at www.Descarta2D .com (both PDF and on-
line versions, 865 pages, ~3Mb, are available).
The corresponding
Descarta2D Mathematica notebooks are available for purchase at the
same web site (the notebooks are not required to read/ study the
textbook, but they are needed to re-run the sample problems or to use
Descarta2D for applications beyond the samples).
Uncertain whether the code in the PDF from 2019 is updated to version 8. Maybe just the paid addons.

How to embed version / copyright / manufacturer information in a shared library

Dynamic libraries on Windows (.dll) support a predefined format for storing meta data such as version number, copyright, manufacturer, etc. directly within the library itself. Retrieving that information is as simple as viewing the properties of the library.
Now, I'm looking for a way to do something similar on Linux. Can anyone tell me how I can embed such meta data directly within a shared library (.so) and point me how to extract that information with standard tools on Linux?
Is there a predefined way to do so at all?
While researching that topic I came across the same question on SO. However, that question dates back to 2010 and the accepted answer seems to no longer be recommended.
So, how is this done in 2019?

Everything Search Engine

I'm not sure whether I'm in the right place to ask this and if I'm not, please point me to the right Stack Exchange site.
An NTFS file system search engine called 'Everything' can be downloaded from
and because it performs so well, I got curious as to what programming language was it written in.
I've searched the above site's forums and google with no success..
I understand that the application is proprietary freeware and so I will not be able to obtain the source code. However, I've never heard of any apps where info about what language it is written in is hidden.
So my question is: What language was 'Everything' written in?
by David » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:37 am
98% C
1% C++
1% assembly
The above quote is from a forum post by a Site Admin named David which I am assuming is very likely to be David Carpenter who is the author of Everything.
Quoted from: (archive)

RT_preempt? Has the development of RT_preempt patch been stopped?

I am looking for some contribution for real time linux which majorly involves RT_PRREMPT patch .
The wiki page of RT are pretty old i,e it says its been updated last at 2008
Also there are no wish list or bug list specific to RT _Preempt
Even bug zilla also doesn't have much on rt preempt?
Any resource pointing towards bugs ,features that are to be added to RT_preempt would be a lot of help.
Yes, thankfully, it does seem to be alive and well.
I can understand your tension: on 21 Oct 2014, an LWN article - The future of the realtime patch set - quoted Thomas Gleixner at less-than-highly-optimistic regarding the future of the PREEMPT_RT project.
The good news: recently, as of 05 Oct 2015, LF seems to have a working group in place for RT Linux.
Additional info here:
The Linux Foundation Announces Project to Advance Real-Time Linux
By Linux_Foundation - October 5, 2015 – 8:14am
and here:
Real-Time Linux on the go, OSADL
(quoting from the article)
“… OSADL is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the Linux Foundation RTL Working Group. We very much hope that a day will come in the foreseeable future when Linux mainline will immediately contain - without any further patching - the PREEMPT_RT configuration option. And we can only appeal to the other members of the RTL Working Group to not let Linux users wait too long. OSADL certainly will continue to go for it.”

What to resources to read to import Excel data to AutoCAD?

Doing some preliminary work on a project. I work at an engineering firm and the engineers build Excel spreadsheets containing information on what material the project uses (called cable schedules). This data is handed over to the drafter and they turn it into an AutoCAD drawing. If a change in the spreadsheet gets made the drafter needs to meticulously change every drawing. This is supposedly a lot of manual work.
I know little of AutoCAD and was wondering what research I should do to see if and how hard it would be to automate this process. If a course or books are available I'd like to be pointed in that direction.
If you're looking to simply display some Excel data as a table in AutoCAD the functionality is already built in via AutoCAD's DATALINK command.
If you want to automate something more complicated than that check out Autodesk's ObjectARX. It's used to create AutoCAD plugins and can be downloaded for free from their website. ObjectARX exposes both .NET and native C++ APIs. It is the library that AutoCAD itself is based on.
The RealDWG API (formally ObjectDBX) that Chris Neilsen mentioned is a subset of the functionality available in ObjectARX. It allows you to read and manipulate AutoCAD drawings outside of an AutoCAD process. RealDWG is, however, not free.
As for documentation, the help files and samples included with ObjectARX are pretty good and there is a fair amount of programming discussion on the Autodesk and AUGI forums. If your employer is an ADN member you'll find a lot more information there, including professional support.
See this SO Question for a discussion of libraries to access drawing files, including ODA and
AutoDesk RealDWG and a few others
The library I use for manipulating Excel from AutoCAD is available as a download here:
I found it far easier to use this inside the VLIDE to manipulate Excel data (whether it has anything to do with AutoCAD or not), than to use Excel's VBA (a horror) or a combination of scripting and interop.
I did have to fix one or two mistakes in there, so bear that in mind...
