How to access nth element in a Haskell tuple - haskell

I have this:
get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) = a
which works fine in GHCI but I want to compile it with GHC and it gives error. If I want to write a function to get the nth element of a tuple and be able to run in GHC what should I do?
my all program is like below, what should I do with that?
get3th (_,_,a,_,_,_) = a
main = do
mytuple <- getLine
print $ get3th mytuple

Your problem is that getLine gives you a String, but you want a tuple of some kind. You can fix your problem by converting the String to a tuple – for example by using the built-in read function. The third line here tries to parse the String into a six-tuple of Ints.
main = do
mystring <- getLine
let mytuple = read mystring :: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
print $ get3th mytuple
Note however that while this is useful for learning about types and such, you should never write this kind of code in practise. There are at least two warning signs:
You have a tuple with more than three or so elements. Such a tuple is very rarely needed and can often be replaced by a list, a vector or a custom data type. Tuples are rarely used more than temporarily to bring two kinds of data into one value. If you start using tuples often, think about whether or not you can create your own data type instead.
Using read to read a structure is not a good idea. read will explode your program with a terrible error message at any tiny little mistake, and that's usually not what you want. If you need to parse structures, it's a good idea to use a real parser. read can be enough for simple integers and such, but no more than that.

The type of getLine is IO String, so your program won't type check because you are supplying a String instead of a tuple.
Your program will work if proper parameter is supplied, i.e:
main = do
print $ get3th (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

It seems to me that your confusion is between tuples and lists. That is an understandable confusion when you first meet Haskell as many other languages only have one similar construct. Tuples use round parens: (1,2). A tuple with n values in it is a type, and each value can be a different type which results in a different tuple type. So (Int, Int) is a different type from (Int, Float), both are two tuples. There are some functions in the prelude which are polymorphic over two tuples, ie fst :: (a,b) -> a which takes the first element. fst is easy to define using pattern matching like your own function:
fst (a,b) = a
Note that fst (1,2) evaluates to 1, but fst (1,2,3) is ill-typed and won't compile.
Now, lists on the other hand, can be of any length, including zero, and still be the same type; but each element must be of the same type. Lists use square brackets: [1,2,3]. The type for a list with elements of type a is written [a]. Lists are constructed from appending values onto the empty list [], so a list with one element can be typed [a], but this is syntactic sugar for a:[], where : is the cons operator which appends a value to the head of the list. Like tuples can be pattern matched, you can use the empty list and the cons operator to pattern match:
head :: [a] -> a
head (x:xs) = x
The pattern match means x is of type a and xs is of type [a], and it is the former we want for head. (This is a prelude function and there is an analogous function tail.)
Note that head is a partial function as we cannot define what it does in the case of the empty list. Calling it on an empty list will result in a runtime error as you can check for yourself in GHCi. A safer option is to use the Maybe type.
safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
safeHead [] = Nothing
String in Haskell is simply a synonym for [Char]. So all of these list functions can be used on strings, and getLine returns a String.
Now, in your case you want the 3rd element. There are a couple of ways you could do this, you could call tail a few times then call head, or you could pattern match like (a:b:c:xs). But there is another utility function in the prelude, (!!) which gets the nth element. (Writing this function is a very good beginner exercise). So your program can be written
main = do
myString <- getLine
print $ myString !! 2 --zero indexed
Testing gives
Prelude> main
So remember, tuples us ()and are strictly of a given length, but can have members of different types; whereas lists use '[]', can be any length, but each element must be the same type. And Strings are really lists of characters.
As an aside, I thought I'd mention that there is a neater way of writing this main function if you are interested.
main = getLine >>= print . (!!3)


