WDK 8.1 fails with Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to build a project using WDK 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 under Windows 8. I do not have Visual Studio 2013 Preview installed, however according to the requirements page I have fulfilled all the requirements:
WDK 8.1 Requirements
That page says:
System Requirements Before you install the WDK, you must first install
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 or above.
My project was created using WDK 8.0 so I followed the instructions provided here for migrating to WDK 8.1:
ProjectUpgradeTool: Upgrade a WDK 8 project or solution to WDK 8.1
While running the command:
ProjectUpgradeTool.exe C:\Sources\MyDriver
I got the following error:
Catastrophic failure while converting projects under
'C:\Sources\MyDriver': Message:Could not load file or assembly
'Microsoft.Build, Version= , Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependenc ies. The
system cannot find the file specified.
at Microsoft.DriverKit.ProjectUpgradeTool.ProjectUpgrader.UpgradeProjec
ts(IEnumerable1 projectFiles)
at Microsoft.DriverKit.ProjectUpgradeTool.Upgrader.UpgradeProjects(IEnu
merable1 files, String newOsConfigName)
Does anyone have a hint on how to get around this error?
Update as of Jan 12 2014
The documentation has been modified since I posted this question, and it clearly states now that VS2013 is indeed required for WDK8.1 development.
Same question in MSDN forums

If you want to use WDK with Visual Studio 2012, you should get not 8.1 version but 8.0 of WDK.

The first item in the system requirements on the page that you have linked to clearly states that Visual Studio 2013 is required to use WDK 8.1:
Before you install WDK 8.1, you must first install Visual Studio 2013.
You will need to keep using WDK 8 with Visual Studio 2012, although it's not officially supported any more:
We provide Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 8 to give you time to migrate to
WDK 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013. Microsoft does not support WDK 8 and
will make no further updates to WDK 8. We recommend that you use the
latest versions of the WDK and Visual Studio to build drivers for
Windows. Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 8, which has tools to
build, test, debug, and deploy drivers.

You need Visual Studio 2013 to develop for Windows 8.1 I believe.

If you have both WDK 8.0 and 8.1 installed, the active one is specified using %WDKContentRoot% env var. Your vcxproj likely references the WDK by this variable so may have to change it.


InstallShield limited edition in visual studio 2012 on windows 10 gives BSOD

I'm working with installshield 2013 limited edition in visual studio 2012. This used to work fine on windows 8.1. After upgrading to windows 10 installshield produces a BSOD: registry_filter_driver_exception; ISRegFlt64.sys problem.
This is a known problem for Flexera but they don't seem to offer an upgrade.
Or am I missing something?
The fix is present in InstallShield 2015, including the 2015 Limited Edition. If you can't use that because of editions of Visual Studio, you should be able to just take the updated driver and replace it per (tweaked) instructions on the community (except for the bug fix, the driver is shared and hasn't changed lately):
... copy ISRegFlt.sys (ISRegFlt64.sys on 64-bit machines) from \Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2015\System to the System folders of any other recent versions of [InstallShield] on the machine.

Is it possible to add the Visual C++ v120 Compiler Tool Set to Visual Studio 2015?

I have a programm using an GSL library which worked quite well with Visual Studio 2013. Now I set up a new Windows version and installed Visual Studio 2015 RC Community.
After that I can not compile the code anymore. After converting the code to the new tool set I got the error that some external symbols of the libraries could not be found. I think this has something to do with the fact, that the library was build with Visual C++ v120.
So is there a possiblilty to add this Compiler Version to the Studio? And does it work without trouble next to a new version installed. I do not want to install the older version of VS, because of the possibility of some troubles haveing to version parallel installed.
You can install VS2013 toolset version from your VS2015 installer without installing visual studio 2013. From the 2015 installer, select Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 Tools. Thats it.
Found it in a msdn forum (have to be the first time something is actually solved in a microsoft forum)
Install Visual Studio 2013
Open your Project in Visual Studio 2015
In the General page of the Project Properties, change the Platform Toolset to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)"
You never have to open Visual Studio 2013; you just have to install it so that Visual Studio 2015 can find the toolset. (Unfortunately there is no way to install just the toolset.)

Visual Studio 2012 fails to open Visual Studio 2010 projects

I tried to open in Visual Studio 2012 a VS 2010 solution and I get these error:
Unable to read the project file "Language.vcxproj".
D:...\Language\Language.vcxproj(2,33): The tools version "4.0" is unrecognized. Available tools versions are "2.0".
It has something to do with the ToolsVersion attribute:
I believe this may be something with target platform settings, or with the version of the .NET framework, or with the version of the C++ compiler.
BTW, this also happens with .csproj files contained on other solutions I have.
What annoys me more is that I have a colleague that can open those solutions in his computer without any problem and I can not.
In the Control Panel, I have this items for the .NET framework:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Multi-Targeting Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK
Help, please!

Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Core requires the Visual Web Developer feature to be installed in Visual Studio 2012

i'm trying to install WindowsAzureTools.vs110.exe on mu Windows 7 PC. I have Visual studio 2012 Ultimate installed. The installation of WindowsAzureTools.vs110.exe ends with fatal error: Fatal Error 0x80070643. In the log file there is nothing interesting, but in the event log there is error:
Product: Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Core --
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Core requires the
Visual Web Developer feature to be installed in Visual Studio 2012
(Professional or above).
can somebody help what I'm missing?
I have installed full version of VS2012 with all components.
Could you try installing the full package for Visual Studio instead? Link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254364&clcid=0x409
And for the manual installation you have to know that there are 2 download pages, maybe you downloaded it from the wrong page:
Windows Azure SDK for .NET - June 2012 -> You need this one if you use VS2012 RC
Windows Azure SDK for .NET - June 2012 SP1 -> You need this one if you use VS2012 RTM

Does Visual Studio 2012 include the full Windows SDK

If I've installed the Visual Studio 2012, do I need to install the Windows SDK, or are all tools / parts of the SDK included as part of the Visual Studio installation.
The visual studio 2012 installer does not contain the full Windows SDK or Visual Studio 2012 SDK. these need to be installed separately.
Depends on which version of VS 2012 you have installed. Professional version and above include the Windows 8 SDK, so unless you are planning to develop applications for Windows XP or earlier versions of the OS, there is no need to install the SDK separately - you would already have it.
However, if you have installed VS 2012 Express, I would suggest referring to on-line documentation for clarification on this issue.
See this post for more information:
"The DirectX SDK is now part of the Windows 8.0 SDK."
"The Windows SDK for Windows 8 (aka Windows 8.0 SDK) is included with Visual Studio 2012, and is also available as a standalone package for use with Visual Studio 2010."
