I am implementing RCP Project with Toolbar as extension point.
I want both Image and text in Toolbar with text below the image
How can I do this through Toolbar Extension point ?
I am working on my UI design and want to preview my main menu icons. I can change my menu_main display to design and preview them but there does not seem to be an option to change the orientation to landscape.
When I preview activity_main I can rotate the view to the landscape but it does not have the menu items.
How can I preview the design of the menu in landscape mode in Android Studio 3.4.2?
I am new to Install Shield. Trying to modify the new installer background and the color of the installer panel. How to customize the skin, background color or add background image for the new installer generated using Installshield 2010.
I tried to modify the skin preview .bmp image of the IS but didn't work
You will need to create your own images in IS's Support\Themes. Banner.jpg [499x58], Banner_mirror.jpg [499x58], preview.jpg [504x386], setup.gif [166x315], Welcome.jpg [499x312] and Welcome_mirror.jpg [499x312]. Mirror images are optional in case of right to left language. Reference Class Theme folder for sample preview.jpg.
Copy Classic.theme from InstallShield's Support\Themes folder and paste it as CustomTheme.theme. Open file in Notepad and change theme name to your custom name and update the path for your images. Then, open InstallShield. New theme should display under User Interface > Dialogs > Themes. Right-click to select.
I am creating a RCP appliaction Toolbar with Action, I want to set Image as well as MULTI-LINE Text below the image , how can this be done ?
Example -
In the above example, IMAGE is the Icon Image and "Search Result" is the text in multi-line format..
Tinymce editor is used in the app. The rte toolbar is activated only if i click on the text area. I am able to focus on the Text Area using document.body.focus but still the rte toolbar doesn't show up.
WYSIWYG Editors has an example on how to automate TinyMCE Editor with watir-webdriver gem.
The Rte toolbar gets enabled only after a mouse click event. So I used left mouse click event to enable the RTE Toolbar.
b.mouseclick "left",200,550
And it solved my issue.
My application has a ADD button and a DELETE button. I'm using the default icons
(1) android:icon="#android:drawable/ic_menu_add"
(2) android:icon="#android:drawable/ic_menu_delete"
These buttons pop up when I press the Menu button on the emulator.
However I would like to use my own buttons instead of the default icons in the relative layout.
Is it possible to use to a png file of my choice(both for button selected and button not selected) as a add button and delete button?
Could any of you please share some information on this?
Yes, you can use your own buttons: just replace the icon attribute in the menu xml file. See http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/menus.html for the details to set your own icon: you can copy your own PNGs into the res/drawable folder and then point to it in the menu xml file.