Check if tuple or triple in haskell

Is there a way to check how many elements (,) has? I know I can access first and second element of a tuple with fst and snd but and thought I could somehow sum elements and then compare it with fst tuple snd tuple and check like this:
tuple = (1,2)
sum tuple == fst tuple + snd tuple
and then I get True for this case and get False for triple = (1,2,3). Eitherway I cant ask fst (1,2,3) nor I can do sum tuple
Is there a way to check if I have a tuple or not?
Something like this:
is_tuple :: (a,b) -> a
is_tuple (a,_) = a
but to get True when I input tuple and False when I give (1,2,3) or (1,2,3,4) and so on... as a input.
is_tuple :: Tuple -> Bool
is_tuple x = if x is Tuple
then True
else False
Is there a way to check how many elements (,) has?
No, because the answer is always 2.
The type (,) is the type constructor for a tuple of two values, or a 2-tuple. It is a distinct type from (,,), the constructor for 3-tuples. Likewise, both those types are distinct from (,,,), the constructor for 4-tuples, and so on.
When you write a function with type (Foo, Bar) -> Baz, the typechecker will reject any attempts to call the function with a tuple of a different number of values (or something that isn’t a tuple at all). Therefore, your isTuple function only has one logical implementation,
isTuple :: (a, b) -> Bool
isTuple _ = True
…since it is impossible to ever actually call isTuple with a value that is not a 2-tuple.
Without using typeclasses, it is impossible in Haskell to write a function that accepts a tuple of arbitrary size; that is, you cannot be polymorphic over the size of a tuple. This is because, unlike lists, tuples are heterogenous—they can contain values of different types. A function that accepts a tuple of varying length would have no way to predict which elements of the tuple are of which type, and therefore it wouldn’t be able to actually do anything useful.
Very rarely, when doing advanced, type-level trickery, it can be useful to have a type that represents a tuple of varying length, which in Haskell is frequently known as an HList (for heterogenous list). These can be implemented as a library using fancy typeclass machinery and type-level programming. However, if you are a beginner, this is definitely not what you want.
It is difficult to actually give advice on what you should do because, as a commenter points out, your question reads like an XY problem. Consider asking a different question that gives a little more context about the problem you were actually trying to solve that made you want to find the list of a tuple in the first place, and you’ll most likely get more helpful answers.

dealing with tuple of list with flexible size in haskell

I am learning Haskell, this question may be very stupid, but sorry I don't know its answer
I have a function that take a 4-tuple of list, size of these lists could be different, But in the tuple they have the same size
foo ([a],[b],[c],[d]) = concat [[a],[b])
it does not work for the list larger that size one
for example
foo ([1],[2],[3],[4]) // works fine
foo ([1,2] , [2,3] , [3,4] , [5,7]) or any larger size of those list generate error
any hint about to generalize it ?
Much as the source code text [1] means a list with a single element which is the value 1, the source code text [a] means a list with a single element which is the variable a1. It does not mean a list of any size, and a refers to the single element of the list, not the list.
On the left hand side of an equation, [a] would be a pattern that only matches lists containing precisely one element (not zero, and not 2 or 3 or more); the value of that single element can be referred to by a on the right hand side of the equation.
So this code:
foo ([a],[b],[c],[d]) = concat [[a],[b]]
Gives a definition for the result of applying foo to a tuple of 4 singleton lists. It takes the single element in the first two lists (a and b), wraps those up in new singleton lists ([a] and [b]), puts those two lists in another list to make a list of lists ([[a],[b]]), and then passes that list to a function (concat [[a],[b]]).
If any one of the lists has more than one element, or is empty, then this equation doesn't say what the result of foo is. And if there are no other equations helping to define the function foo, then you'll get a pattern match error if you call foo on such non-conforming input.
If (as I suspect) what you wanted was to say that this definition applies to to a tuple of any 4 lists, then you would write it this way:
foo (a,b,c,d) = concat [a,b]
Note the lack of square brackets around a, b, c, and d. This version takes the entirety of the first two lists (a and b), puts those in another list to make a list of lists ([a,b]), and then passes that list to a function (concat [a,b]).
The type of the function (whether inferred from your code or declared by you) says that the things in the tuple that foo receives as argument are lists2; you don't have to put square brackets around every variable that is a list - indeed you can't, because that means something else quite specific! When you want to match against any possible list, you just write a; writing [a] says the list has to be a list of exactly one element, and it's only that element which is freely matched by the variable a, not the list itself.
Any time you use the square bracket syntax you are writing a list with a fixed number of elements,3 and the things in the brackets are individual elements of the list.
1 In a context where [a] is a value expression. If this occurs in a type expression then [a] is the type of lists whose elements are the type a.
2 Technically if you're using inferred types here then there's nothing at all constraining the types of c and d in my suggested version because they are unused, so they don't have to be lists.
3 Unless you're writing a list comprehension (e.g. [x + 1 | x <- [1, 2, 3]]) or a numeric range expression (e.g. [1..n]).
This should work:
foo (a:_,b:_,c:_,d:_)= concat [[a],[b]]
In the above function you just pattern match the first element of the parameters of each list.
A much simpler code:
foo (a:_,b:_,_,_)= [a, b]
In ghci:
ghci> foo ([1],[2],[3],[4])
ghci> foo ([1,2] , [2,3] , [3,4] , [5,7])

