Comparing and highlighting differences between old and new excel file - excel

I'm trying to write a macro with limited programming background. I have two excel files I'm trying to compare and find what has been changed from older iteration to the newer one. Column A has a specific id number and everything in that row is information pertaining to that id number. I would like the macro to find the matching id number and then compare the data in that row and highlight any changes that have been made in the newer iteration. the loop would have to go down each cell in column a of one file and compare it to the entire column in the other file each time.
If the id number isn't found then that id number needs to be highlighted as well. It also needs to check to see if the id numbers from the original file are still in the newer one, if not those need to be highlighted as well.

You should take a look at Spreadsheet Compare, a free tool for comparing Excel workbooks. It has lots of options, including "Database Style Compare", where you can highlight rows as you describe based on a column you choose as the ID.

Using a ready-made software is better than making a macro.
It's very easy.
I use the following software.
This software compares two Excel workbooks, and highlight their differences.
Excel Compare Tool - Excel Diff

Try PUP from J-Walk:
Compare Ranges:
Lets you easily identify the differences between two worksheets or ranges.
Check this comparison utility officially released by Microsoft, but for Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013:
If you import your 2 ranges into Access database, then you can use template queries from the menu.


Excel: Increment lookup_value (VLOOKUP) across multiple worksheets

I have a master page with a spreadsheet containing all information regarding shipping routes.
For each route there is a separate worksheet with specific information about vendors etc..
On each of the individual worksheets there is a headline (D1) that updates automatically using VLOOKUP. This includes area (Column 3) and time (Column 6). The data I need is within B5:F139.
The issue here is updating the headline across all worksheets either automatically, or a single formula to copy-paste into each headline.
There's about 200 individual pages, so updating all of these manually would take more effort than I want to put into it.
What I have so far for the headline is:
In short: A single formula that increments lookup_value, includes the relevant information (column 3 & 6).
A macro as an alternative would definitely also be of use.
I have very limited knowledge of this type of problem, so the troubleshooting has been a bit tough as I don't really know what I'm looking for.
I haven't figured out the INDIRECT function, nor the INDEX function yet, but from a couple hours of searching has told me INDIRECT might be the way to go?
Thank you.

Excel list with software names / How to get rid of similiar data?

I'm working on a huge list of software names in an excel file (10000+ rows). It looks something like this:
As you can see there is 7-zip with all kinds of versions and architecture types. Is there a way to filter these similar matches out? End-result would be that I only have one 7-zip entry in the list (doesn't matter how it looks like).
This is basically to see how many different applications are in the list - I'm not interested in the versions itself.
Your image starts at row 37 so the following formula is set to start at row 37.
Paste this formula in column B and copy it down (and up if necessary) next to your data. It will strip everything from the end of your software name once it sees a number or an open parenthesis AFTER the third character. So 7-Zip is safe because the number 7 is within the first 3 characters.
Once you have the formulas in place, you can Remove Duplicates based on Column B.

Excel Lookup function to isolate duplicate data

I am currently working on a school project alongside a major company to help streamline their shipping process.
We were given two large Excel docs and had to isolate matching shipment numbers from each of the two sheets.
Can I perform a look up function in order to do this? Or is there perhaps a better formula to suit these purposes?
You can use INDEX/MATCH to find every ID where there is at least one match.
To find the number of matches:
If you copy the following formula along each row of data, you can then see how many matches you get on one sheet to the other per shipment ID

Recreating a Google Spreadsheets QUERY() in Excel

I have a massive Excel Workbook that I use for tracking product titles and descriptions, and I'm trying to get it to generate .csv files for importing those products into eBay and my own website. I'm 99% of the way there, but I can't seem to find the Excel equivalent of Google Spreadsheet's QUERY() function, and there are two spots I need to use it:
1st, I need to populate a column in SheetB with the Product IDs in SheetA that have not been listed on the site. In Google Spreadsheets, I would do this with =query('SheetA'A:B,"select A where isblank(B)") but I can't for the life of me figure out the equivalent in Excel.
2nd, I need to take all the non-blank rows from four different sheets and put them together into one sheet.
There has to be something obvious I'm missing, but I'm missing it. Help me, magical internet people, you're my only hope!
The bad news is that Excel does not have an equivalent of QUERY()
The not quite so bad news is that you can roll your own.
Some possible ways:
Move your data to a database. You can do the whole thing in the database, or still use Excel as a front end (eg by using Get External Data to query the db, or build it all in VBA)
Use AutoFilters to query your data (this is not SQL queries...). There a plenty of examples on SO of this technique
Use Get External Data (in spite of the name, this can be self referencing) to query your data (this is SQL queries) See this answer for a starter
Have a look at this short video of a 3rd party Query() function for Excel.
Here's a 5s "hello world" gif as well:
To install it, you'll need the QueryStorm runtime, which is a free 4MB installer. It's like a package manager for Excel. After you install it, go to the QueryStorm tab in the ribbon, click Extensions and install the "Windy.Query" package (as show in the video).
[Disclaimer] I'm the 3rd party (author of QueryStorm).
I was in need of doing the same, using INSERT>TABLE in Excel does the trick, from the table you create a pivot table and when you add columns and/or rows it the pivot
I know this post is 8 years old, but if anyone else is looking for a solution, you could try the following formula in cell C2
=INDEX('SheetA'$A$2:$A$10, SMALL(IF($D$2="", ROW($A$2:$A$10)-ROW($A$2)+1), ROW(1:1)))
This will look for empty cells in SheetA A Column and display ONE value in C2 cell.
If you want to extract values from B column, repeat the same formula but replace 'SheetA'$A$2:$A$10 with 'SheetA'$B$2:$B$10.
Cons: 1. you will have to copy this formula to the right and manually replace the first bit of the formula.
2. you must copy down the formula to as many rows as there are values in the SheetA to ensure you don't miss any values.
Finally: After entering the formula, press CTRL SHIFT-ENTER to convert it into an array formula.

Can I receive one row per predecessor?

This forum has been very helpful to understand the Rally Excel Add-in.
I am able to extract the Predecessors for a user story.
If there are more than one then they are all placed into one cell separated by a coma.
My syntax is :AcceptedDate,FormattedID,Predecessors.FormattedID
The results is;
2012-11-05T14:38:24.963Z US22938 US19926,
The Predecessors are all in one cell: US19926,US27528,US28467,US29310
Is there a way to receive each predecessor in it's own cell? Row?
Unfortunately there's not a way to accomplish this using the Excel add-in. As a workaround, it would be possible to split these out into cells or rows using Excel parsing functions and/or VBA though.
