Connecting to SharePoint intranet site with designer error - sharepoint

Error message is:
The Web server at "http://bruce" does not appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed.
Versions of SharePoint and SP Designer are 2013, and it's running SharePoint Server 2013.
It actually has, and I've also tried this and this was already done as well, and enabling SharePoint Designer on SharePoint settings on the site.
So I'm pretty stuck with this. Any advice/help is appreciated. Thanks.

Try enabling web integration (central admin, web app, Default and select 'enable client integration')
Also add the site to your trusted sites, using IE sign-in to the SharePoint site and then open SPD by using Site Settings -> Edit in SharePoint Designer.
Sometimes when my laptop is not member of the network I'm on. I also have to add the url to my Windows 'hosts file'. But this is more a networking / proxy issue rather than SharePoint.


Hosting TFS on the Same IIS Site as SharePoint Server 2016

I'm trying to figure out how to host Team Foundation Server 2015 on the same IIS site as my SharePoint Server 2016. Currently, the SharePoint IIS site hosts my main SharePoint web application and a few other custom applications I've developed separate from SharePoint.
I want to use the same address and port for all of my applications (SharePoint, TFS, and custom) without using host headers. That is,,,
I've managed to install TFS and move the /tfs IIS application it creates over to the SharePoint IIS site by modifying the applicationHost.config and changing some other settings. I'm prompted to login when I browse to, but after I login I just get a blank page.
Does anyone know if this is even possible?

How to connect to Sharepoint 2010 with Sharepoint Designer when server has multiple SP sites with host headers?

Hi all and sorry for the long title. I've had the management of a SharePoint 2010 farm environment tossed to me and while most things are working one thing is not. None of our users are able to connect to any of the sites in this farm with SharePoint Designer. They all get the dreaded "server could not complete the request" message followed by the eternally helpful MS error message "Object moved. Object moved to here."
I've dug around everywhere I can think to look and the closest explanation I see is that it may have something to do with our SP server hosting 5 SP applications, all with their own host headers. The things I find seem to suggest that Designer won't play with SP servers featuring multiple host headers...but I have to think that can't be the case. SharePoint encourages you to make use of host headers when setting up your applications.
I've tried installing Designer directly onto the server itself: no dice.
I've tried setting up the sites without a host header: sites don't work (and it wouldn't be a permanent fix because the user base this farm serves are barely computer literate so asking them to use IP addresses will be like Armageddon)
I've checked the farm settings to ensure that use of Designer is allowed: it is.
For this intranet instance, we do apparently have 5 separate IP addresses tracking to this box that will eventually host 5 SP applications (if that helps).
I'm a developer and not a server or network admin so any guidance or advice from anyone who's run into this and found a fix would be most welcome.
First of all update Sharepoint Designer and Sharepoint to the latest service pack and do an iisreset and use Sharepoint Designer 2010 for access Sharepoint 2010 Farm.
Enable anonymous authentication for the SharePoint web application in IIS.
See this KB2758431 for more details, this is for Sharepoint 2013 but I think is still valid for 2010.
Set the registry DisableLoopBackCheck entry
Check the ULS Log and Event Viewer for error messages.
Here a little explanation about IIS name resolutions of Sharepoint.
You have to check the DNS, the IIS host header (foreach web site) and settings from the client.
If there are an entry into DNS corresponding to an hostheader of web application you must use this name for accessing the sharepoint web site, try with the FQDN (i.e. if the entry in DNS is Server01 and you are on mydomain.lan you must use for connecting: http://server01.mydomain.lan), check also from your client a ping to the address to see if you reach the server.
If there are no entry into the DNS, add to your hosts file the hostheader of the corresponding sharepoint site and try (same thing as for the DNS, see above).

sharepoint designer 2013 issue opening site due to usage of host header

I have two different SharePoint sites on my server which are separated using host headers on IIS.
Everything seems to work fine but I cannot open my sites using SharePoint designer 2013 and it doesn't give any sensible error to work on.
I tried to connect on server as well as on my local machine and tried both domain and IP but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
you must enable sharepoint designer on the web application settings, in central administration.
then, make sure you are site collection admin and enable spd on site collection settings
if you are trying to connect locally, make sure you can resolve the server address. optionally create a hosts entry

Sharepoint site does not appear on IIS Manager, error in open site in sharepoint designer

I have created a site collection and then create two team sites on sharepoint server. Sites are working fine from central Admin but they are not appearing in IIS manager. Also when I try to edit a sharepoint site on sharepoint designer 2010 follwing error comes.
Unable to open website following causes:
1) the web server may not have sharepoint installed
2)The web server may be temporarily out of service
3)if you are connecting through a proxy server the proxy settings may be incorrect
4) An error may be occured in the web server
The IIS manager only showing the follwing sites
Sharepoint 80 and sharepoint central admin
When I try to create a site on sharepoint designer following error comes:
The web site must be created on a server that is running microsoft sharpoint foundation server please chooose another location.
I have installed sharepoint server 2010, sharepoint foundation server 2010 and sharepoint designer on my pc.
In IIS Manager, you're only going to see the Web apps, the site collections and sites are wont show up (if you have another web app that isn't showing up, that's a bigger issue. I'd delete it and try to recreate it). The SharePoint Designer issue, I've had before. For me, the issue was a firewall setting. But basically if you can get to the pages with the browser, make sure you have correct permissions set for your login, etc.

Team Foundation Server 2010 and Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Integration Error

I followed most of the suggestions that I found online but I still got this error when I start integrating TFS and SP
I dont have firewall thats why it does not make sense, any idea why this is happening. My settings on Sharepoint Web Applications is
I also get this error when I create a Sharepoint Page for my project
Server was unable to process request. ---> TF250029: No user was found within the context of a Web site. Verify that the site does not allow anonymous access.
but I dont allow anonymous access to my website. Any ideas?
It worked by removing the anonymous access on IIS to the sharepoint site