How do I implement a recursive list in Haskell and methods to operate on it

I'm attempting to create a method in Haskell which I would think is very intuitive. I have a list of lists [of lists]* that is arbitrarily deep. I'd like to pull out a specific atom in the list regardless of the depth of the recursion. Here's my effort:
type List = [Array]
data Array = Int | List
drill :: Array -> [Int] -> Array
drill xs (index:[]) = xs !! index
drill xs (index:is) = drill (xs !! index) is
However I receive the following when loading in ghci:
Couldn't match expected type `[Array]' with actual type `Array'
In the first argument of `(!!)', namely `xs'
In the expression: xs !! index
In an equation for `drill': drill xs (index : []) = xs !! index
What I've written seems intuitive to me but clearly Haskell is having type issues. And as a Haskell newbie, I'm not the best at interpreting type errors. I would think that the return type of the function could be either an atom: Int, or a list:[Int]. Can anybody help me decipher this and suggest a solution?
When you say
data Array = Int | List
this doesn't mean "any Int is an Array, and any List is an Array". It instead means that Array has two constructors, Int and List, both of which take no arguments. The confusion arises from the fact that they have the same name as types; they're not related to the types beyond sharing a name. That is, your declaration is basically the same as
data Array = Foo | Bar
Instead, we need to give explicit constructor names for each alternative:
type List = [Array]
data Array = Elem Int | Nest List
drill :: Array -> [Int] -> Array
drill xs [] = xs
drill (Nest xs) (index:is) = drill (xs !! index) is
This means that Elem takes an Int and returns an Array, and Nest takes a List and returns an Array. We have to adjust the drill function to explicitly take the list of Arrays out of the Nest case.
The error you're getting is basically saying that you're trying to use xs as a list, but it's an Array. This is because you didn't pattern-match on it at all: just tried to use your argument (an Array) directly as a list.
Note that you'll still have to explicitly pattern-match on the result of drill to tell whether it's a single element or a nested list. There's no way to make a type whose values can literally be either integers or nested lists in Haskell; Haskell's unions are tagged (i.e. the constructors are explicit), and it has no subtyping.
For more information, I suggest reading this introduction to algebraic data types from Learn You a Haskell.

Does there exist something like (xs:x)

I'm new to Haskell. I know I can create a reverse function by doing this:
reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse [] = []
reverse (x:xs) = (Main.reverse xs) ++ [x]
Is there such a thing as (xs:x) (a list concatenated with an element, i.e. x is the last element in the list) so that I put the last list element at the front of the list?
rotate :: [a] -> [a]
rotate [] = []
rotate (xs:x) = [x] ++ xs
I get these errors when I try to compile a program containing this function:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a = [a]
When generalising the type(s) for `rotate'
I'm also new to Haskell, so my answer is not authoritative. Anyway, I would do it using last and init:
Prelude> last [1..10] : init [1..10]
Prelude> [ last [1..10] ] ++ init [1..10]
The short answer is: this is not possible with pattern matching, you have to use a function.
The long answer is: it's not in standard Haskell, but it is if you are willing to use an extension called View Patterns, and also if you have no problem with your pattern matching eventually taking longer than constant time.
The reason is that pattern matching is based on how the structure is constructed in the first place. A list is an abstract type, which have the following structure:
data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show) -- this is just so you can print the List
When you declare a type like that you generate three objects: a type constructor List, and two data constructors: Empty and Cons. The type constructor takes types and turns them into other types, i.e., List takes a type a and creates another type List a. The data constructor works like a function that returns something of type List a. In this case you have:
Empty :: List a
representing an empty list and
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
which takes a value of type a and a list and appends the value to the head of the list, returning another list. So you can build your lists like this:
empty = Empty -- similar to []
list1 = Cons 1 Empty -- similar to 1:[] = [1]
list2 = Cons 2 list1 -- similar to 2:(1:[]) = 2:[1] = [2,1]
This is more or less how lists work, but in the place of Empty you have [] and in the place of Cons you have (:). When you type something like [1,2,3] this is just syntactic sugar for 1:2:3:[] or Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Empty)).
When you do pattern matching, you are "de-constructing" the type. Having knowledge of how the type is structured allows you to uniquely disassemble it. Consider the function:
head :: List a -> a
head (Empty) = error " the empty list have no head"
head (Cons x xs) = x
What happens on the type matching is that the data constructor is matched to some structure you give. If it matches Empty, than you have an empty list. If if matches Const x xs then x must have type a and must be the head of the list and xs must have type List a and be the tail of the list, cause that's the type of the data constructor:
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
If Cons x xs is of type List a than x must be a and xs must be List a. The same is true for (x:xs). If you look to the type of (:) in GHCi:
> :t (:)
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
So, if (x:xs) is of type [a], x must be a and xs must be [a] . The error message you get when you try to do (xs:x) and then treat xs like a list, is exactly because of this. By your use of (:) the compiler infers that xs have type a, and by your use of
++, it infers that xs must be [a]. Then it freaks out cause there's no finite type a for which a = [a] - this is what he's trying to tell you with that error message.
If you need to disassemble the structure in other ways that don't match the way the data constructor builds the structure, than you have to write your own function. There are two functions in the standard library that do what you want: last returns the last element of a list, and init returns all-but-the-last elements of the list.
But note that pattern matching happens in constant time. To find out the head and the tail of a list, it doesn't matter how long the list is, you just have to look to the outermost data constructor. Finding the last element is O(N): you have to dig until you find the innermost Cons or the innermost (:), and this requires you to "peel" the structure N times, where N is the size of the list.
If you frequently have to look for the last element in long lists, you might consider if using a list is a good idea after all. You can go after Data.Sequence (constant time access to first and last elements), Data.Map (log(N) time access to any element if you know its key), Data.Array (constant time access to an element if you know its index), Data.Vector or other data structures that match your needs better than lists.
Ok. That was the short answer (:P). The long one you'll have to lookup a bit by yourself, but here's an intro.
You can have this working with a syntax very close to pattern matching by using view patterns. View Patterns are an extension that you can use by having this as the first line of your code:
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
The instructions of how to use it are here:
With view patterns you could do something like:
view :: [a] -> (a, [a])
view xs = (last xs, init xs)
someFunction :: [a] -> ...
someFunction (view -> (x,xs)) = ...
than x and xs will be bound to the last and the init of the list you provide to someFunction. Syntactically it feels like pattern matching, but it is really just applying last and init to the given list.
If you're willing to use something different from plain lists, you could have a look at the Seq type in the containers package, as documented here. This has O(1) cons (element at the front) and snoc (element at the back), and allows pattern matching the element from the front and the back, through use of Views.
"Is there such a thing as (xs:x) (a list concatenated with an element, i.e. x is the last element in the list) so that I put the last list element at the front of the list?"
No, not in the sense that you mean. These "patterns" on the left-hand side of a function definition are a reflection of how a data structure is defined by the programmer and stored in memory. Haskell's built-in list implementation is a singly-linked list, ordered from the beginning - so the pattern available for function definitions reflects exactly that, exposing the very first element plus the rest of the list (or alternatively, the empty list).
For a list constructed in this way, the last element is not immediately available as one of the stored components of the list's top-most node. So instead of that value being present in pattern on the left-hand side of the function definition, it's calculated by the function body onthe right-hand side.
Of course, you can define new data structures, so if you want a new list that makes the last element available through pattern-matching, you could build that. But there's be some cost: Maybe you'd just be storing the list backwards, so that it's now the first element which is not available by pattern matching, and requires computation. Maybe you're storing both the first and last value in the structures, which would require additional storage space and bookkeeping.
It's perfectly reasonable to think about multiple implementations of a single data structure concept - to look forward a little bit, this is one use of Haskell's class/instance definitions.
Reversing as you suggested might be much less efficient. Last is not O(1) operation, but is O(N) and that mean that rotating as you suggested becomes O(N^2) alghorhim.
Your first version has O(n) complexity. Well it is not, becuase ++ is also O(N) operation
you should do this like
rotate l = rev l []
rev [] a = a
rev (x:xs) a = rev xs (x:a)
source :
In your latter example, x is in fact a list. [x] becomes a list of lists, e.g. [[1,2], [3,4]].
(++) wants a list of the same type on both sides. When you are using it, you're doing [[a]] ++ [a] which is why the compiler is complaining. According to your code a would be the same type as [a], which is impossible.
In (x:xs), x is the first item of the list (the head) and xs is everything but the head, i.e., the tail. The names are irrelevant here, you might as well call them (head:tail).
If you really want to take the last item of the input list and put that in the front of the result list, you could do something like:
rotate :: [a] -> [a]
rotate [] = []
rotate lst = (last lst):(rotate $ init lst)
N.B. I haven't tested this code at all as I don't have a Haskell environment available at the moment.

How do I convert a list to a tuple in Haskell?

How can I best convert a list to a tuple in Haskell:
[1,2,3,4,5,6] -> (1,2,3,4,5,6)
In a general way, you can't. Each size of tuple is a distinct type, whereas lists of any length are a single type. Thus, there's no good way to write a function that takes a list and returns a tuple of the same length--it wouldn't have a well-defined return type.
For instance, you could have functions like:
tuplify2 :: [a] -> (a,a)
tuplify2 [x,y] = (x,y)
tuplify3 :: [a] -> (a,a,a)
tuplify3 [x,y,z] = (x,y,z)
...but not one that does the job of both.
You can write a generic version using various kinds of meta-programming, but you'd rarely want to.
Note that the same problem applies to other things, such as writing class instances for various tuples--take a look at the source code for Data.Tuple from the standard libraries!
Template Haskell is as close as you can get due to type checking if you want to extract a variable number of elements, since (a,b) and (a,b,c) have different types.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
tuple :: Int -> ExpQ
tuple n = do
ns <- replicateM n (newName "x")
lamE [foldr (\x y -> conP '(:) [varP x,y]) wildP ns] (tupE $ map varE ns)
$(tuple 6) [1,2,3,4,5,6] == (1,2,3,4,5,6)
$(tuple 3) "abc" == ('a','b','c')
But in general, if you need this answer, then you're asking the wrong question somewhere.
If you just want flat random access, perhaps the better option would be to use an Array.
If feel like I am about to advise you to point a gun at your foot and trust you not to shoot.
> list2Tuple lst = read $ "(" ++ ( lst ++ ")"
> list2Tuple [1,2,3] :: (Int, Int, Int)
> list2Tuple [1,2,3,4] :: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
This will work up to the what ever length of tuple Show and Read are defined for.
Tuples and lists are very different things. About the best you can do is to manually write a conversion function:
toTuple :: [a] -> (a,a,a,a,a,a)
toTuple [a,b,c,d,e,f] = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
Notice how different the types are: the single variable of the list expands to six variables for the tuple. So you'll need one function for each size of tuple.
I find it difficult to make cogent explanations of Template Haskell manipulations, but here is a demonstration:
> :m +Language.Haskell.TH
> :set -XTemplateHaskell
> runQ [| [1,2,3,4,5,6] |] >>= putStrLn . pprint
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
> runQ [| [1,2,3,4,5,6] |] >>= \ (ListE exps) -> putStrLn (pprint (TupE exps))
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
I don't think it's possible to do this in Haskell, for a list of arbitrary length not known at compile time. Template Haskell can't do it because it operates only at compile time. I ran into a case where I needed to do precisely this, and I had to work around it. A database library expects different-length tuples for query arguments, but I have an arbitrary-length list. So I have to skirt around the library interface. It would be nice if it could take a list.
Basically the issue is that different-length tuples are different types. But the Haskell compiler has to know at compile type what types might exist at runtime. Converting an arbitrary-length list into a tuple at run time could create some type it didn't know about at compile time.
You can in fact do better than manually writing one function per tuple-size if you use quasi-quotation as explained here. However, I would wonder about code where you expect to use this generically.
When dealing with command line arguments you can use getArgs, that function will give you a list with strings:
getArgs :: IO [String]
When I work with command line arguments I prefer to work with tuples instead of a list, so I convert the list to a tuple. See below:
import System.Environment
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (a:b:c) = args
print a
Calling the program (in PowerShell):
PS C:\Haskell> runghc convertListToTuple goodday to you
